Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 400 What is the level of Tingfeng City?

"What changes is the world and people."

After taking a sip of tea, Zhao Nan remained silent for a long time. After being silent until the cheongsam woman who had been away for a long time knocked on the door and asked if he wanted some hot water, Zhao Nan looked at Ximenyu.

This has nothing to do with the fact that there are only 100 million people left in the world.

But Ximenyu frowned.

The cheongsam woman who was boiling water gave Ximen Yu a hard look, and cleverly brewed a bowl of fragrant tea for him.

She was a little confused about the relationship between the two.

But those who can live in this mansion are all the masters of a city, especially those who are still left after the second disaster, so the cities controlled by these city masters must be very powerful.

Women in cheongsam dare not be slighted, nor will they tease these people excessively. Because she understands very well that for these big shots, if they need to, they can play with themselves without any scruples and don't need to care, and she can't resist herself. But if the other party is not interested, no matter what you do, it will only make the other party unhappy.

"My lord, if it's okay, I want to step back." The cheongsam woman said nonchalantly.

It was downright groveling.

Zhao Nan waved his hand, and only after the woman left, he said softly, "Look at her, do you feel anything?"

Ximenyu shrugged and said irrefutably, "It was also like this in the past, but it's more obvious now."

As if to fight back, Ximenyu squinted his eyes and smiled: "You can't, it's just to say this, right?"

Zhao Nan shook his head, looked out the window, and said to himself: "People have changed. The world has changed. Everything we are familiar with has changed. Not only the race, but even the region has become strange."


Ximenyu muttered softly, thoughtfully.



"This...what the hell is going on?"

Although he has a hot temper, he has a thorny personality. But when encountering things that he can't understand, the city lord of the super big city also has a head of two feet, and his face is confused.

Locke directly picked up the sheepskin roll on the table with both hands, hung it by the window in a place where the sun shines, looked left and right, "Where is this toy made?"

Haitian shook his head. Unhappily said: "This is my imperial capital strategy team, thousands of people, working overnight to produce the results, it's not a game to lie to children."

"Really?" Gu Tianyuan's face changed slightly.

Haitian General sighed, and said helplessly: "Yes, what you are looking at. It is probably the geographical distribution among our various cities, as well as experts' speculation on the current terrain."

He stood up and walked in front of the sheepskin map, "It is unfortunate for me to tell everyone that the continental plates we are familiar with no longer exist. The four super cities, as well as the rest of the cities, are only names left. And they The regional meaning it represents no longer exists!"

"So, that's what happened."

Gu Tianyuan closed his eyes, sat back on his seat, and couldn't say a word for a long time.



"Region, does it mean that after this sudden update, our cities have all become part of a certain country?" Ximenyu said suddenly.

He looked at Zhao Nan, "It's like Dongyuan City, and now it has become. Broly Kingdom, like Dongyuan City."

"You can understand it this way." Zhao Nan said dumbly: "So the national function does not mean that we can form a country by ourselves. It is a city, which automatically belongs to a certain country...the country of the aborigines."

At the same time, Zhao Nan was slightly taken aback, thinking of 'scholar's anger'. It must be because of the fact that a kingdom is to be wiped out.

A mission to destroy a kingdom.

This task is really huge.

Ximenyu laughed suddenly, a little maniacally, and kept laughing non-stop.

"Is it funny?" Zhao Nan asked indifferently.

"Don't you think this situation is very interesting?" Ximen Yu said with burning eyes: "After the city, there is the kingdom. This is more and more like a complete world!"

He stood up and said confidently: "We are the ones who entered this world early - this is our stage! Zhao Nan, let's join hands! Not as fraudsters, but as closer allies! Since there are If there is a city, then there is a country, then it is not impossible to become the emperor of a country, right?"

"I heard that there is an aboriginal doctor's clinic in the capital city, and it has a good reputation." Zhao Nan took a sip of tea before continuing, "So you should go for treatment."



That night, the castellan who had come from giving finally met in the castellan's castle.

It was still the same room that was used in the 'Fusion Conference' back then, but the members have changed from the crowds at the beginning to the one that looks a little empty now.

Zhao Nan still stayed where she was at the beginning, not in the corner or in the center, just an ordinary position.

Speaking of which, the place where the meeting is held in the corner is the most eye-catching.

He was watching, it was for the audience sitting in a semi-circle as before, the few people on the stage remained the same.

In the second disaster, the super big city is more able to survive. After all, there are too many elites in a player city of that size.

