Global Planets: Build An Ancient Civilization From Day One

Chapter 522 The terrifying Erlang God, the six great saints!

[Planet for All: Starting to Create a Prehistoric Civilization] 【】

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva makes a second move to help the Great Desolate Heavenly Court solve its predicament!

When the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother saw Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in such a state, the joy in their hearts was beyond words. Immediately, they invited Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to enter the holy land of Yaochi and held a banquet for Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva did not refuse, so he stepped off the donkey, accepted the invitation of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, and went to the holy land of Yaochi with them!

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva still sat in the same position as last time.

Even the cuisine on the table in front of him is the same as last time!

There are nine 9000-year-old flat peaches, all kinds of fresh fruits, and Yulu fine wine.

Although Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is a monk, he did not refuse the jade dew from heaven.

Under the toast of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, he also picked it up and tasted it!

In the words of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, do as the Romans do when you go to the country, and do as the guest does!

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were overjoyed to see Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva like this, as if they were a family with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and the atmosphere was very harmonious!

"Thank you Bodhisattva for your help again, I am very grateful!" The Jade Emperor raised his wine glass, thanked Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, poured the wine into his mouth, and drank it down in one gulp!

Seeing this, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva did not hold back, picked up the wine glass on the table, and respectfully replied to the Jade Emperor: "Your Majesty, you are too polite. This monstrous monkey despises the rules of heaven. As a member of the prehistoric world, this work cannot Watch it do what it wants!

Suppressing it now is just a good time to hone his temperament and use it to be a guardian of the scriptures in the future! "

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva immediately announced his plan to learn scriptures and the purpose of Sun Wukong.

At the same time, I also said that the way to punish Monkey King is to directly block the mouth that wants to drip!

After all, it has been under the Five Elements Mountain for 500 years, the wind and rain every day, the pain of lightning and thunder, even the gods can't bear it!

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother looked at each other, their hearts connected.

Instantly understood what the other party meant!

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is the most powerful fighting force in the prehistoric world today, and there are countless Buddhist disciples, even if it is comparable to the rainy prehistoric heaven, it is no problem!

Now, she has spoken out the method of punishing Monkey King, and it is not easy to veto it with the emperor and the queen mother.

After all, Monkey King was suppressed by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. If they disagree with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's way of handling things, once Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva releases Monkey King, it will be the Great Desolate Heaven who will suffer.

Therefore, after the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother looked at each other, they agreed with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

"Since the World Honored One has spoken, let's do what the World Honored One said!" The Jade Emperor made a decision on the spot: "Taibai Jinxing, the land of the high-speed Five Elements Mountain, let it cooperate with Wu Fang to take care of Sun Wukong for 500 years!

During this period, if Sun Wukong is hungry, let him eat iron pills, and if he is thirsty, let him drink copper water.

At the same time, no one else is allowed to approach Monkey King! "

"It's Your Majesty!" Taibai Jinxing left the Great Desolate Heavenly Court and went to the Five Elements Mountain, according to the order of the Jade Emperor.

Eat iron pills and drink copper juice.

Sun Wukong's 500 years are enough for him, so it is better to describe it as life than death!

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva did not speak, but the smile on his face remained the same!

Seeing this, the Jade Emperor hurriedly asked Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, "World Honored One, you won't have any objection if I do this?"

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[Planet for All: Starting to Create a Prehistoric Civilization] 【】

"Amitabha, of course I have no objection!" Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha shook his head, "On the contrary, I would also like to thank Your Majesty. Without Your Majesty's method, I really don't know how to hone Sun Wukong's mind!"

The Jade Emperor nodded: "World Honored One, you are welcome.

The Heavenly Court and the Western Lingshan are connected with each other, and both are prosperous and both are prosperous, and both are damaged.

World Honored One, this time I took action to solve such a big trouble in the Heavenly Court, I should thank the World Honored One..."

The two old foxes, Jade Emperor and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, complimented each other for a while, and then began to enjoy the delicious food on the table!

