Global Game: Comes with Portable Store

Chapter 114 The whereabouts of the Broken Passage

After staying on the ship for so long, Kasemin still has a pretty good relationship with the crew members on the ship.

Most of these crew members came from humble backgrounds, and they had never seen such food before, so they ate and drank recklessly regardless of their image.

"Pay attention to your appearance, pay attention to your appearance, and don't act like you have never seen the world. We will all be royal sailors from now on, equal to nobles." William grabbed a big meat leg with one hand and scolded these rude crew members.

The shirtless Billy was holding a plate of broth shaped like a yellow lake and said dissatisfiedly: "Captain, how can there be a nobleman grabbing the meat leg to eat?"

"Don't talk about me first. Can you finish the food in the bowl and then put something in it?"

"Didn't we learn this from you, captain?"

"That's right."

All the crew members cheered loudly with smiles.

Su Changxing also grabbed the meat leg on the table and said loudly: "I think Captain William is right. They are all people of status and should be careful."

Kasemin felt a headache when she saw this mess. Although she had expected it, she was still caught off guard.

She saw little Amy sitting motionless on her seat, looking blank: "Aren't you hungry?"

"Not hungry."

"You have to eat as much as you want."


"What do you want to eat? I'll get it for you."

"It will be all right."

When Kasemin heard what little Amy said, she felt that the child had been hit too hard by the death of his family.

She cut a large piece of bacon, half a piece of bread, and half a sausage, put them on a plate and pushed them in front of little Amy, and then filled up a bowl of steaming corn soup.

Little Amy looked at the food in front of her, then glanced sideways at Ka Semin, and then started eating with big mouthfuls.

After dinner

Kasemin found the original housekeeper of Eric's mansion, Hamler, an old man wearing white gloves, black clothes, white hair and a tall figure.

Kasemin explained in Su Changxing's ear: "Hamler was originally the steward of our King Tower, but he had a good relationship with Eric when he was young, so when he was older, he took up a position here. "

"He was imprisoned by Eric before and was just released. He also knows a lot about this place. If you want to know anything, just ask him directly."

Hamler strode in from outside the door, bowed, and said respectfully: "Princess, Lady Liu Luola, what can I do?"

Su Changxing showed a hint of surprise: "Do you know me?"

Hamler said with a smile: "Lady Liu Luola was a sensational figure in Wodan at that time. Not only did she capture the heart of the Queen, but she also created the prototype of the steam engine with Sir Eric."

"It's just that too much time has passed, and Lady Liu Luola, you have disappeared for too long, so many people have forgotten you. Most people's memories are not very good, including me."

Su Changxing decided not to dwell too much on this issue and took out the broken bronze mirror and placed it on the table to display:

"Do you know this thing? I need to find the other parts of this broken mirror."

Hamler looked at the broken mirror carefully and frowned slightly: "Sir Eric originally collected two pieces of similar mirrors, but the Duke wanted to take away one piece."…

Su Changxing didn't expect there would be any clues, so he immediately asked, "Where is the mirror?"

Hamler thought for a while and said, "It's in the warehouse. If it hasn't been taken away, if you want it, I can take you there now."

Su Changxing nodded: "Okay, let's go over and have a look."

Hamler led the way and explained: "Sir Eric has invented a lot of things over the years, but most of these inventions are of little use, but he can't bear to throw them away, so he keeps them in the warehouse."

"Because it has no use, I won't use it. Generally speaking, I put it in the

It will remain there. "

They walked along the path deeper into the mansion, and could see the iron warehouse not far away through the pale light.

There must be more than ten of these warehouses arranged neatly.

"These warehouses are not for inventions, but for some of Eric's collections. In addition to inventions, he also likes to collect some antiques and some weird gadgets." Kamler said in detail.

Su Changxing looked at him and asked, "How long have you been locked up?"

Hearing this, Hamler sighed, with tears in his eyes: "It didn't take long before the news of Wodan's coup came, and many people in the city were very excited."

"However, Sir Eric decided to side with the Duke at this time. This was completely unacceptable to me. At that time, I tried my best to persuade Sir Eric."

"But he seemed to be possessed and didn't even hear about it. After I persuaded him several times, he got annoyed and locked me up."

"I never thought that a person like him would betray the empire."

"That's because the evil god is behind it." Kasemin said, turning her head.

Hamler nodded, his eyes were red: "I should have thought of this at that time, how could Sir Eric really betray the empire? This is what he has spent most of his life working on."

They walked all the way to the penultimate warehouse on the left. Hamler moved the mechanism. As the chain rotated on its own, the door of the warehouse slowly rose.

Walking inside, there are rows of shelves displaying various items, which are indeed strange and weird, including palm-sized snail shells and strange-shaped animal specimens.

"I remember it was on the seventh shelf, and the two mirrors were placed together. I had been here just a month ago," Hamler recalled.

Su Changxing turned around and saw a broken bronze mirror. It was not big, only 1/4 the size of the one in his hand: "There it is, I saw it."

Hamler followed Su Changxing's gaze and nodded: "Yes, it's that thing. You have really good eyesight. You can actually see it at a glance. I'm getting old, and my eyes tend to get blurry when I get older."

Su Changxing walked to the shelf, picked up the broken bronze mirror on the side, and spliced ​​it with the piece he was holding, and found that some of the edges could indeed fit perfectly.

Kasemin looked at the two spliced ​​mirrors: "They originally belong to the same mirror. What's the use of this thing?"

Su Changxing threw the two mirrors into the pocket galaxy and said bluntly: "This thing can pass through the barriers of the world. To put it simply, it is like a passage that can go to places outside this world."

"But it's probably only useful to us pagans, so there should be a lot of pagans looking for this thing."

Hua Duo in the Desert reminds you: Remember to collect [] after reading it. I will update it next time so that you can continue reading. I look forward to the exciting continuation! You can also use the mobile version: and you can read it anytime, anywhere....

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