Glory Riding and Cutting

Chapter 412 Information

"The evening wind is very cold, so let the soldiers continue to carry supplies here. Let's go to the city to drink a few cups to warm up. By the way, how is the current situation?"

As the host, King Terra immediately greeted the leaders of both parties to have a meal in his palace after a brief acquaintance with the two parties.

"Okay, I haven't had your country's specialty wine for a long time, I miss it very much! Haha."

Ronan was also a little hungry, so he readily accepted King Terra's invitation. As the current supreme commander, Ronan spoke, and the others naturally followed Ronan, even the Eagle Man who had a problem with Ronan. Not against Ronan.

In the main hall of the Terra Palace, the spacious dining table was covered with white tablecloths, and the attendants were serving dishes one after another on the table, and filling Ronan and the others with Terra's specialty fruit wine.

Gently tear off a chicken leg and put it on your own plate, cut off a piece with a knife and fork, put it in your mouth, swallow it beautifully, and drink a sip of sweet and sour fruit wine, let the person who has eaten fish and dry food for a month on the boat Ronan was very satisfied.

"Let Elder Iwera of Pandro tell everyone about the current situation!"

After the meal was almost finished, King Terra stretched out his finger and said to Evila. Ronan shifted his gaze to the wild woman, watching her swallow the beef in her mouth like a jujube, wiped her mouth with her hand, and said :

"The current situation is not ideal. Although we have recently prevented the demons from opening the second world-transmitting gate, we have also suffered serious damage. We even killed an elder in battle, and we suspect that this is just a temptation of the enemy. Testing our ability to respond and detect, the next time will definitely be more difficult than this time.

The eastern part of Slovakia has basically fallen except for a part of the deep forest. Of course, the enemy cannot occupy the entire area due to the limited number.

The current main line of defense starts from the middle of the deep forest and goes all the way to the Asarkan Rift in a diagonal direction to the southwest. The area to the south is very rugged, and it is difficult for even the demons to pass through and pose a threat to us.

The main problem that plagues us now is that there are not enough soldiers to defend the too long front. Now we all rely on the ability of the tree spirit prophet and the speed of the owl spirit to mobilize troops to resist in advance, which requires high physical fitness of the soldiers.

The second is the lack of materials. When the eastern part fell, most of the materials were too late to transfer. Now there is not enough food, medicine, or ordnance. There are too many wounded soldiers on the front line every day. Heavy drag. "

"We have brought enough supplies this time, and there are many more that are being delivered later. It should be enough to cope with the current situation. There is no need to worry about this, but we have never fought against the demons. Have you ever Do you have any useful information about them and tips on how to deal with them?"

Ronan nodded and asked, Ivya glanced at Ronan, then took a sip of wine, and then continued:

"Our understanding of the demons is also very limited, but the information collected from the battle to the present can be shared with you.

The demons came to this world through the world-transmitting gate, and the tree spirit prophet said that all the lower-level demons are the creations of the demon gods, endless, and it is impossible for us to win a war of attrition, so the key to defeating them is to close those demons. Pass through the gate, and then kill all the remaining demons in this world.

We don't know how the first portal of the Demon Race was built, but the prophet said that that kind of portal will require a huge price from Vemma, so there is no need to consider that they will open the second gate through this method again in a short time. A world-transmitting gate, and if they want to create a world-transmitting gate in this world, it seems that many sacrifices and meticulous rituals and creations are required, which is not easy.

And from our observations, we can know that their world-transmitting gates can't run infinitely. They send a group of demons every hour, but they need to rest for a while after a few days, otherwise there will be a danger of disintegration. However, it is worth noting that they can overload the portal and achieve a large amount of teleportation in a short period of time.

The army of the Mozu is very simple. The most basic heavy armored warriors are each more than three meters tall, with thick armor and strong strength. They use big swords, but they move slowly and have low intelligence, so they are difficult to deal with. Nimble fighter.

There are also some monster cannon fodder. I have seen a monster like a skinless monkey. It relies on sharp claws and fangs to hurt people. It is very fast, but its strength is weak and it has no armor. A well-trained warrior can Kill them easily.

There is also a kind of blue leopard that looks translucent. It is fast, powerful, good at lurking and camouflage, and is more difficult to deal with. However, it has the same weakness as ordinary beasts, and its skin is also very fragile.

Finally, there is a huge rhinoceros-like creature with rough skin and thick flesh. It is difficult to hurt with a sword. It is full of power when charged. It once smashed into the wall of a small castle of ours. We can only effectively kill them by relying on the big bed crossbow on the wall. .

They also domesticated a large bat-like flying monster, which is highly poisonous and can spit acid. The strong claws can grab prey into the air like an eagle.

Recently, a snake-like creature with bat wings and hard scales has appeared in their army. It is very large, thick, highly poisonous, and has bone spurs on its tail, which has brought great trouble to our soldiers. , because ordinary bows and arrows cannot pierce their scales.

They also have cavalry and mages. There are not many cavalry, but they are obviously different from those demon warriors. They should be different from those lower-level demon warriors. They are slightly smaller, but stronger and more agile. We have captured some of them, but their superiors seem to be able to control their lives. When we tried to torture them, they were suddenly burned to ashes by the blue flames.

Demon mages rarely appear directly on the battlefield, but the city wall of Seljuk was destroyed by the demon mages. According to Icarus, they used powerful magic to tear the city wall of Seljuk directly into a double The opening of more than ten meters, and the city wall of Seljuk is the strongest and largest in Slovakia! "

Iwera introduced each of the demon arms that he had seen on the battlefield recently, including their characteristics and how to deal with them. While listening, Ronan made records in the system.

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