Two months will be here soon.

On this day, the entire sky above the Eagle Star wandered through the dark clouds, and the birds and beasts fled in all directions.

Then, endless darkness poured out from the mountains, instantly enveloping half of the sky of the Eagle Star.

The panicked eagles felt seven or eight tyrannical and bloodthirsty breaths gushing from the depths of the earth.

Under the influence of this kind of breath, countless creatures began to change, and there was no trace of clarity in their eyes, and countless sharp mouthparts grew out of their mouths. Of biological flesh and blood.

There are countless corpses who listened to the call of the evil breath, climbed up from the ground, and attacked all the flesh-and-blood creatures they saw.

Another endless light shone out from the sky, covering the other half of the sky.

The holy light descended from the sky, and all creatures affected by the dark breath turned into pus in this endless light.

The archangels and evil gods finally completed their control of the rules.

"Sure enough, you can't underestimate it!"

"Just relying on breath can transform the form of living things, and the power of these evil gods is more terrifying than cancer cells."

Liu Xi sighed as he looked at the terrible appearance on Eagle Star.

Worthy of being gods, when these gods truly exert their own strength, mortal creatures don't even have the qualifications to face the gods 537.

After the archangels and the evil gods have completed the control of the rules, the first thing they do is to part ways.

Count on angels and demons to develop enemies together?

Man, go home and wash and sleep.

The archangels drove straight away in the high-end heaven, and they didn't want to cooperate with the devil.

Nefalem smiled and ran away with the archangels.

Eagle Star fell completely into the hands of the devil.

In just one day, the breath of Cthulhu completely corroded the entire Eagleman star.

All the creatures on the Eagle Star either become the blood food of the devil, or join the devil and become the servants who lose their minds.

The Eagle Star is located on the southern edge of the immortal world.

There are no powerful races around.

After fully occupying the Eagle Star, the demons took the orders of the evil gods and began to invade the surrounding planets.

They took the breath of the evil god given by Videen, and when they arrived on a planet, they first released the breath of the evil god, so that the creatures on that planet were completely mad and killed.

Even planets where there are intelligent races can't resist the army of demons at all.

Beichuan Star, which is the closest to Eagle Star, is the territory of the Bear Race.

It's frozen here all year round and it's off the beaten track.

Beichuan Star mainly produces a kind of precious snow fox skin, and the bear people also have a big name among the tribes of the immortal world.

They are tall, nearly ten meters in length.

But the demons don't care about it.

On this day, the bears were horrified to find that the ancestors buried underground crawled out of the tomb and launched an attack on them.

In the days when the heavy snow was flying, their former good partner Hai Dongqing turned into a killing machine and attacked from the sky frantically.

What is even more desperate is that the slain bear will get up because of the ancient atmosphere of the evil spirit, and swing the butcher knife at the previous teammate.

The comrade-in-arms who had joined hands against the enemy in the previous moment, opened his mouth savagely at you in the next moment.

In the end, more than a dozen members of the bear people escaped by relying on a small teleportation array.

The entire Beichuan Star fell in just half a day.

Cthulhu's army has swallowed more than ten planets one after another, and the cannon fodder servants are even more numerous!

Their troops are growing like snowballs.

Seeing this situation, Freud was a little proud.

Allies? Our Great White Eagles never need that kind of existence!

As long as you are strong enough, you can suppress all those who are not convinced!

In this world, netizens in the White Eagle Country feel sick and uncomfortable with the power of the evil god.

But when these creatures showed their powerful strength, all doubts and dissatisfaction disappeared.

When netizens from other countries flooded into the Baiying Country live broadcast room to denounce the evil deeds of the evil gods in blasphemy against life.

Netizens from Baiying Country fought back collectively.

"Our Baiying people are so pragmatic, understand?"

"No matter what evil god angel he is, as long as it can bring (aicg) to benefit and bring power, we dare to use it!'

"That is, it is their honor to be selected by the evil god to become servants!"

In the World Arena, Liu Xi couldn't help but look at the ball of light where Zhuo Feng was.

Facing this kind of enemy, how will your monks respond?

The behavior of the evil gods quickly spread to the ears of the monks.

The monks who have a lot of resources have already obtained the information of many races in the immortal world, and the performance of the evil gods is completely different from the known intelligent creatures in the immortal world.

The monk's side immediately began to discuss how to confront the enemy.

The monks bought the corpses of some servants brought by the bear people at a high price for analysis.

"These servants have undergone changes in their body shape, and I can sense that there is still a desire to devour flesh and blood in the depths of their minds.

The master of the Shangqing Guanguan waved his hands and turned the corpse of the servant in front of him into fly ashes.

He was dressed in a black robe and looked like a young man.

"The news we received was that these servants only became like this after being infected with some kind of black gas."

Yuqing Guanzhu took the conversation.

Yuqing Guanzhu is the intelligence officer of the strategic deployment of the immortal world, and he is a middle-aged man, wearing a golden robe.

Because the relationship between Shangqing, Yuqing, and Taiqing Sanguanguanzhu and Zhuo Feng is not ordinary, they have long communicated with Zhuo Feng about the enemy's policy.

The Master of Three Views will lead the monks and follow the guidance of Zhuo Feng to win this competition.

This is why the monks can let go of the barriers and work together.

In other words, Zhuo Feng can command his own world creature actions in the game world.

The devil and angel can only follow their own actions.

"The demon army just occupied Beichuan Star, and the bear people on the planet were killed and injured. Only dozens of bear people escaped through the small teleportation array. They are currently resting in our chamber of commerce."

Serving as the commander-in-chief of the immortal world strategy is Taiqing's view of the subject.

His beard and hair are all white, and he is immortal, and looks almost old.

Wearing a black and white Taoist gown, there is a sense of elegance.

The Taiqing watcher pondered for a moment.

"We don't yet know the strength of the evil gods behind the demon army. This is not the time to expose my monks. It is better to publicize the threat of evil gods and guide the immortal world's native creatures to attack these guys in order to obtain more information."



Yuqing and Shangqing Guanzhu agree with Taiqing Guanzhu's ideas.

Therefore, under the operation of the monks, the evil gods invaded the immortal world and the news of the tragedy spread throughout the immortal world.

The monks who are extremely good at analyzing people's minds also opened an exclusive interview to interview the bear people whose families were destroyed by the evil gods.

The tribes of the immortal world were so angry that they were provoked.

Although there are frictions among the tribes of the immortal world.

But in the face of the terrifying affairs of Cthulhu's Disaster, they soon united.

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