Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 197 [Happy Melodyne]

Michael Barry signed this contract, and after 2.9 billion US dollars of funds entered the fund pool, he did not hesitate, and immediately went to the major banks on Wall Street to run business the next day.

Deutsche Bank.

In a reception room, several bankers interviewed Michael Barry for business.

"I want to buy credit default swaps on mortgage bonds, and if those bonds default, the credit default swaps will pay me."

The business personnel of the several banks who received him, including the supervisor, were stunned, thinking that they had heard it wrong, and after reacting, they asked uncertainly: "If I heard you correctly, you just Want to gamble with the housing market?"

Michael nodded: "That's right!"

A salesman in the interview said inexplicably: "Why? Americans don't pay their mortgages, but this kind of thing has never happened. With all due respect, Mr. Michael, this seems like a very stupid investment."

Michael mused: "According to the general perception of the housing market, this is really a very stupid investment...but everyone is wrong."

Hearing this, the staff of the bank who entertained him couldn't help laughing, and they quickly covered up their embarrassment and smiled gracefully: "This joke is very interesting, but this is Wall Street, and the US dollar is not worth it. No, so why not?"

Michael actually emphasized: "I only care about the solvency of your bank when the bond defaults."

The salesman in charge sitting across from him said incredulously, "What did you say? Sorry, are you serious? You bet against the housing market, and you are worried that Deutsche Bank will default on its debts?"

Michael's straightforward response: "That's right."

Several bank staff looked at each other, and after a while they communicated privately on one side.

"I think it's okay to promise him, unless the housing market crashes, but the housing market can't, it's still sound."

"Agreed, who can't afford the mortgage?"

After chatting privately for a while, the head of the supervisor looked at Michael again, and said very formally: "No problem, we can adopt a pay-as-you-go mechanism to make compensation in the event of a bond default, but if the value of the mortgage bond goes up, you have to pay us monthly. Is the premium acceptable?"

"Okay, I accept it.


Michael nodded, then took out a document with a thickness of hundreds of pages from his briefcase and put it on the table and pushed it in front of the other party, saying, "This is a six-tier mortgage secured bond that I want to short sell. The proposed offering statement said."

This is a very thick and speechless material, and you have to read it carefully. Time passes by every second, and hours pass. After confirming that it is correct, the bank's executive said: "Mr. Michael, we Deutsche Bank can sell How about giving you a $10 million credit default swap?"

There is a fool who comes to send money. This is because of the goddess of luck. If you sign it, you will earn a lot of commissions. Several bank staff are secretly happy.

Michael put his arms around the back seat, and in a moment of silence, he quickly dazzled his eyes and sniffled. Just when the people at the bank thought that he might have backtracked or the offer was too high, Michael looked at them and said, "You guys Can you sell me $200 million?"

The people at the bank were dumbfounded on the spot.

All of them looked at each other in astonishment. After recovering, they nodded without hesitation: "Of course, it will be 200 million US dollars. We will contact you to submit some documents."

After everything was finalized, Michael left the bank. After sending Michael away very politely, the bank staff burst into laughter on the spot.

"$200 million in credit default swaps, crazy."

"Haha, I didn't expect that someone would come to give money for nothing. How can there be such a fool on Wall Street?"

"I swear, I am absolutely blessed by the goddess of luck today?"


Bear Stearns Investment Bank.

In the reception room, Michael said to the person in charge who met him, "Can you sell me a $350 million credit default swap?"

There were two people interviewing him at the bank. As soon as Michael said this, one of them looked at him in disbelief and said, "No problem, but are you really sure you want to do this?"

As soon as the voice fell, another banker stopped his colleague on the spot and looked at Michael, and replied affirmatively with a smile: "There is no problem, we sold it, and it is a credit default swap of 350 million US dollars."


Michael walked out of the door of Bear Stearns Investment Bank, stood still at the door, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and muttered to himself, "There is still $1.285 billion in cash..."

At the end, he opened his eyes and strolled away, saw a taxi passing by and stopped him, and then rode to the next one.


National Mortgage Bank, Bank of America, Citibank, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs Investment Bank, Credit Suisse Group, etc... Michael bought all of the 4.2 billion US dollars in cash from the successor fund for credit default swaps.

But he is not the only one doing this. Many people are buying credit default swaps one after another, but the amount is not large and has not been paid attention by many people.

