Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 251 [Agree is democracy, oppose? I have the final say! 】

Luo Sheng looked at a subordinate with an exaggerated expression, and said calmly, "I have important new adjustments regarding the BV video network."

Hearing the boss speak again, everyone came back to their senses, and immediately looked at him in unison.

"I decided to let the BV video website open up the basic technical structure and allow users to create their own BV videos." Luo Sheng said concisely, looking around the crowd, and finally his eyes fell on Chen Shijun, who was rushing from the Menlo Park branch this time. Come to the group headquarters to attend this meeting.

Chen Shijun and the others looked at each other with confusion in their eyes.

Luo Sheng said: "The development team will solve the technical problems. Simply put, my request is to let the BV video release a tool that allows web developers to use its basic database functions, which is equivalent to allowing users to develop their own BV. "

Chen Shijun raised his eyes and said as a technical developer: "BOSS, once your move is implemented, it will far exceed the current openness of BV Video Network. It will enable any user to develop web sites or With Internet access software, users will be able to upload videos directly to BV, as well as copy and embed videos on their own web pages."

Luo Sheng nodded: "This is the result I want, the developer of the web site also needs to be able to allow users to rate the video or add it to a list of favorite videos on their site, and they also need to be able to customize and Control Adobe Fsh video playback software."

Having said that, Luo Sheng opened the water glass and took a sip of water to moisten his throat, looked at Chen Shijun and communicated with him: "By adding the basic features and functions of BV, developers can make users like BV from the mobile phone. Send videos directly to their site, or encourage users to share videos on their site."

Luo Sheng also looked around the audience. Most of the people present were technical executives. He added: "BV wants to open up its huge video library, global audience, basic video hosting and streaming network. The fundamental purpose of this move is to To further expand the penetration of BV business in various fields of the Internet, and to achieve the boundary expansion of depth and breadth, that's it."


Chen Shijun nodded. He is the chief technology officer of the international version of BV Video Network. In short, he is the chief technology officer of the subsidiary BluestarVideo.

The session moves on to the next argument, on the issue of ad embedding for the online video business, which is a big deal about revenue streams.

There is a big disagreement on the determination of the advertisement duration. One side supports 30-second or 45-second pre-roll ads.

On the other hand, it supports manual click to close the advertisement after 5 seconds.

Luo Sheng silently watched the argument between the two parties without saying a word. He actually knew what to do. He must have chosen a plan that could be skipped after the five-second commercial, but he didn't immediately jump out to make a decision.

Xu Yong, who was present at the meeting, firmly supported the solution that can be skipped after five-second advertisements. Even if he complained on the spot: "I have to complain about dozens of seconds of advertisements, our streaming media business is not bad, like some people who don't have a lot of money. The video website operated by Qian has a 120-second opening advertisement, and the mood of watching the movie is completely gone. From the user's point of view, the steps for a free user to watch a movie are to search for the video, click to play, switch pages, and wait for the advertisement time. ,Viewing."

Xu Yong spread his hands and continued: "As for what the advertisement said, few people remember it, and the impression left on users is not good, and the advertising revenue is also poor. Bluestar Video must not learn this, and must try it on the international version. BV's 5-second skip plan, although we can't make money now, do we still lose less? Do we still care about that loss?"

Everyone couldn't help laughing. This is true. The annual operating expenses of Bluestar Technology Group's streaming media business exceeds 12 billion yuan, which is really not bad for Bluestar Video's several hundred million advertising revenue.

Zhang Bowen looked at a document and said: "Many people take it for granted that the shorter the advertising time, the less the revenue from advertising will be, but the actual situation is the opposite. After earning enough word of mouth, and earning enough tickets, more than 80% of the advertising revenue of the streaming video business segment is contributed by BV Video Network.”

If you want to understand the unconventional advertising model adopted by BV Video Network, you have to introduce a new concept - the best advertising time.

The advertisement of BV video can be skipped after 5 seconds, and within these 5 seconds, the audience usually stares at the advertisement intently, which results in a very high advertisement reach rate, and once it ends, click to skip.

Video advertisements include TV advertisements. For brand advertisements, the advertising fee is settled according to the exposure rate. However, how many people are actually watching after exposure is a problem of monitoring. You can use any algorithm, because you can’t count people. in the brain.

BV Video Network uses such a simple skip and click to obtain the full attention of a viewer within 5 seconds, sacrifice time in exchange for efficiency, and effectively increase the real exposure of advertisements in the mechanism.

And this will also force advertisers to continuously improve the quality of advertisements to achieve better marketing effects. Even if the quality is not high, the short 5-second duration will not arouse the disgust of the audience. In such a short time, just take a look at it. .

Obviously, this is a virtuous positive cycle mode of win-win for advertisers, user audiences, and BV video sites.

The core of this "best advertising time" is to ensure that the advertising time is short enough, because the time is too long, it is difficult for people to keep their full attention, and even find some other things to pass the time.

For example, in some domestic video websites, advertisements of tens of seconds or even 120 seconds cannot be skipped. Such advertisements are not seen at all, and they will switch to other pages during the advertisement time and wait for the advertisement time to automatically run out.

In the end, the effect of advertising was greatly reduced, and stealing chickens was not a loss.

In fact, this is not an innovative concept or advertising model. The inspiration is found from real advertising cases. In real life, there are advertisements that reflect the "best advertising time".

For example, while waiting for the elevator, waiting for the bus, waiting for the subway, etc., there are various advertisements in these places.

The core idea inside is "waiting for an [important] thing, and the "important" here is the key point, such as waiting for elevators, buses, movies, subways... People are in a state of waiting at this moment.

And the thing you are waiting for must have a certain importance. The importance of this thing should reflect that once you miss it, you need to pay more time, energy, financial resources and other costs.

If you miss the elevator, bus, subway, etc., you can only pay extra time to continue to wait, so people will be cautious and focused in order to avoid this happening.

And the more concentrated people are, the better the advertising effect will be.

There are also counter-examples that can be compared, such as online car-hailing. Of course, there is no concept of online car-hailing in this era.

But the reason is the same. After the car-hailing driver arrives at the predetermined location, he will definitely contact the passenger by phone, so the passenger will not miss the bus or subway, so the passenger only needs to do his own thing near the predetermined location. For example, when you play with mobile phones, how can you care about roadside advertisements.

Therefore, this kind of thinking is completely feasible on Internet video pre-advertising.

Give a limited time of 5 seconds to skip, so that the audience will not click on the video page and switch to other pages to do other things, and then wait for the advertisement to finish and switch back to watch it.

Instead, he will concentrate on staring at the short 5-second time, and skip it as soon as the time is up.

Regarding the determination of the advertising solution, Chen Shijun, Zhang Bowen, Xu Yong and others all support the solution of skipping after 5 seconds of advertising time for the domestic version of Bluestar Video.

Luo Sheng, who had not spoken much for a long time, finally spoke up, looked around the crowd and said, "It seems that everyone supports the second option, so you can skip the advertisement."

Xu Yong looked at him and said, "Our support is not the point, the point is which one do you support?"

Luo Sheng smiled and said, "In democratic decisions, the minority should obey the majority, so let's take the second option."

The executives who attended the meeting laughed on the surface when they heard this, but they rolled their eyes and slandered constantly.

They haven't been following Luo Sheng for a day or two. The boss has already figured out what kind of urination he is. When something happens at the meeting, when he agrees with him, he will always say:

[Democratic decision, the minority obeys the majority. ]

But goose...

Once he encounters a disagreement with his ideas, even if more than 90% of the people are against it, he will say another sentence:

[I have the final say, listen to me and be right! ]

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