Global Creation: Create the Zerg Queen at the Start!

Chapter 9 The future of God's creation! (The data is sparse, ask for flowers and votes!)

The creator of the White Eagle Nation, Freud was unaware of the disturbances from the outside world.

It must be said that the setting of the Land of Creation to protect the creators of the world from outside interference is very correct.

It is the instinct of human beings.

The original identity of the creator of the world has three religions and nine streams, and there are very few people who truly have their own opinions.

It just so happens that Freud is an assertive.

The world of the Cthulhu Temple is in constant chaos, which makes Freud a headache.

There is no way, the creator of the world cannot interfere with the will of the creatures in the world, and can only influence the world's progress by accelerating time.

But Freud accelerated for a thousand years, and the evil gods and demons still fought to death.

This operation has caused a crack in the world!

A crack in the world fell into his world, but Freud knew nothing.

Facing the endlessly fighting evil gods and demons, Freud, tired of being a tinker, decided to create a new race.

"This world is ravaged by evil gods, and new power is needed to redeem my previous mistakes."

Freud muttered to himself.

"The world needs light!"

A beam of light appeared in the world of the Cthulhu Temple.

The power of holiness and gentleness and the world of the evil temple full of evil and sulfur seemed so incompatible.

"The world needs justice!"

The rays of light dispersed, one of the rays of light began to condense, and a humanoid creature gradually appeared.

He was about three meters tall, dressed in platinum armor and a hood, and could not see his face.

"Give you the name of Tyrael of justice and save the world!" Freud looked at his work.

A sword appeared in the hands of the humanoid creature, and countless rays of light flickered behind it, turning into seven pairs of wings completely formed by light blue rays!

"Justice is my life!"

Tyrael's voice was ethereal, full of holiness.

"The world needs courage!"

Another humanoid creature appeared.

He wore a red royal dress and looked solemn. There are dazzling inverted sword graphics on the breastplate.

"Give you the name of Imprison of courage, destroy these evil gods and demons!",

Seven pairs of golden wings appeared behind Impris, and his voice was sonorous and powerful: "The devil will be destroyed!"

"The world needs mercy!"

"The world needs wisdom!"

"The world needs order and destiny!"

Then Freud created three archangels one after another.

Auriel, the angel of mercy, Marthael, the angel of wisdom, and Isriel, the angel of destiny.

"The light will never dissipate!"

In the end, Freud left this sentence and fainted directly.

There is no way to create five powerful creatures in a row, and the physical consumption has exceeded the standard.

His voice just fell.

A giant floating city emerged around the five archangels.

This is a gift left by Freud to his creations.

High-level heaven!

This floating city is not only an aerial fortress, but also has the power to heal injuries, absorb the power of the world and cultivate new angels.

Want to sweep the entire evil temple world with just five archangels? Freud didn't have that confidence.

The audience of Blue Star's White Eagle Country is boiling!

"That's right!"

"It was wrong to engage in a demon in the first place!"

"Freud is great!"

Soon, the voice of the land of creation sounded again.

[Congratulations to the creators of the White Eagle Kingdom for creating high-level heaven, creating the angel of courage Tyrell, etc. All citizens of the White Eagle Kingdom have gained physical fitness +5! Unlock buildings, the altar of courage! 】

Suddenly, there was a wave of shaking in the Baiying Country.

Thousands of weird altars rose from the ground, and they spread all over the white eagle country. Two altars appeared even in Dongweiyi.

The citizens of the White Eagle Country quickly ran to check.

The altar is about five meters high, the bottom is big and the top is small, and the top is a sphere engraved with strange runes.

"What exactly is this?"

"What's the use of this altar? I'm standing next to it, and it feels nothing?!"

"Look, is the ball on top of the altar the way to open the altar?"

So someone boldly climbed up and touched the ball.

Suddenly, the altar shines brightly.

Within fifty meters, countless bright rays of light appeared.

"I feel full of courage! Come on! I want to confess!"

"Me too, I feel like I am omnipotent now! I want to go home and teach my wife!"

Everyone soon discovered that under the influence of this light, it would greatly affect people's own will.

And it is extremely positive.

The weak become strong and brave.

Those who have lost hope become confident.

The effects of the altar quickly spread throughout the world.

"Niu b, I also want to be brave."

"Yeah, who doesn't want to."

"That's right, many people have many great ideas in their hearts, just because they dare not act."

The high-level Baiying is happy.

President Puchuan excitedly danced in the Black Palace.

"I have to say, the chief's dance is really rubbish." The onlookers smiled to deal with it, but whispered in private.

"Speak less, applaud and it's over, no.1 will do."

But soon, many people discovered that the altar of courage has a duration.

Only one hour.

After losing the effect, these people changed back to the only way.

The reopening of the Altar of Courage requires three hours of charging.

Countless people crowded around the altar of courage, just to gain one hour of courage!

But some people have an idea.

The White Eagle State has a law stipulating that, as long as it is not a living thing, all objects discovered or appearing within its own territory belong to the homeowner.

The White Eagle has thousands of altars of courage, and more than 400 appear in the backyards of many people.

These houses were bought and auctioned at super high prices!

"Is it you? Baiying people will make money? It's really quick to start."

"This rule is really a mess. This altar obviously belongs to all the White Eagle citizens, and it has now become the private property of the rich!"

"This is unfair! We have to protest!"

However, something more desperate appeared.

The White Eagle official simply disregarded those altars of courage that were owned by the wealthy, but declared other altars of courage to be state-owned, and all citizens must obtain permission to enter.

Many White Eagle citizens held up signs in anger to demonstrate and threw rubbish at the Congress, but received no response at all.

In this regard, President Pu Chuan meant: "What are the civilians doing, so that they can have the opportunity to enter is already very compassionate. If they don't ask them to collect courage tax, it is the welfare of the country. What is there to be unsatisfied? !"*

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