Only the proportion of the two hedge funds is too large, and it is impossible not to be noticed, and it has spread on Wall Street within a few days.

One is Michael's successor fund, which bought $4.2 billion; the other is John Paulson's Paulson fund, which bought $8 billion.


Goldman Sachs headquarters.

Paul Watson looked at his colleague and said in amazement: "What did you say? Do you say it again?"

His colleague Le Haha said: "Just three hours ago, I sold a $270 million mortgage bond credit default swap, a fund manager in California, Michael Barry's successor fund, haha, brain. Crazy, crazy, mortgage bonds appreciate monthly premiums, new cash cows.”

Paul Watson said blankly: "I don't even know there are credit default swaps for mortgages."

His colleague was overjoyed and said: "Now, it is built for him. He wants to gamble on the real estate market, why not accept it? Not only that, I heard that he went to almost all the banks on Wall Street to sell the real estate market."

Paul Watson said, "How much?"

His colleague smiled unabated: "4.2 billion US dollars, I think the investors of the successor fund will be mad if they find out, but what does this have to do with Goldman Sachs? Isn't it?"


Luo Sheng stayed in New York for about ten days. The main purpose of this trip has been achieved, and there is no need to stay any longer.

If it wasn't necessary, he really didn't want to stay in North America for too long. Just a few days after he came to New York, he read a newspaper report that there had been three shootings in the city. One of them was at night. died.

However, Luo Sheng was on Manhattan Island and didn't know about it without reading the newspaper.

Affluent areas are quite safe.

Qin Weimu came to Luo Sheng's guest room early this morning, and brought a bundle of rolled up dollar bills.

Qin Weimu threw it on the sofa: "this is the cash you want. In addition, the itinerary for returning to China has been arranged, and the plane will be at around 11 am."

Qin Weimu was also very suspicious of how Luo Sheng asked her to bring cash, but he didn't ask anything. Luo Sheng basically had no cash on him.

"Well, I see, go get busy."

Luo Sheng replied casually without raising his head. He was sitting comfortably on the sofa in the living room wearing a nightgown. He was reading the New Yorker newspaper.

When Qin Weimu was about to leave, she suddenly looked in the direction of the bathroom in the guest room, because it seemed that she heard the sound of water.

"Anyone in the bathroom?"

Hearing a question suddenly floated from her, she also felt a little baffled after speaking, why did she suddenly ask this.

Luo Sheng looked away from the newspaper and glanced at Qin Weimu, who was full of doubts, and said with a smile, "Yes, the waiter called yesterday, lady, you know."

As soon as these words came out, Qin Weimu retracted his eyes and glanced at him: "boring!"

After saying this, he turned around and left. Luo Sheng couldn't help putting down the newspaper. After confirming that Qin Weimu had left, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. On the surface, he seemed to be calm and calm, but he was in a panic.

For a woman, especially a woman like Qin Weimu, she has to use reverse thinking and anti-routine strategies to make her intermittently autistic. Luo Sheng feels that his witty EB is really the most dangerous and the safest.

Qin Weimu thought that he, a habitual criminal, wanted to take advantage of him again, so he simply fumbled.

After a few minutes, the sound of the shower in the bathroom stopped, and it didn't take long for a supermodel from Havana, Cuba, to bathe barefoot.

She entered the bedroom silently.


A few hours before leaving New York to leave for China, Luo Sheng enjoyed a Western meal. He put in a lot of energy and wasted a lot of money. Frankly speaking, Luo Sheng thought it was quite expensive, but it was worth the money, and the exotic flavor was indeed It's fresh and delicious, and it's okay to taste it occasionally, and it should be a little more expensive. It's hard to eat one meal in so many days.

You must know that Luo Sheng is very energetic and has a big appetite at a young age.

It is worth mentioning that Luo Sheng is very picky, the delicious food that can catch his eye, safety and freshness are the basic requirements.

He never eats Bawang's meal, and he pays for it, which is just right, otherwise he would be a hooligan.

At 11:00 in the morning, Luo Sheng took a special plane to return to China. He originally wanted to visit Menlo Park in the Bay Area, but after thinking about it, he came here in a low-key manner and did not make any public announcements.

Forget it.

go home!

The layout here has been done, then just sit and wait. After a year, you can count your hands cramps while lying down and counting money.


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