Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 592 [Zixing Lithography Technology Completes Breakthrough]

The business cooperation between Bluestar Technology and Xinshi Industrial Group is not the first time that it has entered the subcontinent market in a big way. In fact, it has already begun to actively deploy as early as eight years ago. It was early last year.

People in the industry know that in 2014, Bluestar Technology Group announced its withdrawal from the North American market, and it almost really left that year.

It was also in 2014 that Bluestar Technology Group started strategic restructuring, the implementation of three major strategies, and a five-year research investment of 150 billion US dollars.

At the same time, this year, Bluestar Technology proposed an Internet connection service called "Free Basic" in the subcontinent market, aiming to help Indu users in remote areas to provide Internet surfing services, but because of its neutrality, it was questioned by the local telecommunications regulator. banned.

But Bluestar Technology will obviously not give up a huge emerging market because of this setback.

Regulators in the subcontinent have long been skeptical of foreign companies dominating the market, and the subcontinent's internet market is now largely dominated by two foreign tech giants.

They are Bluestar Technology, which dominates the social field, and Google, which dominates search engines and map services. The two companies have basically monopolized their respective markets.

In the business of the subcontinent, the two Internet giants, Google and Bluestar Technology, rarely participate in the core competition of each other's business, and there is no need for it. First, it is difficult to touch the core business of the other party. Second, the subcontinent market is an incremental market, and a large number of New netizens are entering the world of the Internet, users are everywhere, and the short-term user value is not developed very much. There is absolutely no need to waste more energy and financial resources to confront each other head-on.

For five years, the two sides have been at peace with each other, playing their own way in the subcontinent.

But for the current Bluestar Technology, it is obviously not satisfied with the status quo, so it has reached a close business cooperation agreement with the local richest man Mukesh. If you want to make a difference in the subcontinent market, it is really difficult to leave Mukesh. characters.

As an industrialist and public figure in the subcontinent, Mukesh once spoke out to urge regulators to make some regulations that are conducive to the development of local enterprises. This is of course selfish and will hinder foreign countries such as Bluestar Technology, Google and Amazon to a certain extent. The company's local business development.

The third brother also has smart people, and Mukesh insisted that the large amount of data collected by multinational technology groups such as Bluestar Technology and Google should be kept in the subcontinent.

However, this is nothing to Bluestar Technology. It has no intention to control these data. As long as it has the right to use it, this is the bottom line.

Although the two sides have different views on some issues,

There are even differences, but this does not prevent the two sides from cooperating in other areas.

If the cooperation with Mukesh can go on smoothly, his dream of an Internet empire must go on. Everyone gets what they need, and you have to hold on to it. If other people’s dreams can’t go on, then they won’t be able to cooperate smoothly. .

It is normal for multinational companies to have differences. Even if there are differences between some departments within the Bluestar Technology Group, it is not unusual. As long as the overall strategic alignment will not be affected, Luo Sheng does not care much about these details. Can't pass.


Three days later, Mukesh came to the headquarters of Bluestar Technology and held a public strategic cooperation signing ceremony, officially announcing that Bluestar Technology spent $2.85 billion to acquire 22.7% of the shares.

In the conference hall of the Bluestar Technology Headquarters, more than 200 media cameras recorded the scene of the signing ceremony, and Luo Sheng was present.

He asked Zhang Bowen to preside over the signing ceremony that he didn't want to attend, but after thinking about Mukesh's arrival in person, there was a bit of inequity in the specification of his absence, and the other party might feel that he was not treated enough.

After thinking about it, I decided to come over and sign this strategic contract in person. Anyway, Lao Zhang was already well-organized behind the scenes, and he came out to show his face, but only half an hour.

A media reporter off the field looked at the scene in front of him and said, "The big guy is the big guy. Judging from the recent hot news, the Cote d'Azur is about to burn his eyebrows and still be so calm."

The partner next to him joked: "The blue coast is burning eyebrows, what does it have to do with my Bluestar Technology? Uh... It seems that Bluestar Technology is not much better."

"Ha ha."

In any case, the current scene is a celebration of an important cooperation between two well-known multinational giant groups. The atmosphere is cheerful. At this moment, here, there is no unpleasant atmosphere.

The layman is watching the excitement while the expert is watching the door. The insider knows that this cooperation is not unrelated to the previous hot news. On the contrary, there may be a greater internal connection.

