Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 289 Script Discussion

"How to say?"

After hearing this idea, everyone's interest increased slightly. They looked at Huang Liu, hoping that he could be more specific about the idea. Only Deng Bo raised a question.

"Actually, there have been online novels about this subject. I remember I've seen similar stories before. It doesn't seem to be a new story anymore."

"That's different. After all, the creativity of online novels is at the forefront of the entertainment industry. How can you compare online novels with movies? Otherwise, how can online novels be hyped as IP? It's not because the creativity of online novels can make people Do people who don’t read novels find it very fresh and attractive?”

Huang Liu is right. There is no comparison between online articles and movies. There is a huge difference between the fixed and unfixed images, so that this subject matter is still very novel in the film circle.

Hearing Huang Liu's explanation, Deng Bo didn't speak. In fact, he had also fallen into a misunderstanding just now. He compared the script with the novel, not the movie itself. After thinking about it, he nodded and motioned for Huang Liu to continue.

"Even if the genre is the same, we can also have different details. If it's not telling a story at all, it's still creativity. Just now I was thinking about what it would be like if God died. Now let's put all our thoughts aside. Yes, after all, God’s business is still very vague. So, what will happen if the sun dies? The world will always be in darkness, and plants cannot grow. The simplest thing is that there are no vegetables and fruits to eat, so what can all living things eat? ?Meat, right?”

"So, if we assume that the sun is dead and all creatures can only survive by eating meat, then all creatures will become extremely aggressive. Is there no problem? My idea is to build a world with extremely harsh living conditions. This is the world, at least for humans. It even doesn’t rain in this world, because the dragon that makes the clouds and rain is also dead. It is a mythical world anyway, and this can solve many unexplainable problems."

Hearing that Huang Liu wanted to set the world as a world without sun and no rain, Yu Tai, a party-goer, frowned and asked his own question.

"How can people survive without water? Not to mention people, monsters also need to drink water."

"Drink blood. Monsters and the like kill people, eat meat, and drink blood. Since humans are at the bottom of the food chain, then... eat humans. I have also thought that if we want to satisfy our diet, the population will grow at a negative rate. The trend is decreasing, and the rate of decrease is quite fast. If this doesn't work... By the way, what about magic? What can't be done with magic? Just induce labor. The magic will 100% lead to pregnancy, and then within a day or a few days , the child in the belly can grow to maturity. After birth, magic is used to make the child grow into an adult quickly, and then it is eaten. The girl will grow up normally. After reaching sexual maturity, she will continue to have children. The boy will be raised by a strong and healthy child. The weak ones get eaten.”

Huang Liu enthusiastically perfected the world view, but everyone's brows furrowed more and more. Finally, they couldn't bear it anymore, so they waved their hands randomly.

"Let me tell you, Lao Liu, this is the first time I have discovered that you are so perverted. I won't comment on whether this idea is good or not, but it is definitely a problem to pass the trial. You should take back your evil ideas quickly."

Tan Fei seemed like he couldn't stand Huang Liu and told him to shut up. Such dark themes have always had difficulty in getting through censorship. Even if radio and television's requirements for themes are gradually lowered, many movies that could not be made in the past can now be made. You can pass without cutting, but would be weird if you can pass the test.

"Who said it's mainly about cannibalism? I'm talking about the setting of human survival, it's the background! Isn't it mainly about the battle between humans and monsters? The subsequent development requires one or several people to play a decisive role Functional, that is to say, it is because of the protagonist that human beings get rid of the dilemma of eating the same kind, which makes it easier to pass the review. And I haven’t thought of the setting of this person or these people. You can also imagine how he should appear. It’s just appropriate.”

"Stop it! Stop it! Why are you in such a hurry? You haven't even set up the world. What protagonist do you want? The most important thing is, Lu Ze, what do you think of the theme of Lao Liu?"

When the question came to Lu Ze, he was stumped for a moment. The script is the script, and the budget is the budget. If you make a movie about this kind of epic battle, the investment will definitely increase. The original investment capped at 300 million now seems Probably not enough.

He could first find these five screenwriters to write the script, but he really couldn't control the budget, so he couldn't help but turn his eyes to Feng Changhao aside.

"Minister Feng, what do you think of this theme?"

Feng Changhao was listening with great interest. It could be seen that he was still very interested in Huang Liu's creativity. When he heard Lu Ze's question, he turned the water-based pen in his hand, tapped the pen cap on the table, and thought for a while.

"If you want to make this kind of movie, do you need a lot of special effects? Even ordinary environments require special effects, right? This... I have to ask Mr. Li to see what he thinks. I Go now, you can continue talking, it doesn’t matter Lu Ze, what we are discussing now is the script, as long as the script is OK, I will go out first."

Hearing Feng Changhao's words proves that he is an outsider. If the funds are not enough, then no matter how good your script is, it will be in vain if you don't have money to shoot it. How much money will you get and what kind of movie will you shoot? If the amount of funds has not been determined, then the script will not work either. May come down.

But Lu Ze did not stop Feng Changhao. He nodded and asked Feng Changhao to question Li Shanjun. Then he continued to listen to the golden ideas that a group of screenwriters kept putting forward and recorded them in the book.

