Global Creation: Create the Zerg Queen at the Start!

Chapter 36 Escape! (Please ask for comments!)

The Zerg who had just spoken changed into Captain Baggio again.

"You evacuate with us first, and then return to Barry's leader. Through his contact information, pass the false news of Carus' assassination, muddy the waters of Kabal, and then find a chance to lurch."


Consul Barry smiled slightly.

The two went into the pipeline and went missing.

On the other side, everyone who fled was still caught up by the insect swarm.

The ministers and their guards were swallowed by the worms.

Seeing this, the man who ran for Carus on his back quickened his pace and ran even harder.

At this time, Carus was surprised to find that it was Ryan who had been ordered to be executed by himself.

The other people holding weapons were Vidi and the others who were ordered to be executed.

Vide uses the flamethrower to slightly retreat the insect swarm.

Turn around and you can see the light.

Ryan was overjoyed and rushed into the light.

This is a pipe opening.

Others desperately sealed the pipe opening, making it impossible for the Zerg to rush out for the time being.

"Your Majesty, it is not advisable to stay here for a long time, we must quickly find a way to leave Leviathan!"

Ryan was panting, and the violent action just now seemed to make him very tired.

Carus weighed nearly three tons, and running with this creature on his back was really torture.

That is to say, Ryan is not a Kabal, if an ordinary Kabal can run with Karus on his back for a long time, it is estimated that he can directly become a general.

"Well, here I am the key to the Leviathan escape ship, let me show the way!"

Carus endured the sharp pain in his abdomen and walked on his own with the support of the crowd.

If you don't walk, Ryan is still a valuable battle power. If he is exhausted because of Carus's back, he, the emperor, really won't cry.

Now Carus can only rely on Ryan and others.

Vide has become dumb at this time.

After Carus's betrayal, Vide no longer wants to pay attention to the former idol.

Ryan took the initiative to lead the rescue this time.

Carus took all the people around and finally reached the position of the escape boat.

He pressed his fingerprint to unlock the switch with his finger, and everyone filed in and rushed into the escape boat.

Then, Carus handed Ryan a chip.

"Plug it into the main control light brain of the escape boat, the program has been set."

Ryan took the chip and left, and soon the escape boat began to roar.

The besieged Zerg quickly found their tracks.

But for a while, the Zerg was unable to break through the outer energy shield of the escape ship.

The spacecraft took off with a roar, and flew towards the sky of Karel.

Finally escaped, everyone slumped on the ground, gasping for breath.

"Unexpectedly, you saved me."

Carus smiled bitterly.

Wei Di took the emergency treatment device from the infirmary with a straight face and handed it to Ryan.

Ryan began to treat Carus' wounds.

"We don't understand your majesty's intentions, but it's not our Bart's style to die."

Ryan answered indifferently.

But Carus still heard that Ryan was resentful.

"I defended day and night, looking around for the Zerg's internal traitors, and also thinking about blocking news to prevent domestic chaos. I didn't expect that there was a major internal problem. Someone voluntarily colluded with the Zerg and planned this attack. I admit that my previous The disposal is wrong."

Carus smiled bitterly and apologized to everyone.

This is also the first time that Carus has apologized to people since he took the throne.

"Let’s not talk about it yet, Your Majesty, where is our destination and what should we do next?"

Ryan looked carefree.

Carus glanced at Ryan with satisfaction.

"You are really good. You have a simple personality. You saved my life. After you settle down, be my captain of the guard! The destination of this escape ship is the station of the First Fleet. The swarms are so overwhelming that the First Fleet must be dispatched. To be wiped out."

"That won't work, I'm still under the name of Commander Cardi. He gives me high salaries and high benefits. I like it there!"

The smile on Carus's face was even greater.

"Yes, in this way, you will stay with Kady for two months first, and then report back to Kayle to report to me. I will make you a bigger official!"

"Then it's settled!"

Ryan accepted the conditions with a smile, but he was embarrassed.

"Your Majesty, my brothers grew up naked together, do you see?"

"Let's be together then!"

A few fellow villagers want to stay together, what a big deal?

Carus generously satisfied Ryan's request.

For Ryan, Carus is very satisfied.

Ryan fought his life to rescue him, and Carus looked in his eyes.

Moreover, he was willing to disobey the emperor's solicitation for his old club, which made him even more satisfied.

As for the subjects who died on Leviathan?

It's okay to destroy all the ministers and guards, as long as he doesn't fall as the emperor, Kabal will not be messed up!

On the distant Anu star.

The Zerg is celebrating.

The pretenders accomplished their goals perfectly. The pretenders who were disguised as Consul of Barry had communicated with the forces through private means, claiming that Carus had been assassinated.

Next, the Zerg analysis concluded that there were two results.

First, Emperor Carus declared that he was not dead, and the conservative forces collaborated with the Zerg to plan an assassination. At that time, the old and new forces in Kabal will cause civil unrest.

Second, Emperor Carus could not bear with the conservative forces, and declared that he was not dead to stabilize the hearts of the people. Then the pretender as Consul of Barry will claim that Carus is disguised by the Zerg, and release the news of the pretender to make the Kabal Empire lose trust in Carus.

No matter what Emperor Carus chooses, he is caught in the net carefully planned by the Zerg.

The precursor to the chaos of the Kabal Empire is already brewing. *

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