God-Level Choice

Chapter 46: Pretend to be a hard core! 【Seeking flower evaluation】

Not far from Chu Feng Supercar, in an off-road vehicle.

Brother Hu, a strong man with a tiger tattoo on his arm, looked in horror at the weapon handed out by the thin man.

This is a real real loaded gun!

"Brother Long, is this ticket so big?"

"Afraid?" The handsome and thin man smiled lightly.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, as long as Brother Long gives an order, the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire will be there!"

Brother Hu and the other three strong men nodded.

"Grab your weapons and get ready for action."

The off-road vehicle began to accelerate.

It quickly caught up with the front, a luxurious supercar that was unhurried.

"Brother Long, this car is not bad. It's worth at least tens of millions, right?"

"The driver is definitely a top rich second generation!"

"How about we rob the owner of the car?"

"Kidnapping a top rich second-generation is probably more convenient than robbing a cash truck, and it's easier to escape..."

Before Brother Hu's words were finished, he noticed Brother Long's cold and stern eyes, and immediately shut up.


At this time, Brother Hu suddenly exclaimed.

He saw two people sitting in the supercar.

One is handsome and handsome, and the other is very handsome and hot.

What made him eat whales even more was that a woman with a hot body and a very high value was wearing a police uniform!

For a time, the five people in the off-road vehicle took up weapons one after another.

In addition to a May Fourth pistol per person, there is even a rifle and a submachine gun.

Although they are all imitations, the lethality is still very strong.

"Brother Long, what should we do?"

"Maybe you are being targeted, are you going to run now?"

Brother Hu and the others looked nervous, and sweat dripped from their foreheads.

The robber sees the police as the mouse sees the cat.

Brother Long was also worried, but he concealed it well.

"Don't mess up, it looks like that woman shouldn't be a policeman."

After Brother Long said hesitantly, his tone became affirmed.

"Don't worry, this is not the police, this is a uniform-server game played by the second generation of rich."

"Really...really?" Brother Hu and a few people were dubious.

"It must be true! How dare the police play a one-handed Ferrari game with the rich second generation on the road?"

Although the persuasive power is not very strong, Brother Hu has long been convinced by Brother Long's various methods.

I didn't say much at this time, just asked Brother Long what to do next.

"After the intersection in front, we can act. After the event is completed, no matter whether it is successful or not, the benefits promised to you will not be small!"

Not only Brother Hu and a few people were worried, but even Lin Yujing, the fierce sister on the supercar not far away, was also the same.

She had seen out of the corner of her eye just now that the suspect had a gun in his hand!

"Chu Feng, those people have guns in their hands!"

"If I had known this, I would not have promised you to come together."

"It's too dangerous, what should I do if you get hurt?"

In order to facilitate Chu Feng's one-handed Ferrari, the fierce sister took the initiative to lie in Chu Feng's arms.

She whispered softly, expressing her remorse.

Chu Feng, who couldn't hold it in one hand, smiled faintly:

"Don't worry, it's just a few robbers, it's trivial."

The fierce elder sister Lin Yujing was afraid that Chu Feng would do something extreme and anger the robbers, resulting in unpredictable consequences.

She quickly hugged Chu Feng: "Don't be impulsive, those people have guns, I have informed the bureau, and someone will come to help soon."

Just as the two were whispering, the money transporter in front had just turned the corner.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise.


There was a sudden explosion under the cash transporter, and the power of the explosion knocked the cash transporter to the ground.

"Quick, start moving!"

The thin man, Brother Long, began to order Brother Hu and the others to speed up.

Immediately, the accelerator of the off-road vehicle stepped on to the bottom.

Brother Long and the others came to the side of the money transporter at the fastest speed.

Several people wore hoods on their heads and held imitation pistols and submachine guns in their hands.

"Tiger, go get the key."

"You guys, pay attention to the movement nearby!"

"Once the situation is found to be wrong, immediately implement the second set of plans!"

"I know Brother Long!"

The five people work in an orderly manner.

In the middle of the night, there was the cash transporter, the robber's off-road vehicle, and Chu Feng's supercar nearby.

Here, is a relatively remote section.

There are fewer vehicles in normal times, and even fewer in the middle of the night.

"Brother Long, what about the supercar in the back?"

"We can blackmail the man, and we can take the woman away..."

Before Brother Hu finished speaking, he was shocked to find that the brand-new super sports car drove straight over.

"Fuck me, is this guy frightened? How dare you come here?"

In the sports car, Big Fierce Sister looked ahead, and several hooded robbers aimed at them with weapons.

"Chu Feng, let's leave quickly, it's dangerous!"

"Don't be afraid, leave it to me, and I'll help you get them done."

Chu Feng smiled lightly.

In fact, he could have dealt with these robbers long ago.

But Chu Feng never did it... The one-handed Ferrari doesn't count...

Chu Feng just thought:

Solving the problem at such a critical moment can help the big murderous sister get promoted!

Of course, more importantly, he also wanted to see if he could get one more god-level option.

But things did not disappoint Chu Feng, the god-level choice finally appeared, and in addition, it was possible to pretend to be a hard-core force! *

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