"In this case, let me introduce myself first. My name is Zhang Mu."

"You can just call me by my name, but what about you?"

Although Zhang Mu already knows Liu Hai's name, he still wants to ask Liu Hai out of politeness and politeness.

What's more, although he can know these things now, it does not mean that everyone can know this matter.

Liu Hai is here After listening to Zhang Mu's words, he immediately raised his fist towards Zhang Mu.

"My name is Liu Hai, you can also call me by my name directly."

In this way, the alliance between the two people was initially reached, and the two of them also laid the foundation for the future six-person group.

Zhang Mu and Liu Hai came together like this. Liu Hai felt that Zhang Mu was a bit too arrogant here. Attractive

"Zhang Mu, why don't I take you home to change into the clothes in our village?"

"I don’t know what is going on in this village, but it excludes outsiders."

Zhang Mu nodded after listening to Liu Hai's words. He had also discovered this before. He now wants to know what happened here. Is it possible that there are secrets hidden in this village that they don't know about?

"You're right, I think this village is very weird"

"How could an ordinary village not welcome outsiders? There must be some secrets hidden in this village."

Liu Hai nodded after listening to Zhang Mu's words. Soon, Zhang Mu changed into the same clothes as Liu Hai.

And then, Zhang Mu was responsible for walking beside Liu Hai, looking like Liu Hai. Like the new little brother.

Liu Hai has been taking Zhang Mu around the village, helping Zhang Mu understand every road in the village.

It was also at this time that Zhang Mu discovered that Liu Hai seemed to be very good at interpersonal communication. The people in this village People basically have a smiling face and are very enthusiastic about bangs.

Zhang Mu feels that with the help of bangs, he doesn't have to worry about interpersonal problems.

Bangs can definitely help him handle interpersonal relationships well.

When After visiting the whole village, Zhang Mu took a liking to Liu Hai with some teasing eyes.

"I didn’t expect you to be so popular in this village."

"It seems that you are doing well in this village, and they have not noticed that you are an outsider."

Liu Hai smiled sarcastically after listening to Zhang Mu's words.

People here did not realize that he was an outsider, maybe because he hid it so well.

"These are all things you must have when you go out. One more friend is better than one more enemy."

After Zhang Mu heard what Liu Hai said, he felt that what Liu Hai said was right.

You really need to rely on friends outside. One more friend is better than one more enemy.

At this time, Zhang Mu suddenly became very serious again. Looking at Liu Hai, he felt that Liu Hai could definitely take him to the village chief's home.

There must be some important secret hidden in the village chief's home, otherwise the system would not prompt him

"Do you know where the village chief's home is?"

"Since this village is so strange, let's start with the village chief."

After listening to Zhang Mu's words, Liu Hai felt that Zhang Mu was right.

But in fact, he had never seen the real village head in this village for so long.

Until now, the village head had just lived in a room. It's just in the house, never really shown

"The village chief has always lived in a house and no one has ever been able to see him"

"He will only give us some orders to not contact outsiders, or to look for something beneficial."

"Therefore, people here believe in the village chief and feel that the village chief is a god sent by God to protect them."

After listening to Liu Hai's words, Zhang Mu felt that something was wrong with the village chief.

How could an ordinary human being give orders to ordinary villagers?

How could he really calculate something?

"Do you feel that there is something wrong with this village chief?"

"How could an ordinary human know what to do? Aren't these things supposed to be left to chance?"

After Liu Hai listened to Zhang Mu's words again, he felt that Zhang Mu was right.

But he didn't know what was wrong with this matter. Anyway, the latest order issued by their village chief was that no outsiders were allowed to enter the village.

"I don't know what's going on"

"The reason why we are so exclusive of outsiders is because our village chief’s order when entering the village is that no one is allowed to enter our village."

"Although we don’t know why the village chief issued such an order, we will still obey it unconditionally."

"We just drive strangers out of the village first. If there are any ignorant ones, we will probably drive them away."

Zhang Mu nodded after listening to Liu Hai's words. Fortunately, he met Liu Hai and successfully reunited with Liu Hai.

Otherwise, he would have been one of the people kicked out.

