Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 649 [Google's anti-Bluestar technology is like anti-thief 1]

"According to the latest research data from the market maintenance agency Net-Marker-Share, in December 2016, the Afarid browser accounted for nearly 60% of the global desktop browser market, and will soon dominate the desktop browser."

Pichai's voice resounded in the conference room, and everyone looked at the market share of the statistics on the PPT on the main screen of the conference, which made everyone envious and fearful.

This means that 5,981 users of Afarid browser are using Afarid browser for every 10,000 users worldwide, which is more than half of the number, and is still surging at a double-digit growth rate.

In addition to the Afarid browser, the Google Chre browser ranks second, with a current market share of 13.9%. This is a project developed by Pichai. The official public beta began in September 2008, almost late. Been using the Afarid browser for two years.

In third place is the market share of Microsoft's Edge browser, and fourth place is the market share of Firefox.

In addition to these four browsers, the rest of the market share is less than 5%. In the "other" category, the market share of the Afarid browser under the Bluestar Technology Group, it can be seen that it has become a desktop browser. The trend of new kings in the field of appliances is becoming clearer.

However, before reaching 70% of the market share, it can’t be regarded as a peace of mind. The Chre browser in the back still has a chance. In the field of desktop browsers, it is still full of gunpowder smoke, and the aftermath continues. The Afarid browser that has already taken the lead has not yet Absolute grasp can stand out from the encirclement and realize the feat of the new king ascending the throne.

Pichai glanced at the PPT content and then looked at the silent managers, saying: "Yes, as you have seen these data, in the field of desktop browsers, we are currently in a situation of four-way hegemony, but unfortunately Yes, the star character in it is not our Chre, but Afarid."

Pointing to the next content of the PPT, he continued: "Let's go back in time to 1998. Before the Afarid browser achieved today's leading position, it was once a member of many 'dragon slayers', and this dragon is Microsoft's once-prominent Internet Explorer browser that dominated the Internet world."

How brilliant was the IE browser? Of course, the bigwigs present knew that a fierce browser war broke out in the 1990s, shaking the entire Internet industry.

Microsoft has used various disgraceful means to gain dominance, one of which is the bundling of the Windows system, which has put Microsoft in a monopoly lawsuit and eventually led to Gates having to retire from the position of the head.

As a result, Microsoft, which lost Gates, missed two historical opportunities in the tide of cloud computing and mobile Internet.

It is also the root cause of the decline of IE today.

Although today's Microsoft is also a giant-level multinational technology giant, if these two opportunities are seized, today's Microsoft must also be a giant in the Internet technology industry with a market value of trillions of dollars. The Internet technology industry dominates.

Pichai continued: "Since it defeated Netscape browser at the end of 1998, IE began to dominate the entire browser market. According to OneStat.c data, by April 2002, IE's market share was as high as 96.6%. This is the pinnacle of IE."

Having said that, Pichai looked away from the conference screen and said: "Later, under the impact of its own problems and competitors such as Firefox, IE's market share declined significantly, and Firefox began to erode in the following four years. IE's market share once exceeded 15% to 20%. At that time, everyone thought that Firefox was the dragon slayer, but IE's market share was still nearly 80%. Although it continued to decline, it was still the dominant player."

"It wasn't until 2006, two years later, that you all knew what I was going to say. At this time, Bluestar Technology was the brightest new star in the entire Internet. Star Technology went public that year and set the record for the largest IPO in history. When everyone focused on the Blue Star Technology IPO and the emergence of the Azure mobile phone to redefine the smartphone, the Afarid browser was launched in a low-key manner. The real enemy of IE."

Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of the meeting, was basically silent, because the past was unbearable, and he knew that he had a great responsibility here.

Also in the year Afarid was launched, the development of the browser was opposed by Schmidt within Google at that time, and the two founders of Page were the two founders who proposed to develop the browser at that time.

But Schmidt is in charge of the CEO. The reason for the objection is that Google should concentrate on competing with Bluestar Technology in the field of streaming media video. At that time, the BV video website was launched and quickly became popular, and various princes joined it, and Google was no exception.

The two founders relied on this big man very much. It is no exaggeration to say that without Schmidt, there would be no Google today. In addition, there was no suitable project leader at the time, and their energy was indeed limited, so they put it on hold for the time being. .

It was not until 2008 that Page brought this matter to the conference table again. At that time, Azure mobile phones had become popular all over the world, and the big wave of mobile Internet was hitting the shore, and Afarid's market share had reached a very eye-catching growth rate. .

Once again put on the agenda, Schmidt finally followed the advice of the two founders, and the project leader responsible for the development of the Chre browser is now Google CEO Sundar Pichai.

Eric Schmidt, who was present at the meeting, sighed lightly and said: "It's my fault, I have a great responsibility, if I agreed at the time, the Chre browser project would have developed in sync with Afarid, and it was too late. The project has only been launched for two years, and the Afarid browser has already started the pace of comprehensive expansion with the trend of the mobile Internet. It is I let Chre miss the window of opportunity."

