Because everyone received a notice from the headquarters of the Ghost Extermination Bureau, which was listed as an S-level notice.

"Lord River God doesn't like to be disturbed. Violators will bear all the consequences. Those who cause serious consequences will be punished as treason!"

This official announcement was undoubtedly a basin of cold water, pouring it on everyone.

Many official ghost exorcists do not think that the gods are tall, but they want to prove it and see the authenticity of the existence of the gods with their own eyes.

After all, over the past 100 years, everyone has realized that there are only evil ghosts and no gods in the world.

Now with the appearance of the gods, it is a pity that everyone can't go to confirm it in person.

But more than that, it is joy, joy from all levels.

Every official ghost exorcist has dealt with many evil ghosts. They know the horror of evil ghosts, and they also know that in addition to evil ghosts, there are those idle ghost exorcists who do all kinds of evil.

As ghost incidents become more frequent, the official ghost exorcists feel a sense of exhaustion.

Official ghost exorcist training takes time, but it simply can't keep up with the speed of the outbreak of evil ghosts.

The evil ghosts seem to be endless, and the means of weak strength are strange, and it is difficult to kill.

Everyone seems to be no different from normal people on the surface, but only they know that human beings are currently approaching the end of the world.

This kind of despair in the face of the end times has always existed, and everyone is doing their best to save mankind and prevent the end of the world from coming.

But over time, this feeling of powerlessness became stronger and stronger.

Knowing that the ghost incident in Luoshui City broke out, the news of the gods came out, bringing hope to the ghost exorcists across the country.

This news greatly increased their confidence in protecting their families and the country.

The official notification is equivalent to tacitly acknowledging the existence of the river god.

"River God came into the world, the future is promising!" These big characters appeared in countless chat groups.

Today, when there are more and more evil ghosts, the appearance of a god is like a booster, making everyone feel that the future is no longer confused.

Headquarters of the Kyoto City Ghost Extermination Bureau.

Zhuge Yuan had not rested all night.

His phone calls never stopped, and even her deputy Li Xiang broke his leg and didn't even have time to drink.

It was already late at night, and Zhuge Yuan hung up the last call and took a breath.

It finally stopped!

In Zhuge Yuan's office, there is also Academician Wang of the scientific research institute that studies ghost and god events.

Since the outbreak of the ghost incident in Luoshui City, Academician Wang rushed to the headquarters of the Ghost Extermination Bureau as soon as possible.

"Minister Zhuge Yuan, the River God hasn't appeared yet. Would it be too hasty for us to issue this announcement?"

"This announcement has brought unprecedented hope to all departments across the country, but what if the River God is fake?"

Academician Wang took a sip of tea and said solemnly.

In the previous meeting, although he claimed that the river god was the last god to exist, Zhuge Yuan directly issued a notice, which was equivalent to announcing the National Ghost Extermination Bureau in disguise.

Now that the Ghost Extermination Bureaus in every city in the country know about the River God, if there is an Oolong in the end, the consequences will be too serious.

Zhuge Yuan couldn't deny it and said, "Academician Wang, you always tell me so well!"

"But after the ghost incident broke out, it has now become more and more intense, and the stars are burning a prairie."

"Our Ghost Extinguishing Bureau has made great efforts and paid a great price, but paper can never contain fire."

"Before ghost incidents could officially be said to be criminals, accidents, or even gas explosions, etc."

"But this is undoubtedly a policy of ignorance."

"The ghost incident in Luoshui City alone has seen more than 300 ghosts in the surrounding cities. This is just the tip of the iceberg."

"The citizens of Luoshui City not only saw ghosts and took pictures, but many people are even discussing ghosts."

"Those videos were blocked, but too many people already know about them."

"We released the news of the river god, this is hope, it is a light, and when there is light, the darkness will disperse, and there will be order, isn't it?"

Zhuge Yuan spoke with plausibility and reason. He thought that sooner or later, he would know that it would be better to release the news directly.

Besides, the two ghost kings were both under the seat of the river god, and all they did was to kill the evil ghosts without disturbing the people.

In the face of such a god with a sense of justice, no matter whether he is a human, a ghost or a god, there is no reason to hide it any longer.

River God is just a code name, but the meaning it brings is different.

Academician Wang was silent when he heard the words.

He understood why Zhuge Yuan wanted to take risks, and announced the River God incident in an official form.

The five major powers, including the Daxia Kingdom, were barely able to stabilize the situation, but there were more than 200 countries in the world, and many countries were rioting.

These violent demagogues are inseparable from the exorcists.

Although Xixi TV has picked up the daily news and reported it, there are still many discerning people in China who are aware of the situation abroad.

The Daxia Kingdom is vast, and it would be really hard to control if there was chaos.

If ordinary people riot, it is easy to say, but if the ghost exorcists organize a riot, it is really a disaster.

Hot weapons are useless in the face of powerful ghost exorcists.

If we don't send a booster to the whole country at this time, I'm afraid that the negative emotions will become more and more.

Not everyone of the official ghost exorcists has a strong sense of justice. Many ghost exorcists cannot get support in time during the battle, and there are many ghost exorcists who have suffered more and more serious illnesses in each mission. The sacrificed ghost exorcists also more and more.

This kind of situation happens all the time, and eventually some exorcists feel that resistance is meaningless, so it is better to join.

So some people chose to leave the government and become idle ghost exorcists, hanging out with evil ghosts.

This is an extremely dangerous signal.

Although the official knows, but it is not easy to deal with at all.

It is extremely difficult for the authorities to capture after getting in a group with those evil ghost exorcists or evil spirits.

One day, if the situation gets out of control and the doomsday comes, these ghost exorcists will not hesitate to extend their claws to Zeng Jin's comrades-in-arms.

There was a quiet atmosphere in the office.

Zhuge Yuan broke the silence, "Academician Wang, I, Zhuge Yuan, guarantee with the head of Xiang Shang!"

"If the river god is fake, I am willing to make an explanation for the country and the people."

The words of Zhuge Yuan made Academician Wang, who was approaching his rare age, stunned for a moment.

"How can I, such a bad old man, let you do it alone?"

"I have studied the events of the gods for half my life, no matter what, I will bear it with you!"

"Don't forget, the river god may be the last god, I said this sentence!"

Academician Wang was full of energy at the moment, and his eyes shone brightly, "Speaking of which, I don't suspect that the River God is fake, I'm just afraid that the River God will not be able to escape the world and ignore Li Min at the critical moment!"

"Hahaha! Old Wang, no way!" Zhuge Yuan laughed loudly in the office.

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