"Now that there are two more counties, the previous model of managing Luoshui City doesn't seem to be very efficient..." Li San frowned, thinking of many problems that have arisen after the addition of new territories.

After a while, Li San held a Yulin pen and began to write down many arrangements on the table, and from time to time he appeared contemplative, thinking about whether this was reasonable...


Linze City.

After leaving the airport, Tutu headed westward, heading towards Luoshui City.

Every step is a distance of 100 meters, and the speed is very fast.

Along the way, he chose the suburbs and farmland to walk, trying to avoid the densely populated places so as to cause unnecessary trouble.

When encountering mountains and rivers, he walks through them, and when he encounters bridges and walls, he also walks through them.

Passing through a residential area, several elementary school students were shooting a basketball when suddenly the basketball flew and rolled in front of Tutu.

Looking at the bouncing basketball, Tutu tilted his head with curiosity.

The next moment, Tutu stepped forward and picked up the basketball, which was only a circle smaller than him.

Immediately, Tutu threw the basketball to the ground with his little hands, and the basketball jumped up immediately. Then Tutu took pictures of the basketball several times, revealing a very playful appearance.

As soon as his eyes rolled, Tutu picked up the basketball and ran. He was going to take the toy home to play with.

Tutu holding a basketball disappeared in a blink of an eye, and a few elementary school students ran out from the back of the building, but they found no trace of the basketball.

"Hey! Where's my ball? Where did you throw my ball?"

"I remember it rolled this way, why is it gone?"

"Did you see him go anywhere?"

"No, it's here, why don't we go ahead and look for it?"

Several elementary school students began to look for basketball in the community, but they couldn't find it after a long search, so several elementary school students gave up.

Only the elementary school student who came out to play with the newly bought basketball suffered a slap when he returned home, and his crying alarmed the neighbors.

After Tutu ran for a few miles with a basketball that was a circle smaller than him, a row of houses appeared in front of him. When he saw the houses in the way, he had no intention of detouring, and habitually rushed towards the wall.

"Boom!!" The basketball that was moving at high speed smashed directly into the wall, making a loud noise, and Tutu was also rolled back by the force of the anti-shock, and rolled on the ground for several laps before stopping. down.

Tutu sat up and patted the ashes on his body. He looked at the flying basketball thoughtfully, hugged the basketball again and took a detour.

It's just that the loud noise just now has alarmed the people in the house.

"Dear, there seemed to be a loud noise outside just now, did you hear it?"

"It seems there is, maybe it's working outside..."


Soon, night falls.

On the Second Ring Road in Guanlan City, a red Aston Martin is galloping on the Fifth Ring Road at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour.

In the car sat a young man with ear studs and a rather coquettish woman.

A Fei is a rich second generation, the second oldest in the family, his father is the chairman of a group, and this woman with an internet celebrity face is his new girlfriend.

Every night, A Fei will take beautiful girls to experience the life of speed and passion, and fines will be imposed for speeding or something. The most important thing in his family is money.

Aston Martin turned into a red line, the woman in the car was leaning down and doing the indescribable...

"Whoosh!" A dark shadow disappeared in a flash.

Fei, who was feeling comfortable, suddenly saw something flying past his car, as if it was a small figure!

"Stab!" For a moment, Ah Fei slammed on the brakes, holding the steering wheel with both hands.

This sudden change caused the woman's head to hit the center console under the steering wheel.

"What's wrong with you?" The woman got up and wiped the corners of her mouth, while rubbing the top of her aching head. She was frightened by the sudden brake just now.

The feeling of sudden braking in a supercar is very strong.

"Gudong!" Ah Fei swallowed and spit, parked the car in the emergency lane, shook off the car and looked back in horror.

"Hey! I just saw a figure flying out from the front of our car." Ah Fei said in horror.

Seeing Ah Fei's panicked look, the bewitching woman's heart rushed past.

You said that you are a hammer, where does the person who is on the highway at night still fly?

I'm afraid it's cool enough to have hallucinations, right?

Looking at his girlfriend's disgusting expression, Ah Fei said sternly: "Really, a little figure really flew past, and the speed was extremely fast."

"I think it's something like flying insects. You have hallucinations when the lights illuminate at night." The woman said.

"Could it be that I was really blinded?" A Fei wondered, and the scene just now appeared in his mind again.

Immediately, A Fei continued to start the car, and there was a strange smell in the car...

In the distance, Tutu, who was crossing the highway, was running wild with a basketball in his arms. He kept running according to his feeling.

For River God Space and Li San, he could feel the approximate location.

Originally, according to the normal trajectory, starting from Linze City and heading westward, he could reach Luoshui City, but he couldn't penetrate the object while holding the basketball.

While running, Tutu stopped.

On the roadside in the distance, two tall women were walking and chatting with shopping bags, and sometimes there was laughter like a silver bell.

Wang Xue was holding the new clothes he bought at the shopping mall today.

"Tongtong, this park is pretty good, but it's a bit shabby." Wang Xue said, looking at the green and grassy park in the distance.

Lu Tong smiled, "My dad bought all of this and is going to build a new city garden! It focuses on the original ecosystem."

"I'll go, your dad is really good, how about giving me a building after repairing it?" Wang Xue teased.

"Send it! It must be sent! My dad said before that he didn't know how to repay you." Lu Tong blurted out without any hesitation.

If it were an ordinary person, even a relative Lu Tong and his father would not give him a villa no matter how rich he was, but if it was Wang Xue, it would definitely be possible.

After returning from Luoshui City, Lu Annan had mentioned it to Lu Tong several times, but they had not discussed how to repay Wang Xue.

Their Lu family started out as a business, and they themselves believed in the retribution of good and evil, and they believed in gods.

Wang Xue was a great favor to their Lu family, and simply repaying them in a perfunctory manner could not be done by the Lu family.

"I'll wipe, Tongtong, I'm just kidding, don't tell your dad." Wang Xue immediately became anxious, giving away a villa for no reason was too precious.

For the entire Guanlan City, only a handful of people can afford to live in a villa, and most of them can be considered successful if they can struggle for a commercial house in their lifetime.

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