Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 956 [A sharp contrast between domestic and foreign countries]

When the solar storm comes, many large cities in Europe and America are unfavorable in response. Although the solar storm does not pose a direct threat to the lives of the people in the city, the secondary disasters caused by the poor response have become the biggest man-made disaster.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the backcountry does not have much impact, so for people living in Africa, the impact of solar storms on them is more of a rare night scene in the sky. What to do later .

Minutes and seconds have passed, and the Western Hemisphere has ushered in the dawn of dawn, but the sky above many metropolises is indeed filled with smoke and fires.

It looks very strange under the colorful aurora.

The transportation system of metropolises in Europe and the United States has suffered a heavy blow. Urban traffic is basically paralyzed. Every major road has become a large cemetery for automobiles. All the vehicles are lying in the nest, and there are countless traffic accidents such as serial rear-end collisions in various cities.

In contrast, the main traffic roads in major cities in China are neat and clean, because they were arranged early, and all the high-speed rail network systems that consume electricity have stopped.

Surprisingly, there was no traffic accident.

In long-distance transportation, quite "original" diesel-driven diesel locomotives are used, which will not suffer the blow of the solar wind, and the walk-behind tractors in the countryside still fly.


On November 8th, the world returned to the "Steam Age", and many places in Europe and the United States directly entered the "Mad Max" wasteland era. Except for a small number of wealthy areas, the security conditions in other areas are: Diving in a straight line.

Today, the "zero yuan purchase in supermarkets" has ended, because all the major local supermarkets have been emptied and sold out, and they can no longer be purchased.

The ensuing robbery has become the norm in the local area, followed by a shooting case. Some people who do not believe in evil will die on the spot. It is strange that social security does not plummet. Although North America has declared a state of emergency, it is safe to use resources. It is really limited, and it is impossible to cover everything.

It is not uncommon for some local people with single families to suddenly disappear from the world. Now most of the civilians can only rely on self-help. Frequent murders have become routine in Europe and the United States, where organizational capabilities are relatively low.

Civilians in major cities in Europe and the United States have begun to pour out of the city. New York City is now in a sea of ​​fire and chaos. After more than 20 hours of chaos and chaos, the city is basically paralyzed, and water and electricity are cut off. Without food, it is impossible to survive in the city and have to leave.



A local town.

"Fortunately, food is stored in the basement, and safety is also guaranteed. These food should be able to support our family for three months. After three months, the chaos should be over." In a small family, the hostess tapped lightly. belongings.

Their residence has a huge underground warehouse, which was built during the Cold War era. In the era of the Magnesium-Suzhou hegemony, it was shrouded in nuclear haze. At that time, the people of Magnesium were worried about the coming of nuclear war all the time, so they built a lot of nuclear weapons. Shelter facilities have played a more or less positive role in the turbulent period caused by the current solar storm.

"Three months? You are too naive, baby, I don't think it will be able to recover in three years, and we can't last for three months. It won't be long before winter is coming. If there is no heating, we will be killed even if we don't starve to death. Frozen to death, you may not even survive the first winter," her husband said.

"God, what should we do then?"

"The authorities can't count on us, we have to save ourselves, we can't stay in Oregon, we can't stay in high latitudes, we have to move south."

"South? Where?"



On November 10, the third day after the storm, an unprecedented phenomenon occurred. People in Europe, especially northern Europe, and people in North America showed a significant increase in the number of people heading south, such as low-dimensional subtropics, or tropical migration.

Most of the so-called developed countries in Europe and the United States are located in high latitudes. Faced with the lack of heating and a strong Taisho government organization, the local people are likely to even experience the first winter of the solar storm. Can't make it through.

The local people are also very "conscious" and do not have much confidence in their own authorities. They are busy saving themselves, making plans early, and running away before winter hits.

Ironically, the people of Magnesium built a wall on the Mexican border to prevent migrants from Latin America from smuggling in, but now they have blocked the Americans who are going south.


Science and Technology Complex Building.

An Qingxue took a paper document and read a briefing to Luo Sheng: "The Moore telegram that was uploaded internationally, the current situation in Europe and the United States and other overseas regions is that the social order is basically in a semi-paralyzed state, and the secondary disasters caused by the solar storm are one after another. Constantly, large numbers of people living in high latitudes are moving towards the equator."

Luo Sheng, with Erlang's legs crossed, was stunned: "Oh, those people in the old beauty are dragged like 258,000, self-proclaimed voters of God, they went to Mexico and Latin America with a large vote, and they must Occupying a lot of local resources, conflicts are inevitable, and this conflict will only intensify, it is really dire."

After a while, An Qingxue continued to recite: "Domestic, there are also Russians from Siberia pouring into our country in our northern border area. Entering our country... In the current international form, Europe and the United States may be in a state of collapse."

Luo Sheng smiled and shook his head and said, "It's hard to recover from a fall. After all, the skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and the overall size of Europe and the United States is there, at least important industries can be kept, but most of these industries should belong to private enterprises. As for whether electricity and social order can be restored quickly, it is up to their God to bless them."

An Qingxue: "Bima Dake is dead after all."

Luo Sheng tilted his head and glanced at her: "When did you learn to lift your bar too?... Hate it."

This cosmic natural disaster is "fair" to every country in the world, and everyone has been impacted at the same level, but the domestic response is judged against the international comparison, and the results are also in stark contrast.

The domestic electric power companies do what they say they say.

Three days have passed, and the solar storm has actually passed. The power supply system inside the science and technology complex building has been restarted. Major cities and all parts of the country are stepping up the investigation of power stations, investing in infrastructure restoration, and rapidly restoring basic industries. Relevant emergency teams in various cities have begun to take the lead in repairing and restoring key infrastructure such as water plants, food processing plants, and power plants in cities in accordance with the plans.

Especially water plants and food processing plants, which are the first priority to be repaired and restored, as much as possible to reduce the threat of food supply shortages or even broken rations, and the urban sewage system must also be solved first, otherwise health and safety cannot be guaranteed.

However, even if the precautions are prepared in advance, it is impossible to take care of all aspects. For a long time, it is impossible for ordinary people to obtain electricity supply in their homes. It must be strictly controlled to ensure that the electricity of key facilities is supplied, and then gradually restored. Energy supply in major cities.

On November 14th, Luo Sheng came to the Star Arrow International headquarters and officially signed and approved the launch document of the "Qunxing Project" today. The launch date of the first batch of satellites is scheduled for December 2nd and announced to the public.

This means that the global network disconnection will not last long, and the domestic network will be given priority to restore the network communication system.


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