The divine fire dimmed, and the Order Rubik's Cube collapsed on its own before it was fully unfolded.

"You will never have another chance, Su Changxing." Tzeentch's voice came, like the tinnitus after fainting, gradually filling the whole brain, and no other sounds could be heard anymore.

Su Changxing looked up and understood what Tzeentch meant. Today's reincarnation is not complete, so they have a chance to struggle. Once the past is buried and reincarnation is completely in the hands of Tzeentch, a closed loop will probably be formed. Even the gods cannot escape from it.

The only one who can transcend is Tzeentch himself.

The collapse of the empire greatly reduced his divine power, and he was unable to cast the full Cube of Order. He could only cast it at half of his strength, but this was not enough to threaten Tzeentch.

The Black Goat Mother collapsed at an accelerated rate, the rules of order were scattered, and even the chaos itself had blue cracks, and behind the cracks was the boundless starry sky.

Su Changxing stretched out his hand to grab the eye and sneered: "But I caught you."

Tzeentch's position is very subtle, between the positive and negative worlds, between reality and reality, on the edge of chaos. It is not easy to find him.

If Tzeentch hides, no one may be able to find him.

"If you want to drag me along to destroy you, I'm afraid it won't be easy."

"As the saying goes, the more you do, the more mistakes you make. Maybe you don't do anything and the result is pretty good."

Tzeentch's voice came with ridicule and contempt, a god who saw through everything and was aloof.

How could a person like Su Changxing, who prided himself on being extremely smart all his life, endure it? It was as if all his rationality had been exhausted before, and his repressed humanity was completely exposed. He cursed loudly: "Come on, let me see who is right and who is wrong." !”

He completely gave up on repairing order, grabbed a corner of Tzeentch's body, and rushed towards it. With the starry scythe in his hand, he slashed towards the eye. The sharp blade penetrated the pupil, but it seemed to hit a layer of light and shadow. , cutting through the space.

Ahead lies the world of Tzeentch.

this moment.

He probably just really gave up, gave up on this reincarnation, gave up on the last struggle.

But even if he gives up, Tzeentch cannot completely control reincarnation!

As long as Tzeentch does not completely control reincarnation, then he will still have a chance. Every reincarnation is an opportunity. Reincarnation brings people despair, but it also brings people hope, the hope of coming back again and again.

Such contradictions will only make people sigh and struggle with whether to move forward or stay where they are.

Knowing that efforts will be in vain in the end, but still walking firmly into the darkness, such a person may be a reckless person, full of sensibility and lack of reason. He should be Zhou An, not Su Changxing.

A rational person chooses the most irrational approach. Maybe his original humanity has been mysteriously distorted.

Without Su Changxing's repair, the collapse of order accelerated, cracks appeared on the edge of the dimension, the world of the dead collapsed, and trillions of undead poured out of it and entered the third dimension.

When things break, everything gets crazy.

A huge Buddha's hand stretched out from the crack, grabbed trillions of undead souls, and dragged them into another space, leaving only the will of the ancient god alone.

"That's the ancient god?" Many people who caught a glimpse of it exclaimed, and even more people went completely crazy because of this, sinking into the spirit of the ancient god.

it is as expected!

A smile appeared on Su Changxing's face. The existence behind the high dimension will not allow the collapse of order. When he breaks the jar, there will be other existences who have to run for it.

One thing is certain now. The person behind the doomsday game is an ancient god who is in a state of slumber and has no independent consciousness. Therefore, the doomsday game will run on its own and make judgments on what happened.

Doomsday games are not a whole. Some are dedicated to fighting doomsday, while others are creating doomsday behind the scenes. Otherwise, there would not be so many doomsdays in this world.

When order collapses, Doomsday Games, or the ancient gods who control Doomsday Games, will not allow such a thing to happen.

Su Changxing not only gave up on repairing the order, but also took the initiative to destroy it, stepped on it hard and threw it to the ground.

This scene stunned Tzeentch.

"You are indeed different." Tzeentch's eyes were serious, but he still did not take Su Changxing into consideration.

The two sides are not on the same level.

When Su Changxing stepped into the world of Tzeentch, the divine fire became even dimmer, and the dark golden light on his body was almost invisible.

This is equivalent to the divine kingdom of Tzeentch, which is in the narrow space of reincarnation. As the reincarnation changes, it is constantly changing. With each reincarnation, the divine kingdom will undergo an additional change, which will also make Tzeentch stronger.

In Tzeentch's view, Su Changxing was undoubtedly sent to the door. After entering here, although he found his location, he was also seeking his own death.

