Global Creation: Create the Zerg Queen at the Start!

Chapter 64 Anomaly! (please comment and order!)

The map stopped beating and stopped in the vast universe.

[The world is determined! The map of this game is the world of immortality!]

[Entrance of both world creatures!]

The figures of Freud and Zhuo Feng once again disappeared in the golden light.

At the same time, the creators in the arena also saw that the two began to summon the creatures of their own world.

The world races of Freud and Zhuo Feng were placed on two planets in the immortal world.

The evil spirits and evil gods uttered their tongues at the high-ranking angels with wings spread out beside them in disdain.

But when a group of strangely dressed humans walked out of the portal, the swordsmen and demons all evaded.

"This is Nephalem?"

Liu Xi was curious.

In the information given by Xia Guo, these humans are the product of the combination of angels and demons.

And the power they possess far exceeds that of angels and demons.

The "May 20" demons tried to invade the Blessed Land many times, but they were all beaten up by these Nephalems.

On Zhuo Feng's side, flying boats with colorful lights appeared.

A group of monks dressed in different colors, but obviously dressed in antiquity, stepped off the flying boat.

These monks stepped on flying swords and began to explore the entire planet.

The angels and demons suddenly looked at each other, but they also began to explore their own planet.

As for Nefalem?

Both sides did not wait to see them, they left the angels and demons, and ran to build the city by themselves.

Why are the mythical worlds created by these creators in bulk?

Liu Xi is full of black lines.

At the same time, Blue Star.

Senior Xia Guo received an emergency line report.

After reading the newsletter, I immediately dialed a red special line.

Zhao Shuo, who was busy specifying the training manual at the Psionic Temple, answered the phone.

"Zhao Shuo, there is an emergency meeting that needs you to attend."


Zhao Shuo hung up the phone and turned on the remote video device under the office.

The blue light emerged, and a meeting room-like room appeared. A group of well-dressed big men were sitting in the meeting room, and the guardian's representatives were also sitting there.

There is also a silver screen hanging in the front section of the conference room.

"Very good, everyone is here, let's get started.

After Zhao Shuo's figure appeared, the group nodded.


A middle-aged man dressed as an officer stood up and pressed the remote control in his hand.

A satellite map appeared on the screen, and the satellite map gradually zoomed in to locate the land and sea country.

"Look, everyone, this is the land sea country, not far from the White Eagle country. It is a typical small country. The whole country is sparsely populated and has poor resources. It is almost a country with no sense of existence.

"But after the creators of the Earth Sea Kingdom came up with the myth of Cthulhu, the domestic situation gradually became weird. The people began to believe in a certain evil god, and a certain kind of fog gradually appeared over the entire country. All have been withdrawn."

"What is the heritage that their country has acquired?"

A gangster asked.

The officer nodded: "This is what we are looking for. After the creation of the Cthulhu mythical world of the Earth Sea, the netizens of the Earth Sea have completely disappeared from the Internet. Therefore, we have not received relevant information at all. The sea country is completely covered by fog, and our satellites have been completely unable to detect the state of the sea country."

"how so?"

The big guys looked at each other.

What age is this, one country is disconnected all over the country?

Still directly shrouded in mist?

"Go on.

The organizer didn't say much.

"Yes, six days ago, the White Eagle Nation sent an exploratory team into the Earth Sea Nation to explore, but they quickly lost track. The images they took before their disappearance were secretly obtained by our intelligence personnel. The scene is very strange."

The officer said this, his muscles tense, his face trembling slightly.

Zhao Shuo was suspicious about what kind of image made this half-life military officer so abnormal.

"The next picture is a bit difficult, so please be mentally prepared.

The officer continued to press the remote control.

A gloomy sky appeared on the silver screen, and a group of well-equipped teams were driving forward.

The angle of view is a bit shaky, it should be the camera on the photographer's head.

"John, report to the headquarters that we have reached 80 kilometers deep into the sea and haven't found any signs of personnel activity."

"Captain, communication has received great interference, I need to find a place with a better signal source!"

The members of the team communicated with each other, and finally decided to find a place with a better signal and contact the headquarters.

They found a small Haitian town.

The exploration team searched the entire town, but there was still no one.

"Captain, this is the eighth town we have found, and no one has found it!"

"Damn it, where did these Ni brothers go?"

The leader of the exploration team cursed and greeted the staff to prepare to go to the next town.

Suddenly, a black lightning flashed in the sky of the town.

"What the hell?"

Everyone hurriedly looked up, and the next moment, their eyes were wide and their faces were full of incredible.

What emerged from the entire sky was a vast black ocean!

"Is it subordinate to the sea?

"No, that's true!"

"No! It's coming to us!"

The sea began to fall rapidly and came straight towards the team.

The sea water instantly flooded all members of the team.

Fortunately, these members are elite personnel and can swim.

The team members rescued themselves one after another and tried their best to swim out of the water.

However, the next moment, the photographer seemed to be caught by something, and he was caught off guard and was completely pulled into the depths of the black ocean.

The camera was shot down and floated on the water to take the last scene.

At some point, countless twisted and strong tentacles emerged from the depths of the unmanned town, dragging the struggling team members one by one into the bottomless black sea.

The equipment that took the video quickly malfunctioned due to water ingress.

The video is over.

The meeting room was silent.

The officer spoke slowly.

"This image was finally obtained by the second exploratory team of the White Eagles. After the captain watched it, he quickly led the team to retreat. On the way back, they were attacked again by some kind. Only one person survived. There is also this image. ."

"How is the remaining person?"

Zhao Shuo asked 2.6.

"I can't communicate at all, I'm completely crazy."

The officer sighed.

"The White Eagle Nation has now completely blocked the roads of the Earth and Seas, and its northern fleet has moved to the port closest to the Earth and Seas, and is always looking at the Earth and Seas."

"Where is Earth Sea Country's creation live broadcast room?

"It's totally dark and I don't know what happened."

"Obviously, the creators of the world came up with something terrific, and they blew it back into the country! This is more serious than the backlash of the Khanfu A country's national fortune. Maybe, this will be a disaster for our entire mankind!"

"After discussing with Liu Xi, we can see if we can communicate with the creators of Shangdi Haiguo.

A group of big guys nodded. At present, there is only this way.

"The land and sea country is so weird. It issued a notice. If overseas nationals can return to their country, they should return to their country as much as possible.


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