Global Creation: Create the Zerg Queen at the Start!

Chapter 19 This is a trial! (There are so few evaluation votes..)

How to create a cosmic creature that is reasonable, can survive in the universe, and whose strength is not too strong, has become Liu Xi's primary problem.

But throughout the history of "StarCraft", there is no such strange creature.

Liu Xi suddenly slapped his forehead. Why should he stick to the Zerg development history in "StarCraft"?

What kind of creatures appear in this world now is my decision, right? !

The leading stick and the ledger are in my hands!

As a result, a new creature appeared in the universe of the Zerg World.

This cosmic creature flies very fast, a huge skeletal body with two tails, a towering head and extra-long arms.

Code name, Dino Zulu.

This is a cosmic monster in a special film that Liu Xi has seen in another world.

Not only has the ability to fly in space, but can also quickly adapt to the environment of other planets, and the strength is not too strong.

The current Zerg has to pay a certain price to deal with Dino Zuoru, but it basically wins it steadily.

Since it was a new creature created by the creator, and not the world's autonomous development, this cosmic monster did not bring rewards to Xia Guo.

Liu Xi arranged for Dino Zuoru to attack the Zerg planet, and then he was busy arranging other resources and biomass between the galaxies according to the information sent by Xia Guo, to cooperate with the interstellar zerg who had devoured Dino Zuoru to continue to evolve.

No matter how spiritual he is alone, he can't compare to the entire national think tank.

Liu Xi knows this very well.

Dino Zuoru came to the planet of Zerg under a certain mysterious lead.

The Zerg queen was discussing the next march with Abathur, and suddenly felt a strong sense of oppression in the sky.

A giant beast fell from the sky!

Dino Zulu is 70 meters tall and weighs up to 55,000 tons.

The aftermath of Dino Zuoru's landing instantly shook a group of Zerglings to death.

Afterwards, Dino Zuoru opened his big mouth, the invisible tongue in his mouth gave out a sharp iron-cutting light, instantly setting off countless corpses in the insect swarm!

As soon as he debuted, the huge Dino Zorlu directly attacked the Zerg.

Netizens are very puzzled by Liu Xi's operation.

"What the hell is this again?"

"The Zerg has evolved so well, why did this kind of behemoth emerge again?"

"What the hell are you doing! Is Big Brother Liu Xi crazy?!"

Liu Xi took the time to send a reply from his busy schedule.

"This is a trial."

Netizens can't see clearly, but Liu Xi can see clearly.

The creatures on this planet are too weak.

The Zerg population has been extremely large since its development.

But there are not many races that are really capable of fighting.

Zerg eats the entire planet, it's only time.

Arranging Dino Zulu to attack the Swarm, one is to allow the Swarm to gain interstellar flight and adapt to the environment of other planets, and the other is to test the combat effectiveness of the Zerg.

There is a huge gap between combat power and reality in the game.

If you can't even deal with this kind of garbage behemoth, you still want to crush the gods of other countries?

There are more than just gods in the mythical world!

There are more behemoths in the mythical world!

Yemengade, the snake that devours the world, and Fenrir, the wolf of the world, will all be the opponents of the Zerg in the future.

Training the Zerg’s experience of dealing with giants now is for the future.

Abathur took a bunch of worker bees away from Dinozoru.

The empress dispatched troops and arranged for the insect swarm to fight back against Di Nozoru.

One of the great characteristics of biology is its limited energy.

Dino Zuoru, who killed a large number of bugs, would eventually get tired.

No matter how powerful Dino Zuoru is, he is not an opponent of hundreds of billions of Zerg.

Under the cover of countless Hydralisks and vandals, Zerglings and cockroaches crawled all over Dino Zorlu's body.

The body covered with the metallic blue hard exoskeleton gradually turned into rags under the toxin and corrosion attack of the Zerg.

Dino Zuoru screamed.

But its fate has been decided.

Scattered corpses of Zerg were crushed all around.

"Zerg won't be badly injured, will it?"

"It's cruel."

"I'm getting goose bumps."

Netizens can't bear it.

But Liu Xi understands better that this is the only way for biological evolution.

As the creator of the world, there should be no emotional factors when treating the creatures in your own world.

The world is not benevolent, and everything is a dog!

In the end, Dino Zuoru couldn't make a scream again, and the high-heat bullet holes on his back were tightly blocked by the corpses of the insect swarm.

In this battle, the Swarm lost nearly two-fifths of its zombie and cockroach troops.

Hydralisk and Destroyer received the key care of Dino Zuoru, and suffered a lot of casualties.

But Liu Xi thinks it is worth it.

The Swarm has combat experience against large creatures.

Other planets will soon face insect infestations.

This kind of trial, Liu Xi thinks, should continue.

Abathur quickly returned to Dino Zorlu's body and started his own work.

The experience of this battle also began to analyze.

The fighting will of the swarm is impeccable, but in the face of giant creatures, their size is difficult to threaten the giant beasts.

A large creature similar to a mammoth was chosen by Abathur.

Abathur analyzed the genes of the mammoth, and a new type of building emerged from the ground.

Just from the huge structure of the building, one knows the size of this new Zerg.

Thunder beast cave!

Soon, the first Thunder Beast also appeared.

It is huge, with a height of ten meters and huge sharp horns on its head.

This beast will be the backbone of the swarm to face giant creatures.

The genetic factors related to interstellar flight and survival in Dino Zulu's body were also absorbed by Abathur, and a new round of research began.

The dense swarm of insects gnawed Dino Zorlu into a bone frame in one day.

Then, the insect swarms sharpened their swords and began to conquer the entire land! *

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