Su Changxing was like a wounded soldier who charged despite millions of soldiers.

Here, his divine power will be suppressed by 90%, and at most he can only unfold a Rubik's Cube of Order.

"Have you ever heard of the God of Endlessness and Control?" Su Changxing said coldly.

"Huh?" Tzeentch's body emerged from the world, with a big belly and extraordinarily slender limbs. One eye after another opened from the surrounding space, wise and stern.

Su Changxing cut off his other arm, both legs, his other eye, and even the skin of his tongue, and installed the remaining ancient god's limbs from the discount store on his body one by one.

The discount store itself is not a seal, but a passage leading to the location where the ancient god fell in time.

"Lend me your strength."

"Is there any wine?"

"Yes, I will drink with you then!"

Su Changxing communicated silently with the unknown being, who was the god of infinity and control.

They had been in contact a long time ago, during the first round of doomsday.

"Madman..." Tzeentch said after silence, "You will only make the situation worse. The ancient god will push time to the next stage. Is this what you want?"

Su Changxing laughed like a maniac, golden blood overflowed from all over his body, and was squeezed by the power of the ancient god: "Tzeentch, Tzeentch."

"You have calculated everything in reincarnation, but you still overlooked something."

Tzeentch didn't speak, and countless eyes stared coldly at Su Changxing, flashing with gorgeous purple light. He suddenly felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

The Cube of Order unfolds in the palm of your hand, and stars are all over the world. Hundreds of Cubes of Order evolve again in the starry sky, and hundreds more evolve into each Cube of Order, with silver bullets as suffixes.

He poured the power of the ancient gods into the world in the form of Order Cubes, creating millions of Order Cubes. The power of destruction caused the world to collapse on itself.

In just a moment, Su Changxing stopped moving, and tens of thousands of figures appeared in the world, each of them a Tzeentch.

As the saying goes, one god with a thousand faces.

Those figures were destroyed one by one as the world collapsed.

"This can't kill me." A smile appeared on Tzeentch's face, "Unless you let the ancient gods come, you can't do it at all. You are just a poor incarnation, and you won't do that."

As he further accepted the power of the ancient gods, Su Changxing's sense of all things in the world also underwent subtle changes. There was an additional number on Tzeentch's head, 003.

[Reincarnation Controller: 003, the adulterer understands the mysteries of reincarnation, further controls reincarnation, can clearly understand the changes and methods of everything in the world, and is an omniscient and omnipotent existence. 】

Su Changxing realized that because of his further control over the ancient god's power, he seemed to have an ability similar to that of being independent and could see numbers.

Tzeentch is 003, which means that Tzeentch ranks third among all creatures in the world.

Tzeentch should be the most powerful god. The first two creatures may not have any sense of autonomy, or they may simply be sleeping ancient gods.

Immediately afterwards, he also saw his own number, 009.

[The God of Weirdness and Fraud: 009, the false god, weaves endless lies, and even himself is deeply involved in them. It has nothing to do with truth and falsehood, only lies and truth. 】


A cat meows.

Su Changxing looked back and saw a shiny black cat squatting on his shoulder, with shiny fur, licking its fur, looking well-behaved.

" did!"

Tzeentch's face gradually became distorted, which should have been a normal thing. Let alone Tzeentch, even ordinary gods have more than one face.

The gods are both normalized and changeable.

The hair burned like a flame, fiery red, and unusually warm, dispelling the darkness in the chaos.

Among the original faces of Tzeentch, another face appeared, eyes closed tightly, and then opened slightly.


The face saw Su Changxing and said softly.

It was Xu Kai.

He was the only mortal who walked through the nine gates of the Labyrinth of Tzeentch and became one of Tzeentch, the Lord of Thousand Changes.

Even Tzeentch himself was not aware of this problem. Tzeentch didn't need to go through so much trouble to deal with a mortal.

Su Changxing designed Xu Kai to fall into the maze of Tzeentch.

This is a move and a bet.

If he has not succeeded in infinite reincarnations, then he must fight for that slim chance.

The victory or defeat does not depend on Su Changxing, but on whether Xu Kai can walk through the nine gates of the Maze of Tzeentch.

Theoretically speaking, it is impossible for mortals to do it, not even all the gods can do it, but Xu Kai did it.

"How is this possible?" Tzeentch's howl came, and the whole world continued to tremble and began to split.

Because of the existence of Xu Kai, Tzeentch had to split. There was more than one split, there were nine, corresponding to the nine gates of Tzeentch's maze, and also corresponding to different emotions.

