Lin Yu glanced at the dissipated blood mist and looked up to the distance.

These two saints came from this direction before.

Lin Yu squinted his eyes, and the avatars speeded up and moved towards the direction where the two saints came.


Shuangya Fortress military zone.

A group of frost troll saints suddenly changed their faces and stood up abruptly.

"Babel and Sluku are dead!"

"What's the matter?! How could they die in such a short time?"


The faces of the saints were full of disbelief.

At this moment, the strong Frost Troll headed suddenly said: "Quiet!"

Many sages calmed down, and the strong frost troll sage frowned and said: "Obviously that human sage is very strong. Babel and Sluku are both three-star sages, able to kill in such a short time. They, that human saint is probably a five-star. This is not something you can handle anymore, let me go."

While speaking, the strong frost troll saint stood up.

The other saints are all looking at the mighty frost troll saints, and one of the saints said: "Barriston, do you want to inform the demigods? The strength of the five-star saints is not trivial."

Barryston sneered and said, "What? Do you think I am still defeated?"

Many saints glanced at each other and did not speak.

Barryston continued to speak: "You don't need to inform the demigod, I can kill him soon!"

While speaking, Barris disappeared in place.

And not far from Frostfang Fortress, Lin Yu's clone was flying.

At this moment, he suddenly stopped, and in front of him, a sturdy frost troll emerged.

The breath of this frost troll is extremely powerful, which is comparable to the gray-haired woman Lin Yu killed in the Bone Eruption a few days ago.

Five-star saints.

Lin Yu's eyes lit up and a smile appeared. He didn't expect to catch a big fish.

Seeing the smile on Lin Yu's face, Barliston was furious, and a huge ice-blue epee appeared in his hand.

The epee is more than three meters long, but it seems as light as nothing in Barliston's hands.

Barryston raised his heavy sword and pointed at Lin Yu, grinning and said: "Human! No matter who you are! Dare to come to the frozen ground is the biggest mistake of your life!"

Lin Yu glanced at Barriston with a weird expression.

This frost troll is kind of second in the middle.

He smiled slightly: "Really?"

In the next moment, dozens of Lin Yu clones appeared around Barryston and wrapped him inside.

Barryston: "???"

He widened his eyes and looked at the Lin Yu avatars around him blankly, not daring to say: "This... is an illusion?! How could it be so many?!"

Lin Yu smiled: "Guess."

The hands of all the avatars were raised, and the crimson was shattered.

Boom boom boom boom! !

Balliston's body trembled violently, and almost instantly, his body turned into blood mist and burst open.

Before changing his equipment, Lin Yu could kill the five-star saints.

Now that he has replaced a whole set of five-star saints, Lin Yu's strength has skyrocketed several times, and with so many clones, it is too simple to kill a five-star saint.

At the same time that Barryston died, in Frostfang Fortress, even if the holy ones were frost trolls, their hearts were cold at the moment, as if freezing.

"Baryston actually died?! He is a five-star saint!"

"How long is this?! Isn't it the saint who came? A demigod?!"

"No! Hurry up and inform my demigod! Otherwise, Frostfang Fortress will fall!"


A group of frost troll saints are in chaos.

At this moment, the space in the room fluctuated, and in the next moment, a total of three hundred Lin Yu clones appeared.

Although the room was not small, it became crowded after three hundred Lin Yu clones appeared.

Even Lin Yu's clone was about to huddle with a few frost troll saints.

All the frost troll saints were taken aback for a moment, then showed a look of horror, and the whole body aura suddenly exploded.

"It's you!"

"Is it possible to come in like this?!"


A group of frost troll saints almost immediately attacked Lin Yu.

However, almost at the same time, a group of frost troll saints turned into blue blood mist.


The strength levels of these frost troll sages are not uniform, the most powerful are only two four-star sages, none of the five-star sages, and the rest are sages below three-star.

This strength is too weak.

In the face of three hundred Lin Yu clones, they have no resistance at all.

After killing a group of saints, Lin Yu learned the lesson of the last time in Scarlet Blood City, did not move the Frostfang Fortress, but directly turned into a blood mist and dissipated.

The Frost Troll killed more than ten saints at once. Lin Yu was a little worried about attracting the attention of the Frost Troll gods.

However, perhaps because Lin Yu withdrew too fast, the gods of the Frost Troll did not move at all.

Lin Yu who remained in the resident area breathed a sigh of relief.

Is it because there are too many saints?

At the same time, on the frozen ground, because Lin Yu killed many Frost Troll soldiers, the number of soldiers of the Ice Spirit Army even took the upper hand at this moment.

And in the resident, the Saints of Ice Spirit City were staring at each other with a dazed expression at the moment.

An ice blue short-haired man at the head said: "Listening to the reports from the soldiers, there has been a powerful saint on our human side, who has saved many people."

"Can you find out who it is?"

The ice-blue short-haired man shook his head: "I didn't even see anyone. I only know that the other party has the law of blood."

A saint said: "It's not the time to find someone? Now the number of Frost Troll soldiers has been reduced by about half, which is a lot less than the number of our Frost Spirit Army. Moreover, the internal forces of the Frost Troll Legion are now in force. It’s messed up, now is a good opportunity to fight back!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

"Lao Yu is right, it's time to fight back!"

At this moment, a soldier of the Ice Spirit Army rushed in and shouted: "The Frost Troll has retired!"

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