Not long after, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva left the holy land of Yaochi and returned to Lingshan of West Heaven!

The Jade Emperor kicked over the table in front of him on the spot, and his face changed greatly: "Damn Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, you dare to make decisions without permission, it's too abominable!

Since Sun Wukong is protected by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, let Tingting's anger be directed at one of them! "

The Jade Emperor immediately ordered: "Taibai Jinxing, go to Guanjiangkou in the human world immediately, pass on the destiny of heaven and earth, and order Erlang God to drink and grab the bull demon king, dragon demon king, Peng demon king, lion camel king, macaque king and other six monster sages. Squeezed to heaven!"

"It's Your Majesty!" Taibai Jinxing, who had just sent an order back, set off again to Guanjiangkou in the human world to convey the Jade Emperor's order!

Seeing the Jade Emperor's violent actions, the Queen Mother frowned and said, "Your Majesty, isn't this too hasty?"

"Nowadays, the power of the Yaozu is not small. If we are arguing with the Yaozu, wouldn't it be a big enemy for the Heavenly Court?"

The Jade Emperor suppressed the anger in his heart and looked at the person beside him on the pillow: "The power of the prehistoric demon clan has become stronger and stronger. If a few great sages from the Tianting Rifle Group are taken under their command, it will inevitably form a big monster in the future." Disaster!

Once Yanhuang Heavenly Court comes to attack us, we will definitely be restrained by the monster race, and we will not be able to devote all our energy to dealing with Yanhuang Heavenly Court!

As long as you do this, it is also for the sake of fighting against the outside world, and you must first settle down inside!

For the rear of the heaven, get a guarantee! "

"So that's how it is!" Hearing what the Jade Emperor said, the Queen Mother was no longer insisting on her own point of view, nor was she trying to persuade her!


The prehistoric world!


Erlang Zhenjun Temple!

Erlang is proud and arrogant, and he is one of the few clean streams in the heaven!

Although the blood flowing in his body is almost the same as that of Jade Emperor, he has a grudge against Jade Emperor because Jade Emperor hurt his mother Yao Ji.

Even after tens of thousands of years, this hatred has not disappeared!

Even if he became the number one God of War in the Heavenly Court, he still ignored the Jade Emperor.

If her mother had asked him not to kill the Jade Emperor before she died, he would probably be the first immortal to come out of heaven!

For hundreds of thousands of years, he has been alone and has never been with the gods of heaven!

Even with Nezha, they were just casual acquaintances, not to the point of life-and-death acquaintances.

Now, Taibai Jinxing came here suddenly, which made him surprised and puzzled at the same time!

Because he has been away from Heaven for tens of thousands of years, even if something happens every day, he ignores it!

Now, Taibai Jinxing must have been ordered by the Jade Emperor!

Otherwise, even if you give Taibai Jinxing a few eggs, you won't dare to come here to play wild with him!

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[Planet for All: Starting to Create a Prehistoric Civilization] 【】

"True Monarch Erlang, Sun Wukong of the Yao tribe claims to be the Great Sage Equaling Heaven and provokes the majesty of the Heavenly Court. Now, he has been suppressed by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!"

Taibai Jinxing made an opening statement first, talking about what happened recently.

He knew that Erlang God knew about Sun Wukong, and the reason why he said this was because this was his opening statement!

Next is the content of his entry into the topic!

"Zhenjun Erlang, you have been listening to the tune and not the announcement all these years!

The Jade Emperor has always kept this promise. Now, he ordered Zhenjun Erlang to immediately go to Niu Moshan and other places, Jinan Bull Demon King Jiao Mo Wang Peng Mo Wang and others.

Your Majesty asked you to catch him in the Heavenly Court, and please Erlang sincerely keep his promise, and don't waste Yudi's intentions! "

Taibai Jinxing knows the character of Erlang God, and knows how to say it, so that Erlang God can agree!

Now that he said this, he just hit Erlang Shen's weakness.

