Glory Riding and Cutting

Chapter 297 Breaking the City

Oxide has led the werewolves to fight with the soldiers who have been recruited, but if you can't surround a werewolf and continue to attack until it can't heal itself or directly decapitate, it's very difficult to kill a werewolf. The werewolves, not to mention the fight with the wolves at both ends of the city wall, Oxide was like entering no one's land, and no one could stop him.

A strong warrior is like a child in front of Oxide. Oxide can directly slap an orc warrior who is wearing dozens of kilograms of heavy armor and weighs more than three hundred kilograms. No amount of armor could withstand the claws and fangs of Osid.

But those ordinary werewolves are not so powerful. They stand upright and are about a head taller than ordinary orc warriors, and their claws are not as sharp as Oxide, and they are not so long. It is impossible to kill with one blow, and it is necessary to use continuous attacks to tear apart the armor before killing those fighters.

But as batches of Noldor climbed onto the city wall, the advantage soon became as if the elite squad led by Oxide began to tilt, running forward while shooting the enemy with bows and arrows, every second Many elves are sharpshooters, and they don't need to aim for too long to shoot at the throat or eyes of the enemy's weak armor on the move, killing them with one blow.

Soon, after the elite team advanced tens of meters, all the Nords climbed onto the city wall, took a short rest and took a breath, stretched their sore arms after climbing down, and took the shield directly from behind The ax still charged.

On the other side, the soldiers of Ronan's army also began to open the way, and climbed up the city from both sides through the gap made by Ronan and Mathias. Ronan had already killed the enemy's archers at this time. Fa continued to work hard, and finally defeated the team of angry dragon berserkers. Behind Ronan, their corpses were already lying on the ground.

Like a ferocious beast entering a herd of lambs, with only a scimitar for body protection, the eagle archers who did not even have decent armor could not resist the slaughter of Ronan and Jessefa. Their bodies were covered with blood, and there were several places on their armor The dented and damaged Ronan swung his great sword, and every blow could almost cut an eagle archer in two.

There are more and more Ronan soldiers on the city wall. At the city gate, Matthias also completed the inscription of the runes. As he injected magic power, the joints of the iron gates continued to emit crisp sounds of explosions, and finally fell down completely. , Meriuses led the team to cheers, and then the soldiers pushed the rush car that had just been pushed over and began to hit the last iron-leathered wooden gate, and Mathias returned to the rear to rest under the escort of the troops.

The city gate kept making knocking sounds, and shook with the sound. Behind the city gate, the eagle soldiers were already in full battle. The soldiers swallowed their saliva nervously, and the fingers holding the handle of the weapon were so hard that they turned white. , as the baffle behind the wooden door began to bend, the eagle soldiers immediately raised their shields and erected their spears, always ready to strike after the enemy broke through the door.

The eagles on the city wall also began to struggle. The impact of Oxide and Ronan on both sides made their range of activities smaller and smaller. Soldiers blocking the enemy at the gates below must not be attacked from behind or attacked from above.


The city gate shattered, and Meriuses rushed into the city with cheers from the soldiers, and soon collided with the enemy soldiers who were less than ten meters away from the gate. Meriuses lowered his body and used his shield Standing against a soldier in the front row of the enemy army, he overturned him directly, then dodged the spear stabbing from the side, stabbed and picked the spear in his hand, and directly pulled the soldier down.

In the city gate, the fierce hand-to-hand combat began. The entire city gate was crowded, and there was no room for dodge or retreat. The two armies could only raise their weapons as high as possible, or forcefully stab the enemy from the gap in the middle. In the army, if one person is defeated, the next enemy will be faced immediately. At this time, the quality of the soldiers and the quality of the equipment on both sides are the fight.

The helmets of the Ronan army are obviously better than those of the Eaglemen. The curved knives and daggers used by the Eaglemen are difficult to cut through the thick and full-covered helmets, while the Nords' fighting axes can easily split the Eagleman's head. In terms of anti-stabbing, the Ronan Army also has an advantage. In terms of hand-to-hand combat, the Eagle Army, which only relies on the innate advantages of orcs, is really inferior.

Inside the city gate, the eagle soldiers retreated steadily. In the distance, the eagle cavalry stationed in other positions quickly supported the past after seeing the rising smoke from Getsenberg, but they were only light cavalry. The entrance guarded by Zac has no effect, and can only continue to entangle with Zac's troops.

The eagle cavalry had nothing to do with the Zac troops who were besieging the iron barrel formation with large shields, and the Zac troops lacking cavalry had no effective counterattack methods. They could only rely on infantry and longbowmen to counterattack, but with little effect.

On the city wall, Osid has led his troops to rush to the front wall from the side, cooperating with other troops to continuously compress the living space of the eagle soldiers on the city wall, while the Nord warriors and Noldor rangers have already passed through the side The lower city entrance of the city wall entered the city, and at this time it had already detoured behind the eagle soldiers at the city gate.

A burst of arrows struck, and the eagle soldiers at the city gate fell down immediately. The consequences of turning their backs on the Noldor Rangers would be disastrous. After several waves of sneak attacks by the Noldor rangers, the Nord warriors rushed up with roars.

On the city wall, Ossid saw the battle situation below, he bared his teeth and growled, jumped off the city wall with a vertical jump, and smashed directly into the eagle soldier's position behind the city gate, the huge Ossid Falling from the sky, it immediately knocked down a group of eagle soldiers. Oxide, who also fell heavily, shook his head, and after waking up, he used the gravity to directly pierce the spear that pierced him from the ground. The abdomen was pulled out violently.

Except for some blood splattered when it was just pulled out, Oxide's wound healed quickly, and soon even the hair grew back. Seeing Oxide's terrifying self-healing ability, the eagle soldiers suddenly became ready to fight. Nothing, how could they defeat this undead monster.

The lack of self-confidence that had been greatly impacted in their hearts caused the morale of the eagle soldiers to completely collapse. The soldiers at the city gate quickly retreated and fled. He fled into the inner city under pursuit.

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