Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 203: steal something

This is the first time they have seen Zheng Shan's true strength. Although it is not complete, it has given them a great shock.

After Wei Chengjun blurted out, he scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and the image of Lord Wei completely disappeared.

In the past, Wei Chengjun was still very content, especially after the antique industry became more and more famous.

Who doesn't know about Wei Chengjun and Lord Wei in the Liulichang area now?

But when he saw this scene, he felt that he had always been a petty mess and couldn't get on the stage at all.

As for Cheng Gaozhan, he was much calmer, because he saw from the beginning that Zheng Shan was not a simple person.

Although the current situation is still far beyond his expectations, it is still acceptable.

Li Yuan was not much better, and at the same time felt a little lost in his heart. Originally, he was thinking that now he would make the furniture store bigger and bigger, so that he could repay Zheng Shan.

But now it seems that Zheng Shan needs his repayment, but because of this, he understands one more thing, that is, the furniture store was established purely by Zheng Shan to help him.

"Okay, it just so happens that I'll show you some people, which will be good for your future business." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Zheng Shanke has never underestimated these people. You must know that now they are the leaders of a unit, and they are just taking dead wages.

But wait ten years, no, it may not take that long. When the tide of reform really comes, a large part of these people will rise up.

So now, bringing Li Yuan and the others to get acquainted will be of great benefit to them.

With Zheng Shan, everyone was very polite to several people.

Xiong Youxi went to the back kitchen to help. Dou Wensheng was very busy today, and only came over to meet people occasionally.

After sending the people away, Zheng Shan stretched his waist and said to Bai Yi: "From today onwards, the Xishui supermarket in the mainland is independent, and you will be in charge for the time being.

However, if you encounter problems, you can still ask Lucas for advice, and you can also ask them to help. "

This is also the condition put forward by Zheng Shan. After all, Zheng Shan still needs help from the headquarters for the Xishui supermarket.

But correspondingly, these also need to be paid. After all, from now on, Xishui Supermarket will not be owned by him alone.

Bai Yi knew this news for a long time, but when he heard what Zheng Shan said, he couldn't help but get excited.

From now on, she is the real person in charge of the mainland supermarket, and she does not need to be under the jurisdiction of the headquarters. This is great news for her.

In particular, she can still use the energy of the headquarters to do things for herself. Although she needs to pay some money, it is nothing to the current Xishui supermarket.

"Boss, I will definitely work hard to make Xishui Supermarket bigger and stronger in the mainland." Bai Yi said quickly.

She really didn't expect this day to come so quickly. Logically speaking, this position should have been Du Yougao.

But who asked Du Yougao to take over the real estate company now, otherwise Bai Yi would not be in this position at all.

However, Bai Yi also knew that if he didn't do well, Zheng Shan would be replaced at any time.

Regarding Bai Yi's statement, Zheng Shan just nodded, and then let her leave first, so he could really rest.

Just wait until the moment it goes public and go to the US.

The preliminary work is handed over to Lucas and Goldman Sachs, and it is the same with or without him.

For things like road shows, I believe that Lucas has already made countless drafts in his heart, and with some advice from Zheng Shan, he can handle it completely.

When Li Yuan returned home, his mood was still a little agitated, and it was difficult to calm down. Today, he saw what a real scene was.

But at the same time, he also secretly made up his mind that he must make some achievements in the furniture store and not let Zheng Shan down.

"Li Yuan, I have something I don't know if I should say it or not." Zhu Yuefen sat on the head of the bed and took the soles of her shoes. Seeing her husband coming back, she said hesitantly.

Although their family is already wealthy now, Zhu Yuefen will still do things like shoe soles and sewing clothes.

Li Yuan poured out the water to wash his feet, and said casually, "There's nothing else we can talk about as a couple, just say it."

Zhu Yuefen gritted her teeth and said, "It's that Yin Li, do you remember?"

"Of course I remember, Sister Lan, what's wrong?" Li Yuan asked suspiciously.

Zhu Yuefen took a deep breath and said, "Yin Li is lazy, you should have heard?"

"I've heard it twice, but didn't I tell you? She was introduced by Dashan, so if you're lazy, don't be lazy. More her is not more, less her is not more.

At most, the salary is more than ten yuan per month, and now our furniture store is not bad. "Li Yuan said.

Well, Yin Li's monthly salary is only a dozen yuan, most of which are basic wages. You must know that the current salesperson of Shanyuan Furniture Store works a little bit, and forty to fifty a month is normal~www. wuxiaspot.com~ Like Zhu Yuefen's distant sister, she can get 70 yuan a month!

Zhu Yuefen said: "I know, but do you know what she has done recently?"

Li Yuan asked curiously, "What's the matter? Just say it directly."

"She dares to steal the things in the store now, don't we also accept some old furniture? Trade-in, they were all stacked at the back of the store, but recently I found that there is less.

I thought it was wrong at first, or that I was sent to the big warehouse by you, but in the end I found out that Yin Li secretly took out and sold it. "Zhu Yuefen told the story.

She didn't ask Yin Li at first, just like Li Yuan said, after all, it was someone who was introduced by Zheng Shan, so it was not good.

Moreover, he and Zheng Shan are relatives in front of him, so he turned a blind eye.

Who would have thought that Yin Li would actually do such a thing, she couldn't bear it any longer, knowing that there are shares of their family in the store now.

Yin Li stole things from the store, which was their money, which was unbearable for Zhu Yuefen, who usually spends a dime.

Li Yuan was also frowning, he didn't expect Yin Li to be able to do such a thing.

"Have you seen it with your own eyes? Don't wrong people!" Li Yuan said anyway.

Zhu Yuefen almost raised her hand and swore, "It's true, I deliberately left early today, just to see what was going on. Didn't block her face to face."

"And she has always had the habit of petty theft. There are some tea leaves and tea cups in the store, which will be less from time to time. These are all taken by her, but I was too embarrassed to say anything before."

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