Even if Erlang God doesn't want to go, he will carry out the Jade Emperor's order because of the promise in his heart!

"Once a man speaks a word, it's hard to chase after him. How can I, Yang Jian, be a man who doesn't believe what he says?"

God Erlang knew that what Taibai Jinxing said was aggressive, but he didn't care, and said directly: "Go back and tell the Jade Emperor, I will capture the six great sages of the demon clan into the heavenly court and hand them over to him!"

After speaking, he made a gesture of seeing off the guests, without any intention of letting Taibai Jinxing stay.

Seeing this, Taibai Jinxing didn't stay for long, and left after saying a word with a smile!

Erlang God, like Monkey King, is sanctified in the flesh.

Even if it is half a step to meet a strong man, but the real combat power far exceeds half a step encounter!

Now, he received the Jade Emperor's decree, summoned his troops on the spot, Brother Meishan, and flew straight to the Yaozu area!

The Bull Demon King and others sincerely invited the Seven Saints of the Clan together with Monkey King, among whom the Bull Demon King and Monkey King are the most powerful!

If you want to capture the six demon saints, you need to take the Bull Demon King and others first!

Now, in Nanzhan Buzhou, the six great sages of the monster clan have all heard the news.

Knowing that soon, Erlang Shen will lead the Meishan brothers to fight against them!

For a moment, someone panicked!

"What should we do? Erlang God was the number one God of War hundreds of thousands of years ago. Now, he wants to conquer us. What should we use to fight them?" Peng Demon King stood in his cave, pacing back and forth Stop muttering!

He had heard about Erlang God's prestige for a long time.

Now, God Erlang wants to fight against the six great sages of their demon clan, which makes him feel guilty for a while.

"What to do? What to do?" Peng Mowang thought for a long time, but there was no solution.

In the end, he decided to go to the area where the Bull Demon King was located, where there are more people and more strength.

The Bull Demon King is the strongest among them, and I believe he can resist Erlang God!

But unexpectedly, just as he walked out of the cave, he saw Erlang Shen and others had arrived!

"Erlang God, I want to die. I have always been with you in heaven and never violated the river. I, the Peng Demon King, admire you even more. Why did you come here today for no reason?" !

But God Erlang didn't pay attention to him, but said with a blank face: "Sun Wukong of the monster clan called himself the Great Sage Equaling the Heavens, openly opposed the Heavenly Court, and caused the Heavenly Court to lose troops and generals!

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[Planet for All: Starting to Create a Prehistoric Civilization] 【】

This will be the number one God of War in the Heavenly Court. Today, under the order of the Jade Emperor, the person who came to capture the monster bull demon king, the dragon demon king, and the Peng demon king, if it is the truth, surrender on his own, and follow me, lest I, Yang Jian, make a move and kill you Take it back! "

Peng Demon King is also a well-known great sage among the people. Now, being humiliated by Erlang God at the door of his house, the anger in his heart suddenly rose to the sky: "Erlang God, don't bully others too much. Although my Peng Demon King is not as strong as you, but If it pushes me into a hurry, it is not impossible for the wolf to fall in love with you people, and to be a backup!"

"Really? Then come on!" Erlangshen was so proud, how could he be threatened by the Peng Demon King?

Immediately, he swung the three-pointed and two-edged knife, and killed the Demon King Peng.

Peng Demon King is a well-known great sage among the monster clan, but compared with Erlang God, he is not enough.

But in the prehistoric world, the Roc Demon King is also a top powerhouse.

The Jade Emperor gave Erlang God an order to capture him alive, and he wanted to bring Peng Demon King and others under his command, so that they could become the main force in the battle against Yanhuang Heavenly Court in the future.

In recent years, due to the coercion of the Yanhuang Heavenly Court, the strong among the heavens and myriad realms flew into the prehistoric world, and there were fewer and fewer members joining the Heavenly Court.

On the other hand, Yanhuang Heavenly Court controls most of the power in the heavens and myriad realms, and has acquired more and more talents. If it continues to develop like this, it won't be long before Yanhuang Heavenly Court will crush the Great Desolate Heavenly Court.