Do your best to pass the XL world, let Zhao Nan understand that meaningless rankings are not the peak strength of all human players at all.

For a very powerful player like Captain Duke, facing the king of the XL world, or the indigo mark under the king, it is more difficult.

Haitian cleared his throat at this time, and spoke first as a representative of all members, "I believe you all know that it has been two days since the last update, and there will be another update in three days. Supplemental update."

He glanced at everyone.

Silence, all eyes focused on him.

Haitian will become more dignified: "I believe everyone has a feeling that this behavior is for us to discuss and adapt to this major change."

"Now, I would like to announce a piece of information to you all. I hope you can calm down and hear the end."

Haitian opened the celebrity to a sheepskin map. At the same time, someone distributed a reduced version of the map to everyone.

Looking at the copy of this kind of sheepskin map, Zhao Nan was a little surprised, and secretly said: It is always easy to do things with a large number of people, and it is necessary to complete this level of investigation in just two days. Probably only the level of a super big city can exchange manpower and material resources.

Suddenly a gaze landed on his body, which made him feel something. He glanced head-on, and his gaze collided with Ximenyu.

He quickly withdrew his gaze, his face slightly solemn.

"As you can see, our cities are no longer where they used to be." Haitian Jiang took a deep breath and said, "Also, each city has its own country! I won't say anything about it. Announcing the theme of this meeting now, that is 'reintegration'!"

Looking at the other three super big city lords on the stage, they looked plain. This is probably what these people discussed in advance, right?

Zhao Nan lowered his head boredly, carefully looking at the map in his hand. This time I came to participate in the city lord meeting, the biggest harvest is probably this kind of sheepskin map.


"What is that for?"

"Between Super Dacheng and Dacheng, it should be full!"

At this time, Haitian Jiang suddenly rapped hard on the desktop in front of him, "Listen to me. This time the secondary disaster, the four major super cities, because of the content of the mission, have been upgraded to one level! Now they are all three-level cities. I know , the cities of all of you present have received more or less rewards for surviving this disaster, but there are not many that directly upgrade the cities."

He looked at the crowd, not angry and pretentious, the pressure of being in a high position for a long time, but everyone was silent, "The super big city now has a lot of vacancies and can accept a group of people. We don't know what will happen in the supplementary update three days later." What is it? According to past experience, there are very few chances of it being a good thing! With the appearance of the state function, the cities of our country have been divided. You must understand that since the state has emerged, there will inevitably be competition. In the future, we may be in a Hostile state!"

He put his hands on the table, supported his body, and said slowly and firmly: "In order to avoid competing with each other and let more human beings die, we need to integrate as much as possible before that!"



"Bring together players from cities in the same country."

Ximenyu strolled on the streets of the imperial capital, and Zhao Nan was walking beside him. Behind them are Locke and Brother Wolf.

Locke walked gracefully, while Brother Wolf walked steadily, but there was no conversation between the two.

Zhao Nan looked up at the Milky Way in the sky and frowned.

Ximenyu said to himself: "The imperial capital and the demon capital now belong to the same country. The Tianfu capital and the demon capital are separated... three pillars. Those four giants would never merge their cities into other people's cities among."

Ximenyu shook his head, "Although I can slightly guess what the four giants are thinking, that is to compete for the remaining cities in other countries. Although I know it is the general trend, no matter whether it is the owner of a small city or a big city, you have to face It’s still a bit unsatisfying.”

He smiled and squinted at Zhao Nan: "Well, this is probably the reason why this meeting has to be postponed until tomorrow. Can I sum it up okay?"

"This is nonsense."

"I thought you were dumb."

Zhao Nan stopped suddenly, and said casually: "Compared with walking with me, shouldn't you go to Gu Tianyuan's side and get as much benefit as possible?"

Ximenyu smiled noncommittally, "Of course I will go there. But right now I care more about the affairs of your city."

He continued: "It stands to reason that basically all cities will not be spared from this second disaster. But when Dongyuan City had problems, you were in my city, not yours. But you are now Still, I really want to know, how did Tingfeng City get through this crisis?"

No matter how abnormal the secondary disaster happened between each city, it was committed by the players without exception. It can be seen that there was not even a single player in Tingfeng City at the time, and all members were aborigines. That is difficult to trigger.

Zhao Nan naturally wouldn't talk about it.

"Of course, I'm just curious." Ximen Yu smiled, squinting his eyes, "But what I really care about is the level of your city... In the dream of the evil spirit, everything is evolved on the premise of reality, At that time, you used diplomatic power to me, right? What level is Tingfeng City?"

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