Sister Qi, who was full of doubts, was going to go back and ask to see what was going on.

With this thought in mind, Sister Qi rushed back to the store.

But as soon as she walked into the lobby, she found that the atmosphere in the store was very wrong, and she seemed very nervous.

"What's wrong?"

Sister Qi frowned and asked, her beautiful eyes scanning the four directions.

"Sister Qi, you are finally here. You have to decide for me. Qin Yue has been using the alchemy room frequently recently, and she has been occupied by her since this morning."

Niu Yanan ran to Sister Qi and cried. As the earliest disciple, Niu Yanan was more valued, and Sister Qi would believe her words most of the time.

"Huh? The alchemy room has been occupied by Qin Yue?" Sister Qi frowned when she heard this.

She had said before that the alchemy room had to be used in turn, and it had to be replaced within an hour.

But now that Qin Yue has taken it for so long, it is obviously too much.

Sister Qi, who was unhappy, said directly: "Is this taking my words as a deaf ear? Go, go and have a look!"

"Okay Miss Qi."

Niu Yanan was overjoyed when she heard this, feeling that she had a high chance of driving Qin Yue away this time.

This also caused Niu Yanan to lead the way in a hurry and quickly ran to the door of the alchemy room.

But this time.

Sister Qi suddenly stopped walking, and her brain flashed even more.

She thought of the medicinal pills that Qin Yue sold, and that Qin Yue had been occupying the alchemy room, all of which indicated that it seemed that those medicinal pills were refined by Qin Yue.

But Sister Qi thought about it and felt wrong again.

Qin Yue's aptitude is not strong, it is very difficult to refine the most basic medicinal pills, let alone the black iron grade moisturizing pills.

The key moisturizing pill is so perfect, surpassing her alchemy master at the peak of black iron.

So Sister Qi felt that this medicinal pill must have been made by someone else, and Qin Yue might just sell it for others.

However, it is a little strange that Qin Yue has been occupying the alchemy room, and it is incomprehensible.

"Look at the surveillance." Sister Qi secretly said.

She has set up special monitoring in the alchemy room, and she can observe it through monitoring when necessary.

So Sister Qi waved her hand and said, "Wait a minute, I'll come when I go."

After Sister Qi finished speaking, she ran away in a hurry and ran to the secret basement of her shop.

When she got here, she quickly turned on the monitor and looked into the No. 3 alchemy room.

It didn't matter at this sight, her pupils shrank suddenly.

"How is it possible? How is this possible?!"

Sister Qi said in horror, looking at the surveillance screen unimaginably.

Only see monitoring.

Qin Yue is holding all kinds of prepared herbs, placing them next to the alchemy furnace, and placing them in an orderly manner.

At the same time, carefully control the heat and work hard.

But that's not the point.

The point is that the white kitten is standing next to the alchemy furnace and concocting alchemy.

Yes, alchemy, a cat is alchemy.

I saw that during the monitoring, the cat put some materials into the alchemy furnace from time to time, and a pair of sapphire-like cat eyes were full of seriousness.

The key ingredients for alchemy, as well as the steps for placing them, are the ingredients and steps of moisturizing pills, which is a bit scary.

"It's incredible, it's really incredible, the time for placing the medicinal materials is perfectly controlled, and the order is correct. This cat is going to go against the sky."

Sister Qi said in horror, the whole person was extremely excited.

Thinking of Kitten reading books and medicine seriously these days, and peeking at her alchemy in the alchemy room No. 1, Sister Qi's heart skipped a beat.

"Could it be that in the past two months, the kitten not only learned to recognize medicine, but also learned to concoct alchemy?

Even ran to my alchemy room and peeked at my alchemy? The final refining pill is better than the one I refined? "

Sister Qi swallowed her saliva. This time, she was really frightened. She was very frightened.

At the same time, I also thought of the original assessment, and it was very strange that Qin Yue scored nine points on such a difficult question.

Thinking about it now, maybe it was the kitten who told Qin Yue.

"If I guess correctly, the cat and Qin Yue can communicate with each other in mind, which should be a rare spiritual skill!"

Sister Qi took a deep breath, tried to calm down her unstable emotions, and at the same time thought about how to deal with it.

"The kitten is so powerful, why doesn't Qin Yue say it? Wait, I see, the gun hits the first bird!"

When Sister Qi thought of the ghost religion in the slum, she also thought of the evil energy organization, and all kinds of ghosts and monsters hidden in the city, and Sister Qi suddenly realized.

There are so many dangers, not to mention the evil energy organization that collects geniuses, and the terrifying sect of the gods, even the ghosts and ghosts in the city are extremely dangerous.

Therefore, it is a wise choice for kittens to hide everything about themselves.

"Since the kitten wants to hide, then I will also help secretly. Such a powerful kitten in my shop is a rare adventure for me and must be protected well."

Sister Qi nodded and was ready to protect the kitten. Thinking of this, she stood up and walked towards the No. 3 alchemy room.

The door of the alchemy room No. 3.

The atmosphere at this time can be described as tense and tense.

Niu Yanan became very arrogant with what she said before Sister Qi. After seeing Qin Yue coming out of the alchemy room, she immediately began to accuse her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't intentionally occupy the alchemy room for so long." Qin Yue apologized nervously.

The reason why she occupied the alchemy room for so long was Li Xuan's request. She obeyed Li Xuanyan and obeyed Li Xuan in everything.

Now being accused by others, Qin Yue also felt that she had indeed hindered others, and hurriedly apologized.

"You think the apology is over? I tell you, no way! Sister Qi said that the alchemy room should be used in turn, but you actually took it as a deaf ear,

Just wait, when Sister Qi comes, she will definitely fire you and drive you away. "Niu Yanan said arrogantly.


When Qin Yue heard that she was going to be driven away, she panicked even more. She was so panicked that she didn't know what to do.

"Don't worry, I have everything."

Li Xuan comforted lightly, with his current ability, he could go anywhere, so Li Xuan was very calm.

"Yueyue, I'm with you, if you're fired, I'll go with you."

Song Xiaomei ran to Qin Yue's side, took her little hand, and resolutely faced her.

Although she was also very puzzled why Qin Yue frequently used the alchemy room, as a good best friend, Song Xiaomei chose to support Qin Yue for the first time.

"Thank you Xiaomei, thank you cat." Qin Yue said gratefully, and was very moved.

"Hmph, Xiaomei, who do you think you are, and if you have a little talent for alchemy, you think you are amazing? I tell you, the aptitudes present are not bad.

Even if your qualifications are doubled, you will not be able to protect Qin Yue, and you will both be expelled by then. "Niu Yanan said again arrogantly.

At this time, the footsteps of high-heeled shoes slowly sounded, and the rhythmic sound of the towers instantly attracted everyone's attention.


Sister Qi, who was wearing a cheongsam and stepping on red high heels, twisted her slender waist and walked over with a graceful posture, with a scent of fragrance by the way.

"Sister Qi, you are finally here. Look, Qin Yue just came out of the alchemy room. She has been here all morning. I suggest that Qin Yue be fired."

Niu Yanan spoke hurriedly, looking at Sister Qi expectantly.

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