At that time, even if the Jade Emperor has the help of the dead servant army, he will not be able to compete with the prehistoric heaven.

In order to increase the strength of the Great Desolate Heavenly Court, the Jade Emperor had no choice but to focus on the monster race in the Great Desolation.

After so many years of development, the strength of the Yao people has gradually become stronger.

Even if it is not as good as the Great Desolate Heavenly Court, it is still a force that is not weak.

If it can be mastered, it will definitely improve the strength of the Great Desolate Heavenly Court!

That's why he sent Erlang God to deal with the powerful monsters.

If it was the monster clan in the past, the Jade Emperor really wouldn't dare to do this.

The Yaozu in the past was the overlord in the prehistoric, the strong came out in large numbers, and established the first heavenly court in the prehistoric.

It's just that the human race rose up later and replaced a group of overlords!

In addition, everyone has produced an unprecedented god emperor, which weakens the status of the heavens and all races.

From that time on, the Yaozu completely lost the strength of the human race to fight for the front!

Now, beyond the detachment of the Great Qin, the Great Desolate Heavenly Court has completely become a giant, and no force can compete with it in the Great Desolation.

Even the monster race that has developed for tens of thousands of years cannot compare with the heavens!

But it is undeniable that the strength of Yaozu is not weak.

Otherwise, the Jade Emperor would not have taken a fancy to them at all.

Now the three-pointed and two-edged knife that Yang Jian swung directly forced Demon King Peng to reveal his real body.

A gigantic roc appeared above the void, covering a distance of a million miles.

But in Yang Jian's eyes, this is nothing more than a trick of a withering insect!

The three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand instantly turned into a magic bow, and Erlang Shen bent his bow and shot an arrow at Peng Demon King.


The magic arrow pierces through the air!

Go straight to the body of the Demon King Peng!

In an instant, the time thief and the space avenue all manifested.

The divine arrow pierced through the void, directly confining Peng Meiwang's body in mid-air, unable to move forward.

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[Planet for All: Starting to Create a Prehistoric Civilization] 【】


Next second!

The Demon King Peng screamed and fell from the void.

"Ah! Yang Jian, how dare you hurt me..."

During the fall of the Peng Demon King, he did not forget to scold Erlang God angrily.

But when it fell to the ground, it was directly tied up by the Meishan brothers with a fairy rope!

"Yang Jian counts you as ruthless!" Peng Demon King knew that he couldn't beat Yang Jian, and he didn't resist after falling, and let him be tied up!

In the Lingxiao Palace!

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother saw Erlang God Yang Jian so cleanly and neatly descending the Peng Demon King through the Haotian Mirror, and felt a sense of admiration for Erlang God's combat power in their hearts!

Especially the Queen Mother, her eyes were so bright!

"Your Majesty, Erlang God is unparalleled in combat power. In the future, it will be our unstoppable force against Yan Huang's rebellion. I think you should transfer it back to the Heavenly Court and let it go!" The Queen Mother looked at the Jade Emperor beside her, and slowly said her plan !

But the Jade Emperor didn't seem to hear it, quietly looking at the picture in the Haotian mirror, and didn't answer!

Seeing this, the Queen Mother didn't say anything anymore. He knew that the gap between the Jade Emperor and Erlang God had not been resolved even though hundreds of thousands of years had passed.

Now, the Jade Emperor is forced to use Erlang God, but there is no one in heaven!

If there were many gods, he would not conscript Erlang God!

Now, God Erlang has captured the Pengpeng Gang, and then went to other places to capture all the great sages of the demon clan, such as Jiao Demon King, Lion Camel King, and Macaque King.

After the Bull Demon King heard about this, he went directly to the Primordial Heaven!

There's no point in resisting any longer, the bare commander can't fight against Heaven!

In the Lingxiao Palace!

The Jade Emperor saw the six Jade Emperors kneeling in front of him, a joyful smile flashed in his eyes.