Page looked at the self-blaming executive chairman and comforted: "At that time, Google's focus was on streaming video to compete with Bluestar Technology, although the final result was that BV video won, but it's not your fault. Rick, no one can accurately step on the pulse of the times every time."

Schmidt said immediately: "But Luo Sheng, he did it."

When Peggy, who wanted to comfort others, heard this, he couldn't help but sighed and smiled bitterly: "Yeah, Luo Sheng did it... Competing with such a terrifying opponent is indeed very stressful."

Sergey Brin immediately returned to the topic, looked at Pichai, and said, "Let's talk about the browser, Afarid browser, how do you evaluate this product?"

After hearing this, Sundar Pichai was silent for a moment, and then replied: "Objectively speaking, from the current point of view, Afarid can almost be said to redefine the browser. Many of the current web browsers are humanized. Almost all functional designs come from Afarid, which has attracted peers to learn from and imitate, and Chre is no exception.”

"For example, the tab bar top function, the search bar and the address bar are combined into one, a highly simple interface design, an extension store for developers, bookmarks can be synchronized in the cloud through social or search engine accounts... This series The emergence of functions has greatly improved people's web browsing experience."

"Afarid's rise is not only a window of opportunity to seize the times, but even if it grasps the opportunity, it will slip away from its hands without real strength. I think its excellent innovation ability is more important. While maintaining rapid iterative development, Afarid has also designed a more effective development mode, which divides Afarid into a stable version and a development board. The former is used to satisfy ordinary users, and the latter is convenient for developers to update and test functions, so as to satisfy different types of users. need."

Larry Page, who was present at the meeting, joked: "Fortunately, Google was born early and completed the construction of the ecosystem ahead of time, otherwise the global search engine market would also be controlled by Luo Sheng..."

The other participants also smiled lowly, but the smiles were a bit mixed.

Bluestar Technology Group's strong development and innovation capabilities are recognized by the global technology community, which is enviable and makes his opponents even feel the pressure to breathe. None of the bigwigs at the meeting denied Page's joke.

Since Google withdrew from the Greater China market, they have regretted it in the past few years. They want to return to the Greater China market and have made a lot of preparations.

But today, Google has given up the Chinese search engine market, and even has no idea.

Because Yunge Search, a subsidiary of Bluestar Technology Group, is already the absolute overlord of Chinese search engines, the ecosystem has been completed, and its technology has risen to be superior to Google Search. has fallen to $3 billion.

Today, Google has regarded Bluestar Technology as the number one enemy to guard against, and its every move will make Google and its parent company's executives extremely sensitive. The meeting at this moment is the best proof.

Don't look at the fact that Yunge Search looks like it has nothing to do with the global search engine market, but Google's anti-cloud song is like preventing thieves. Star technology's actions, but any changes to the sea will be immediately transmitted to the ears of the executives of Google and its parent company.

Judging from the current industry structure, the only company qualified to challenge Alphabet Group in the global search engine market is Bluestar Technology Group.

It's impossible to take precautions. The search engine market is the basic business of Alphabet and the core territory of the hinterland of the kingdom. Like Bluestar Technology in the blue space, it cannot allow others to interfere.

Sundar Pichai continued to analyze: "If you look at the underlying technology, Afarid, as a commercial browser, is itself a platform based on the so-called Afaridium open source browser kernel, including Microsoft's Edge browser, including The QQ browser, Sogou browser, and 360 browser in Huaguo are all based on this kernel.”

Having said this, Pichai took a deep breath and added: "From this perspective, the global market share of desktop browsers based on this kernel has exceeded 70%, which is even worse. What's more, the kernel itself is also led by Bluestar Technology and open sourced to the world, I think you all know what this will mean."

Of course, the bigwigs in the meeting understand what this means.

Page muttered to himself: "It means that the underlying technology and standards of the entire human desktop browser have actually been dominated by a commercial company from China, and this company is our number one competitor-- Bluestar Technology Group."

Pichai continued: "Not only that, because desktop browsers are closely related to web pages, in fact, I am afraid that the technical development direction of the entire web page in the future will also have to be subject to the selection of technologies and standards of Bluestar Technology. In a sense, Bluestar Technology will dominate the future of the web. This is a great honor for Bluestar Technology, and it is also an important support for its strong technical strength and influence, but for us and other Internet For the company, it's definitely not a good thing to see Luo Sheng's face, and no one wants to see such a situation happen."


(Ps: Inside is Bluestar Technology, which can be said to be the projection of Google's Chre browser in reality. It has overturned IE. The current market share is 70%, which satisfies the monopoly in the absolute sense. The former Dragon Slayer Warrior , and now it has turned into a dragon. Whether it is an auspicious dragon or an evil dragon basically depends on Google's conscience. Whether or not it adheres to the mission of not doing evil, at present, it is mostly an evil dragon.)

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