At this moment, Luo Sheng stood on the podium full of flowers and looked at the media people present, with a smile on his face and calmly said: "The subcontinent has the largest user community of Bluestar Technology and WhatAPP, and at the same time, there are many talented entrepreneurs. The collaboration between the two companies can help create new opportunities for people and businesses in the subcontinent. We can connect consumers and businesses through a seamless mobile experience.”

Mukesh, who was standing on another independent platform, also spoke in English, but with a strong curry flavor.

“The two parties will work closely to ensure that consumers can use WhatAPP to conduct seamless transactions, such as viewing the nearest Kirana mom-and-pop store through WhatAPP, and purchasing their products and services.”

Luo Sheng replied with a smile: "Bluestar Technology is making investment arrangements. More importantly, we will be committed to in-depth cooperation in some major projects that can open up business opportunities for people across the subcontinent."

Mukesh added: "I am looking forward to the cooperation with Mr. Luo, and the in-depth cooperative relationship with Bluestar Technology will help realize the mission of 'digital India crossing', its two ambitious goals, namely 'convenience of life' ' and 'convenience in doing business' will benefit every Indian without exception, and there is no doubt that this is a win-win cooperation situation for all parties."

Both you and I say one sentence and one sentence, which is basically a scene. Luo Sheng's current personal net worth exceeds US$370 billion, making him the richest man in the contemporary world and the richest individual in human history, while Mukesh is the richest man in the subcontinent with US$32.2 billion.

Although there is a big gap in terms of amount, there is no doubt that they are all super rich and leaders in their respective fields, but Luo Sheng's popularity and influence in the subcontinent are definitely not as good as Mukesh's. , there is no doubt that both sides need each other's strength and gain their own interests.

The signing ceremony was completed, and the scene was finished. Under the focus of many media reporters, the two left their respective podiums at about the same time, walked towards each other, and ended the event with a courtesy handshake.

This scene was also filmed by reporters, and then appeared on the major media pages as the latest news to report, especially the local media in Indu, which reported the matter in a big book.

After all, Mukesh is the most well-known and influential public figure in the business world of the subcontinent, and Luo Sheng, not to mention, is simply a moving world news hotspot.

For this major transnational business cooperation, major media have also found many professional and well-known industry people to comment on this through their own channels, and they are also happy to accept media interviews and interpret it.

[I think this deal has other benefits for Bluestar Technology. From the perspective of the disclosed cooperation rules, it can access telecom operators, which means that Bluestar Technology can access the entire treasure trove of data, including mobile phone types, Customer location, data usage, spending data, and more, further improving their ability to advertise. 】

[For speaking, in addition to the funds and the technical firepower support of Bluestar Technology, it also has access to the most powerful and versatile application in the world, WhatAPP is the Indo Internet, which owns nearly two-thirds of the subcontinent of users, they can easily get onboard Kiranas, since all of them use WhatAPP, and further upgrades will likely soon. 】

As soon as the news of the cooperation came out, the market value of ;

While it's too early to say whether these plans will actually work out as expected, it's clear that the $2.85 billion deal could help Reliance go further in reducing debt.

However, at this time, most of the European and American media jumped out to sing the bad, and many media laughed at Luo Sheng's attention to the subcontinent market. The losses brought about by the market may be lost in the end.

Yes, after such a report, the European and American media offended both sides at once, and the third brother is often the most face-saving. The third brother's netizens immediately started ranting on Reddit, and local media such as Parks Daily also began to compete with European and American media. Media war of words.

The focus of this cooperation is that Mukesh will start an unprecedented price war in the subcontinent next year, aiming to shake up the extremely competitive telecom industry in the subcontinent. The 4G phone service launched by Mukesh is expected to bring hundreds of millions of new users. Although it will cause several local companies to close their doors.

But that's Mukesh's goal, not just to bring down his brother's business, but also Airtel, run by fellow billionaire Sunil, and Vodafone, the loss-making British telecom operator run by billionaire Kumar. There are two other companies that are his targets.


After this matter came to an end, Zhang Bowen began to prepare for the next real negotiation, which was the highlight.

The Bluestar Technology part was handed over to Lao Zhang, and Luo Sheng was transferred to the Azure Coast, to be precise, the Azure Coast Laboratory, Lens Semiconductor, and Purple Star Lithography Machine.

This is the core lifeline that determines the true direction of this technological battle.

On December 17th, an exciting breakthrough came from the Côte d'Azur laboratory. The power of the light source, that is, the measurement of the number of EUV photons sent to the scanner for wafer exposure, was achieved.

For the research and development of the mass-produced Zixing lithography machine, all major technical pain points can basically be announced as completed.


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