"I ask you, all these years, you have cultivated the Tao in the prehistoric world, why has the heavenly court made it difficult for you?"

The Jade Emperor said slowly: "Why do you monster clans regard my gift as my incompetence in the heavenly court?

Sun Wukong, an ordinary stone monkey from the monster race, dared to become the Great Sage Equaling Heaven in private, openly opposed my Heavenly Court, and killed countless members of my Heavenly Court, what do you think I should do? "

The Bull Demon King and others sworn brothers with Sun Wukong in order to revitalize the Yaozu!

At first, Jade Emperor didn't pay attention to them.

In his eyes, no matter how powerful the Yaozu is, it cannot compete with Heaven!

Unexpectedly, Sun Wukong is so powerful that he openly hits the Heavenly Court and despises him, the helm of the prehistoric world.

This is unforgivable in the eyes of the Jade Emperor!

Now, he wants to spread his anger on Yaozu.

If the Bull Demon King and the others are ignorant, he doesn't mind slaughtering the entire demon clan!

Seeing what the Jade Emperor said, Peng Demon King said on the spot: "Your Majesty, we are indeed practicing steadily, and we dare not despise the laws of the heavenly court. The sworn worship with Sun Wukong is purely a congeniality of the opposite sex, and it is not to the point of despising the heavenly court.

Now, it is his own business for that monkey to be restless and defend himself against the Heavenly Court. We really don't have such thoughts, so I ask Your Majesty to learn from you. "

"Really?" The Jade Emperor snorted coldly, he didn't believe what Peng Demon King said at all!

The sworn brotherhood with Sun Wukong is just the same spirit, what nonsense are you talking about?

We are all adults, don't fool me here, okay?

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[Planet for All: Starting to Create a Prehistoric Civilization] 【】

Seeing this, the Bull Demon King hurriedly explained: "Your Majesty, although we are members of the Monster Clan, our hearts have always been towards the Heavenly Court. As long as Your Majesty gives an order, we and the Monster Clan will definitely work hard for the Heavenly Court. There will never be any second thoughts." !

Also ask Your Majesty to be aware of the details! "

After the Bull Demon King finished speaking, Jiao Demon King also followed suit: "Yes, Your Majesty, what the Bull Demon King said is quite right. We, the monster clan, have always been devoted to the heaven. As long as your majesty and empress give orders, we will definitely execute them."

"Your Majesty, we are also a part of Honghuang, under the rule of Heavenly Court, we are all grateful!"

"Sun Wukong is Sun Wukong, and we are us. From the moment she rebelled against the Heavenly Court, we have removed him from the Yaozu."

"That's right, the current Monkey King is no longer our monster clan! Please forgive us, Your Majesty!"


In order to survive, the Bull Demon King and others knelt down and begged for mercy!

The Jade Emperor saw that his goal had been achieved, so he registered for the Seven Fairies to come to Yulu Qiongjiang exclusively!

"This is the fine nectar of jade dew in my fairyland, I will give it to you six today, come on!

"Yudi asked the six demon kings to drink the wine in the glass, but the six demon kings did not move, but stared at the Yulu Qiongjiang in front of them and looked at it!

They know that this thing is definitely not a good product, if they drink it, they will definitely be tricked!

But at this moment, if you don't drink, Yu Li and the Queen Mother will have trouble!

In the end, after hesitating for a moment, they had no choice but to drink the Yulu fine wine in the cup!

Seeing this, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were overjoyed!

Among these jade dew nectars, they added the Meteor God Pill!

With this thing, there is no need to worry about the Bull Demon King and others rebelling!

"Everyone, how does it taste in Yulu Qiongjiu?" Jade Emperor asked with a smile.

"The best wine in the world, the beauty is beyond words."

"After drinking this glass of wine, it will never enter our mouths for a long time in the world!"

"I hope that Your Majesty and Your Majesty will reward us with more such fine wines, we really don't want to drink from the world!"



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