This matter still needs to be done. Thank you bangs, if it weren't for bangs, I'm afraid he would have been kicked out of here.

But the top priority now is to quickly investigate and find out what happened to the village chief.

Why did the village chief seal off this village for no reason?

"We should still go to the village chief’s house and have a look now"

"Although the village chief never shows up, there are always some clues around his yard. Liu

Hai nodded after listening to Zhang Mu's words.

In fact, he had wanted to visit the village chief's house for a long time, but his behavior was not enough.

Once he got close to the village chief's house, a certain alarm would be triggered, and the villagers would Appear

"If you don't have enough cultivation, you will get into trouble if you get close to the village chief's house."

"I have tried to get close to the village chief’s home before, but every time I got there, I was stopped by the villagers."

"Fortunately, I am from this village. If I were from another village, I would have died long ago."

After listening to Liu Hai's words, Zhang Mu became more and more surprised.

How could someone know that someone was approaching him from a few miles away?

The village chief didn't seem to be an ordinary person. He didn't know that he Is it a monster or an elf?

"Now it seems that this village chief is indeed not an ordinary person."

"He can make the villagers here believe in him so much, and he can also detect the nearby situation in time."

"He is either a monster or an elf."

Liu Hai nodded after listening to Zhang Mu's words. In fact, he also had such a guess.

But what exactly the village chief is needs to be confirmed after they have close contact.

Zhang Mu also doesn't know what his current cultivation level is. Is it close enough to the village chief's house?

But the physique he chose is indeed a very powerful one, and he is promoted very quickly.

If even he can't get close to the village chief's house, I'm afraid no one can get close to the village chief's house.

"I want to give it a try, so my ability is still relatively low now, but we have to give it a try before we know."

Liu Hai nodded after listening to Zhang Mu's words. Zhang Mu should indeed be allowed to give it a try.

If Zhang Mu is not allowed to give it a try, Zhang Mu will never give up.

And the village chief's family also There must be something hidden, otherwise outsiders would not be allowed to get close.

Soon, Liu Hai led Zhang Mu to the village chief's home.

This small mountain village seemed to hide many secrets.

The village chief's home is in the village The outermost part seemed to be guarding the boundaries of the village.

Zhang Mu thought this was very strange. How could a village chief live in such a remote place?

Generally speaking, village chiefs should live in the center of the village or It's near the center.

But the village chief did the opposite and lived at the edge of the village.

It can be seen that the village chief wants to hide something, or wants to protect the village.

With bangs After Zhang Mu arrived near the village chief's house, he stopped one kilometer away.

"If you continue walking forward, you can see the village chief's home."

"I can't go any further now. If I go any further, someone will find us."

Zhang Mu nodded after listening to Liu Hai's words. He knew that Liu Hai's cultivation level no longer allowed him to go in.

In this case, he can only go in by himself now. He has to fight alone now.

"Okay, then leave the rest to me."

"I will try my best to find out the situation of the village chief's family. Liu

Hai nodded after listening to Zhang Mu's words. At this time, the two of them seemed to be partners who had known each other for a long time. The two of them seemed to be able to exchange their backs with each other and look at each other with confidence.

But in fact The two of them had just met.

Zhang Mu calmed down at this time and began to use his internal energy.

He let his breathing and footsteps become clearer, as if a kitten was walking.

And Liu Hai saw Zhang Mu After looking like this, he really felt that Zhang Mu's current cultivation level had reached a very high level.

He looked at Zhang Mu with envy, and really didn't know how his cultivation level could catch up with Zhang Mu's.

If he could If he catches up with Zhang Mu, I'm afraid he will become very happy.

One day, his cultivation will be able to reach Zhang Mu's position.

He will definitely become more powerful, and he will definitely stand at the end smoothly.

At this time, Zhang Mu was slowly approaching the village chief's house alone.

He found that as he walked closer to the village chief's house, there were no villagers nearby.

But Liu Hai said that when he stepped into this area, Many villagers would come over to stop him.

This incident made Zhang Mu feel very incredible. There was obviously not even a single household nearby.

How could there be so many villagers coming to stop Zhang Mu in time?

This incident Is Liu Hai lying or is there really a secret hidden here?

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