Xu Kai corresponds to the thousands of changes in the Nine Gates, but he himself remains unchanged. His eternal burning spirit makes even the gods fear him.

This is probably unique to mortals.

Su Changxing had long been keenly aware of the opportunity. Even without him, if Xu Kai could survive, he would become a saint sooner or later.

That flame is the flame of civilization, enough to carry the name of a saint, and it was born for this.

One hundred million silver bullets were scattered from the one million Rubik's Cube, turning most of the surrounding area into nothingness. The nine Lords of Thousand Changes, except for Xu Kai, were all shot by him and eliminated in the chaos, turning into either complete or complete forms. The detailed rules and the mysteries of reincarnation.

Tzeentch did not fall, he just changed, and maybe he will return to his original appearance in the next reincarnation.

Xu Kai was right in front of him, the distance between the two sides was very close, yet far away.

"well done."

Su Changxing praised and smiled: "Kill me."

Xu Kai stared at Su Changxing quietly, remained silent for a moment, and then pulled out the black sword: "Teacher, please die!"

Su Changxing naturally cannot live. Without the suppression of the world of Tzeentch, the ancient gods will soon invade his body and come from the past time.

This result seems to be the best, at least it will give you a chance to do it again in the future.

But Su Changxing didn't think so. Leaving the matter to his future self was undoubtedly a rogue approach.

People who avoid will not be considered shameful, but people who pray for a glimmer of hope may be considered hateful.

This may be the mistake of independence, pinning your hopes on slim possibilities and leaving the problem to those who come after you.

This is really irresponsible.

Su Changxing could only complain like this, knowing that when manpower was exhausted, independence might not be an option at that time.

The black sword pierced his chest and ignited black flames.

Xu Kai's eyes were bright and he looked up at Su Changxing: "Is this worth it?"

Su Changxing smiled: "Who knows?"

Xu Kai said affirmatively: "I think it's worth it."

Su Changxing laughed loudly: "I knew you would say that."

At this moment, he was extremely happy.

With the black flames, he fell here. The power of the ancient god returned to the time it should have been, but the order he controlled did not dissipate.

Xu Kai was also puzzled, "The order has not collapsed. What is trying to remedy it?"

In the blood moon.

Zhou An raised his head again and saw the eye, but this time it was different, it was pitch black.

Su Changxing stood in front of him, between Zhou An and Zhou Wenwu, maintaining his human appearance, wearing a hood, with a small black cat squatting on his shoulder and a sickle in his left hand.

"Brother Su!" Zhou An smiled as before: "I knew you would come."

Then, he was stunned when he saw that the number on Su Changxing's head was actually 009.

What exactly does this mean? He also understands that even if it is a god, it is still the most powerful god.

Su Changxing sighed: "It's really outrageous... Without you, I'm afraid it would have been much worse."

It was unexpected that Zhou An could become so powerful, although it was because he controlled the power from the ancient gods and turned it into a part of his own swordsmanship.

This also just confirms what Independence said, mortals have the opportunity to control the power of the ancient gods. He did it, and so did Zhou An.

In order to trap Zhou An in the blood moon of reincarnation, Tzeentch expended a lot of effort.

The ninth dimension is very special. Touching reality is the key to breaking the cycle of reincarnation, so the doomsday game will let the Zerg enter the ninth dimension and want to destroy everything here.

And this is also the key to Tzeentch's complete control of reincarnation.

In reincarnation, under the multi-party game, the current results will appear.

There are many variables, Zhou An is one of them, and anything that touches the ancient gods is a variable.

"I'm sorry." Su Changxing looked back at Zhu Wenwu and said softly.

Zhu Wenwu sneered: "Haha, you can actually say such things. Who are you sorry for, and who is sorry for you... I'm afraid it's clear to you at a glance."

A gentle smile appeared on Su Changxing's face: "I will help you remove the cause and effect."

Looking back, the blood moon was completely shattered, Zhu Wenwu lay on the ground with his body separated, and his soft white hair spread out in the void like a big tree.

Su Changxing looked back at Zhou An, stretched out his hand and said, "I'll lend you your sword!"

Zhou An nodded, not knowing what Su Changxing wanted to do, so he calmly handed out the sword.

Su Changxing's body became solid little by little, stealing Zhou An's path of life and death, breaking free from the power of the ancient gods in nothingness, and being born again in the human world!

The broken order came to him like a stream of light.

This came at a cost, leading to a further collapse of order and the complete fall of the Black Goat Mother.

Su Changxing stepped across the dimension and entered the eighth dimension. Zhou An could see his back from a distance, getting higher and higher, as if he was climbing an endless ladder.

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