The demon commander's complexion is grimace and gritted!

The demon army that fell down on the front line was all trained by him.

He suffered such a heavy loss just by attacking a small town, which made him unbearable!

Looking not far away, between the block buildings on both sides of the main road, there was only a horizontal path that allowed two demons to stand side by side. Come on, order the Heart Eater to immediately attack!"

Sorry adjusted weakly and got up, trying to see the battle again.

His physical strength had disappeared in the bombardment of that half hour.

Until now, his mind was still dizzy.

In the buzzing ears, there were bursts of weeping.

Sorry turned his head and saw the crying owner beside him--a mad lion girl with slightly swollen eyes, crying with pear blossoms and rain.

A beautiful girl with a black and supple head with "five-five-three" hair and big bright eyes.

At this moment, she was standing in front of the window sill, biting her lip, watching the battle outside the window with tears, and sobbing from time to time.

Sorry sighed slightly. A few hours ago, he still remembered the way the girl was cheering for the victory of the white-robed monk.

At that time, her fair little face was red with excitement, her eyes glowed, and her whole body was filled with youthful vitality and joy from the heart.

However, I did not expect that only a few hours passed.

Everything has reached this point.

Sorry opened her mouth, trying to comfort this pitiful girl, but she didn't know what to say. Everyone knows that the defeat of the monks in white is inevitable.

The girl was crying, and the others in the building were pale.

Despair envelops the town of Plow.

In the distance, in the downtown area, there were also bursts of explosions.

Although the world is big, people have nowhere to go!

Below, the ant-like demon army has begun a new round of deployment.

The Heart Eater who had been staying behind had all been pressed up, and they moved back to the main road along the street in the block.

In the entire two-wing block, there are densely scattered demons!

Sorry sighed and didn't want to look any more.

He didn't want to see these short soldiers die like this.

Sorry felt that at least for a while.

These monks and him, and everyone in the town of Prov, are all connected by blood and the same enemy steam.

Although the two parties have nothing to do with each other. However, that feeling is absolutely real.

Sorry turned off the photo stone that had just been opened.

However, the moment Sorry was looking at the picture in the photo-taking stone, he stopped.

He suddenly found an extremely strange picture in the photo-taking stone.

In a hidden corner of a trench, several puppets in white monk uniforms are posing in various shapes.

On them, rags are piled up.

There are also blood bags and pieces of pork.

Sorry worked for the monk, and he naturally recognized at a glance that these were all puppets, and none of them were real people!

A fireball that happened to hit there suddenly exploded.

Sorry was taken aback by the flash of light in the shadow stone.

He looked at the picture with a weird expression--the picture was full of flesh and blood.

Sorry's heartbeat was accelerating, and a premonition drove him to quickly take out the high-altitude camera next to him and start it.

In the lens, the tide-like army of demons has completely pressed up, and the entire main road is densely packed with demons squirming.

The monks in white seem to have given up resistance.

They retreated quickly, unable to form an army. In front of them, the demon army that rushed in the center had a fiercer offensive and rushed faster.

Red advances and white retreats.

The flowing colors on the screen are dazzling.

However, when the black-clothed monk who had been standing at the forefront retreated the last trench, the dazzling chase came to an abrupt end.

The earth was trembling, and a muffled thunder sounded from the ground.

Time froze all of a sudden.

People looked around in horror, wondering what happened.

Also at a loss, there are those demons in the picture.

They hesitated in their actions, some demons even stopped and looked around.

These beasts walking on the edge of death are instinctively aware of the danger.

Suddenly, a thunder from the ground burst out of the building, blasting into the air.

Immediately afterwards, a more violent series of explosions, like the drum beats of drums and flowers, passed quickly around the buildings on the main road.

Like the eruption of a volcano, and like a salvo of a hundred guns from an old-fashioned battleship, the windows and doors at the bottom of the buildings on the main road block ejected countless tumbling flames and scattered smoke and dust.

In the terrible explosion, buildings began to tilt.

A few seconds later, the shock wave spreading around the main street block, pushing and rolling thick and impenetrable dust, rolling towards the surroundings, rolling up the clouds, covering the sky!

The pawn building is missing 0

The Lottown Commercial Center building is also gone.

All the buildings higher than fifty meters are gone.

Sorry is stupid, and the girl beside him is also stupid.

Everyone was stupid with blood all over their bodies, and at this moment they all rushed to the top of their heads, and then retreated with a squeaking sound.

A horrified electric current climbed from the tail vertebrae directly to the back of his head along the vest.

No one would dare to believe what was happening in front of them-in an instant, all the heights of the entire square main street block disappeared!

The main road block was razed to the ground!

The people rolled their eyes with difficulty, looking at each other with pale faces.

It seemed that he wanted to confirm from the other party an already conclusive answer-the army of tens of thousands of demons, it was over.

There is no need to wait for the dust and smoke to dissipate, just look at the direction of the collapse of those buildings to know that there are not many demons that can escape this terrible catastrophe!

This is a massacre, a carefully planned massacre!

The demon commander looked at the collapsed building grimly, his strength seemed to be taken away.

In front of him, the flying wing demon who had been sending the message had been frightened stupidly.

An unreal fear attacked all the demons, and no one could believe that the army of demons that had just flared up just now was over.

The diffuse dust and smoke gradually dispersed, it was a hellish scene.

In the entire Roth main road block, the collapsed building is only a few jagged ruins, beside it, there are more than ten meters high concrete ruins.

Twisted alloy beams and metal frameworks protruded strangely from the ruins, and the remains of a few evil 2.6 demons could still be vaguely seen.

Dozens of monks in white clothes have completely surrounded the entire area.

They are the real demons in hell, walking around the ruins, piercing every demon that can move with a sharp sword.

All the pride of the demon commander ended up in a playful slap in the face of the opponent!

There was a sharp tingling in the commander's heart. He firmly grasped his heart, his fingertips whitened with extreme force, and his veins stretched.

He didn't know what kind of bastard it was. In order to design such a horrible situation!

In the silence, a figure stood out.

The black monk walked out leisurely.

He blinked, looking at the half-dead demon commander who grabbed his chest with his hands.

The black-clothed monk opened his mouth wide, his face was stunned: "What's the matter, it hurts?"

Under the qi and blood attacking the heart, a mouthful of blood sprayed out from the commander's mouth.

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