The current world view assumes that humans are at the bottom of the food chain, and their way of survival is just like what Huang Liu said at the beginning, by eating people and hunting monsters that can be defeated. However, the living environment of humans is becoming more and more complete as the setting gradually becomes more complete. It's hard.

There is no sun, no water to drink, the earth is dry and cracked and there are constant earthquakes, the climate is cold but there is no snowfall, and the life span is short due to diet, lack of sunlight and other reasons. With these conditions, just thinking about it makes people despair. This is still preliminary. Settings will be added continuously in the future.

While everyone was chatting heatedly, Feng Changhao knocked on the door again and entered the conference room, and brought everyone good news.

"I just reflected on our situation with Mr. Li. First of all, the previous book is definitely no longer needed. In terms of funding, Mr. Li decided to invest an additional 200 million out of his emphasis on the first movie. Generally speaking, it should be like this After the teachers finalize the script, we will make a budget to see how much money should be invested."

"Mr. Li is so grand. If he says he wants to add 200 million, he will add 200 million. It has only taken less than 20 minutes. This decisiveness is something that ordinary producers cannot learn from. Rongchuang Group... is indeed rich. , as for shooting, I think 500 million should be enough."

Li Congwen sincerely praised Li Shanjun's courage. You must know that since "Red Cliff", there have been many films with investment of hundreds of millions, such as "Wolf Totem", "The Great Wall", "The Wandering Earth", etc., but except for "The Wandering Earth" "Except", there is no big-invested movie that does not lose money. There is even a saying in the industry that large-scale production means losing money.

Because of your large investment and the share of other parties, it takes twice or even 2.5 times the box office of a movie to recover the cost and achieve profitability. However, the purchasing power of the market cannot keep up, resulting in a very large base for you. It’s twice as difficult to double, so if you don’t lose money, who will?

Therefore, Lee Sun Kyun has the courage to dare to spend a lot of money to gamble whether he will make a profit. This is indeed rare in this industry and deserves to be praised.

In this way, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. As long as you have money, everything is easy. Even if there are a lot of special effects, 500 million is enough to spend, and there may even be some leftover. After all, the cost of special effects has been reduced to a certain extent these days. It is no longer as expensive as people thought. Comparing it with the price back then, there is a huge difference.

Back then, because domestic special effects technology was underdeveloped, how could it be possible that being brutally slaughtered by a gringo was not expensive? In recent years, due to the gradual start of the domestic special effects industry, most special effects can be produced completely independently in China, and the price has naturally dropped significantly, only about one-fifth of that of foreign special effects companies.

Another reason is that the viewing mode has been fixed. After 3DMAX, there has been no innovation for a long time. How many years has 3DMAX been used? In other words, if you use current technology to make something that was available more than ten years ago, it will naturally become easier and simpler to make. How can the cost not be reduced?

The money aspect has been settled, and the work has officially begun. Huang Liu is responsible for setting the world view, Li Congwen sets the regional map and environmental overview, Deng Bo is familiar with ancient books and is very proficient in mythological characters, so he adds the script characters, Tan Fei was responsible for designing the storyline.

As for Yu Tai, his brother-in-law is the leader of Radio and Television. He is responsible for inquiring about information to see if he can pass the trial...

The research lasted until about five o'clock in the afternoon, when everyone stopped working, got up and went to the hotel to have a drink. The official start of writing the script was scheduled for a week later. Before that, everyone still had to touch on ideas.


"To be honest, Lu Ze, I was so upset after reading the script just now. What Zhuo Ma, if I catch him, he will stop trying to hang out in this circle. He used such a broken book to fool my buddy. What do you mean? Did you have a headache at that time? Haha, come on, drink and drink, I did it."

"Excuse me, let me take a call."

After drinking a glass of beer with everyone, Lu Ze's cell phone vibrated in his trouser pocket. Lu Ze took it out and took a look. It was Zhuang Yu calling. He knew what it was about. He apologized to everyone, got up and left the room.

"Hello? Lu'er, where are you? It's so noisy?"

"Sister Zhen, I thought it was your village. I was drinking outside. What's wrong?"

"Oh, then you drink less, be safe when you go home, and the driver has a glass of wine, then, that, that, that, that, let me tell you, I just want to ask you, should we wait for you in Paris the day after tomorrow, or should we meet in Cannes? ?”

"Let's meet in Cannes. You two are not allowed to go out together? Can I be a light bulb?"

"Okay, you are so sensible, brother! I appreciate you very much! Okay, I won't say anything more, see you in Cannes, I wish you a romantic encounter in romantic France! I'm done."

The call was hung up, and Lu Ze went to the bathroom to wash his face. He had drunk a lot just now and was already a little dizzy. He pulled some toilet paper to wipe his face. Then Lu Ze remembered that the Cannes Film Festival was about to start. He had been busy for a while, so he put the matter behind him. After alleviating his dizziness, he opened the door and raised his glass with a smile while listening to the noisy sound in the banquet hall.

"I answered the phone. It's a mistake to do anything serious. I'll punish myself with a drink!"


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