The battle between the devil and the Allied Forces of the Immortal Realm has been like fire like tea.

The powerhouses of the immortal world have already gone to look for the traces of the evil spirits and evil gods to prevent them from expanding the situation again.

However, after observation, it was not only the Gemini's unit that was heading towards Xuan Yuexing.

All planets occupied by demons in the entire immortal world have sent teams to prepare to attack Xuan Yuexing.

And the coalition forces of all races have not let go of these occupied planets.

After the news that the evil gods were missing was confirmed, the all-out war on the front was completely started.

Two major military blocs, a total of 700 planets were involved in the war.

The flames of war are spreading, and the whole world is dancing in the flames of war.

Countless fleets shuttled through the stars, fighting fiercely, and shattering.

Countless demons rushed out of the transport ship, like gravel in a storm, sweeping over the planets and destroying cities.

Countless figures of warriors ran in the light of the explosion and raindrops of soil and gravel, advancing violently in the energy of the shot, and fell in the blood and fire.

Every inch of land in the world is groaning and killing, which is the main theme of this era.

However, the raging flames of war are far from reaching the fiercest level. The war is constantly escalating. The two big camps all over the universe collide, fiercely and implicitly, just like a storm brewing in the dark clouds. No one knows when, it is crazier. The thunder, lightning, squalls and hail will come all of a sudden.

Everyone can only persist in waiting in pain.

No one can know when he can live, no one can see the future clearly.

This is a troubled world. The people don't make a living!

The ownership of Xuan Yuexing caused both the devil and the coalition forces to cast their gazes here.

Xuan Yuexing, who had just been peaceful, will ignite the flames of war again.

However, neither the demon nor the coalition forces noticed that they were hiding in the monks' army base in the deep space of Xuan Yuexing.

I have to say that the mask is really unreasonable.

You only need to invest resources to cover your whereabouts.

However, Zhang Zhengyi set up a fake base outside the monk army base as his temporary station.

This is also to be able to confuse and fish and stabilize the coalition forces by the way.

After all, everyone is still an ally.

"Boss, there is a coalition fleet operating nearby and has sent us a communication request!"

In the planetary belt, his subordinates suddenly sent a communication to Zhang Zhengyi.

"Huh? Come in.


A face appeared on the monitor in front of Zhang Zhengyi.

Damn, it's this grandson again.

This person is no one else, but the representative who watched Zhang Zhengyi sign the declaration before.

"Your Excellency Zhang Zhengyi, I am glad to see you again.

"Ghosts are happy to see you!!"

Zhang Zhengyi said in his heart, but his face was full of enthusiasm, and he raised his hand in salute and said: "Hello, on behalf of you! Is there anything going on here this time?"

"The headquarters has just received the news from the Scout Ship of the Brotherhood." After returning the gift, the representative asked straightforwardly: "There is a fleet of demons approaching the Meteor Belt. Is the situation true?"

"How can this kind of thing be joking?" Zhang Zhengyi smiled honestly, and reached out to reveal a shadow stone: "This is the record of the demon fleet monitored by our other reconnaissance ship. I sent it over. You can see it yourself. ."

Opened the intelligence record sent by Zhang Zhengyi and looked at the picture taken by the reconnaissance ship and the coordinates, the number of ships, the type and other intelligence data of the demon fleet. The representative frowned and raised his head and asked: "What do you think?"

"Evacuate as soon as possible.

On the screen, Zhang Zhengyi's body is straight, serious, and calm, all showing the mature demeanor of a senior monk.

"Obviously, this is a trap of the devil against us!

"However, they only have one fleet.

The representative looked at Zhang Zhengyi's resolute eyes: "Will this trap be too small? Moreover, we now know their movements and have sufficient preparations. Looking at it on the contrary, this seems to be an opportunity for us! "

"Your Excellency, I think it is necessary to remind you."

Zhang Zhengyi lifted his chin slightly, his eyes were sharp, and his voice was low: "This is not an encounter. If the enemy's target is your 052 fleet, then you can know it outside the galaxy.

But here is the third flight to Xuanyue Star!

"Outside the galaxy, the third leg!" The representative fell into silence.

He walked back and forth with his hands behind his back. The frown becomes tighter.

0…………Look for flowers……


Zhang Zhengyi said indifferently: "Of course there is no danger in the 052 fleet under the leadership of the general. However, if the demon fleet desperately entangles ships of other races, I don't know if you are ready to die without saving? Or are you ready to die together?"

Zhang Zhengyi's words immediately caused the officers beside the representative to make a noise.

I was ready to scold me impatiently.

The representative waved his hand to stop the subordinates' noise.

He looked at Zhang Zhengyi coldly. Suddenly smiled.

This monk is right!

His 052 fleet is not afraid of the demon fleet, which does not mean that the other tribal coalition fleets are not afraid.

If the devil concentrated all his attack power on the Mermaid 877 fleet behind his fleet, it would be a strangling situation.


The fatal blow to the 877 fleet will inevitably affect the cooperation between the mermaid tribe and the coalition forces.

If the time drags on for a long time, if the enemy really guards the third leg next to the main channel, they will encircle.

Maybe the 052 fleet has to sink too!

Although Zhang Zhengyi's words are a bit harsh, they hit the nail on the head.

This is the style of a soldier, not so many flowers!

This guy is a little uncomfortable except sometimes, but the other is temperament and literacy. They all have an appetite for themselves.

As long as he doesn't commit cheapness, this person is still normal.

"Thank you!" The representative's tone was very sincere.

"You're welcome!" Zhang Zhengyi smiled slightly, calm and breezy.

"Abandon the original plan." The representative made up his mind: "Immediately contact the 877 fleet and let them retreat!"

"Yes!" The adjutant on the side shouted his orders.

The huge fleet of the Allied Forces 052 fleet, which stretched for hundreds of kilometers, began to turn slowly.

"Commander!" The adjutant in charge of contacting the 877 fleet suddenly raised his head: "The commander of the 877 fleet replied that half of the 877 fleet has entered the meteor belt and there is no way to stop. After half an hour, they will arrive. All into the meteor belt!"

"What?" The representative just felt that his head became bigger all of a sudden.

He immediately said anxiously: "Why are they so fast?! Didn't I tell them to slow down?!"

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