Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 1069: Mo Yuanlian Exclusive Chapter

I was born in a very ordinary family, and my grandfather didn’t even have money to see a minor illness, so he could only endure using his life to burn time. Gradually, my grandpa’s condition became more and more serious. At that time, I was still Young and unable to help him relieve his pain, he took him to the hospital...

Since I was a child, I knew that my family was suffering. I knew that after my grandfather left, I was the only one alive. I was afraid that that moment would come, and that the whole world would only be left alone.

Grandpa knew better that no one took care of me after he left this world, so he took me to find his former comrades in arms.

The man had no heir, and he was very eager for the existence of an heir. He liked me but asked me to change my surname.

I am a single biography of the Mo family, change my surname...

Although I am young, I never agree with this.

Then my grandpa passed away suddenly and critically.

Grandpa left a suicide note.

In the suicide note, Grandpa asked him to change his surname and stay at Nie's house.

But the handwriting is not Grandpa's.

I suddenly understood that it should be that person...

He killed my grandfather to get me.

I didn't stay there. After I buried my grandfather, I went to Wucheng, and then I went to the orphanage. I knew that only there can make me live, and only there can I not die.

I want to live and avenge my grandpa in the future.

At that time, I stayed in the orphanage with hatred, but I also had expectations in my heart because I needed someone to adopt me.

This person must be a rich person.

Because I need people to give me the best education.

I need to be a good person.

Otherwise, I can't beat the man who killed my grandpa.

Later I was adopted by a wealthy couple. I just turned 13 that year and I was taken to the best villa area in Wucheng.

I started a carefree life there.

I hide my mind and study hard and try my best to acquire new knowledge. Fortunately, I am smart and learn everything very quickly. But the longer I stay in that home, the more I find that this family is deformed, because of this. The husband and wife are often arguing and fighting, and both of them are killing each other!

But after the fight, the relationship between the two is very good.

I knew then that they were sick.

I'm afraid that it will affect myself, so I always stay cautiously, never say extra words, and do things with their emotions in mind. In order to please them, I also specially left my grandfather's last money to buy gifts for them. What I do is to be afraid that they will hate me and then abandon me. I am afraid that at that time, I am incapable of no money and no possibility of survival, so I especially need to rely on them to support me.

But some things are not useful for me to please them. Gradually, they began to expose their nature. At first they just kicked me because I overturned a bowl. When they kicked me, I was scared and said sorry. It was only after this time that the situation became more and more serious, because they found that I had no resistance, and they have been testing me since that time, and found that no matter how I was beaten or scolded, I would not say anything or complain. Will be afraid to say begging for mercy.

I only beg for mercy because I don’t want to be driven out of here. I thought I could bear it, but their abuse became more and more serious, and there were scars on their faces. They were afraid that my teacher and classmates would see them, so they would do it for me Closed at home.

Yes, I was imprisoned at home by them.

He was verbally abused and beaten every day.

The injury on my body has never been good for a day.

Gradually, I no longer fear them.

Because they dare not abandon me anymore.

Because I am their best pastime.

This kind of life is extremely slow, I don't know how long it has passed, so long that I can no longer endure those sufferings.

until one day……

There was a rustle of bells in the distance.

I followed the voice and looked at it as a young girl.

The bell on her neck kept ringing.

She came over and squatted in front of me, looking at me with pity and tenderness, and after looking at me for a long time, she tilted her head and asked, "Brother is injured?"

I asked softly: "You are?"

I didn't know the people here for so long. Every day, I was imprisoned in this huge villa behind me. The warehouse doors in the yard were covered with my blood. It was so terrifying.

She smiled and said, "I'm a girl from the Shi family. I was going to find my little friend to play, but I see my brother is here alone."

She squatted in front of me and asked distressedly: "My brother's face is all hurt, how did she get it? Do you need a bandage?"

For the first time in the past two years, someone cared about me.

For the first time someone looked at me with affectionate eyes.

I even thought it was a touch of warm sunshine.

It hits the darkest part of my heart.

"Well, I'm used to it. I want to hide here. I didn't expect to meet a girl like you. I was planning something."

After all, the days of being abused are enough.

I not only want to be free again.

I have to make this deformed couple pay the price!

The painful price that they can't bear! !

The girl smiled and asked me, "What's the plan?"

"How to retaliate against someone who bullied me."

"Oh, who bullied brother?"

She took out the silk scarf from her pocket and wiped my cheek lightly, fearing that I would be hurt. She was still exhaling in her mouth, coaxing me softly and saying: "Mom said that if I was injured, I would blow a cool breeze. It doesn’t hurt that much, brother, what’s your name?!"

I haven't answered, it's not that my name is precious.

It's just that I said, and she won't remember.

"Can the girl tell me your name?"

She shook her head and said, "No."

My lost doubt asked: "Why?"

"Because my brother didn't tell me your name."

It turned out to be a little girl with a grudge.

"Heh, still a little girl who refuses to suffer."

She smiled and asked, "What's your brother's name?"

Seeing her so unwilling to suffer, my depressed mood for a long time finally became clear. There was a decayed place in the gloomy heart that seemed to have been planted with a seed, and I began to faintly have anticipation and hope at this time. I will think about it many years later. It was the only life-saving straw I could catch at that time, the life-saving straw of the soul.

I crave that warmth.

Even an extreme need.

It supports my entire life.

I answered the wrong question at the time: "It doesn't matter if you don't tell me. You just said that you are a Shi's girl, then I call you Shi'er."

In fact, in my heart, I was afraid that she would reject me.

The girl was unhappy and said, "My brother is not sincere."

I said dangerously: "Interesting girl."

The little girl asked again: "Where is my brother's family?"

"Brother has no family." I said.

"Then I will marry my brother to be your family."

I squinted and asked, "Do you know what it means to marry?"

The little girl vowed: "I know."

"Then I will treat you as the truth."

From then on, the Shi’s girl would often come to find me there, but I was afraid to see her because I was always injured.

I am afraid that she is worried, so I rarely see her.

Every time I saw her, I would hide the injury strictly.

Fortunately, she was young and didn't observe very carefully.

I was planning to leave while seeing her. Gradually, I became more and more familiar with her, and I became more and more reluctant to leave this lovely girl who was as warm and sunny as the sun.

But I knew in my heart that I must leave.

I want to leave to find my life.

Otherwise I won't be worthy of her in this life.

I finally left later.

Take the two bells she gave me.

And miss her.

It also includes Brother Yuan Lian.

This name is only given to her in this life.

This is also my only precious thing.

My adoptive parents died of gas poisoning. At that time, I was locked in a warehouse and escaped by a fluke. It was because these were all in my plan. After everyone died in an accident, I was re-acquired. Sent to the orphanage.

I was lucky this time.

Taken away by an American couple.

It is another sadistic couple.

After two years of abuse, I was not afraid when I first arrived here. When I was beaten by them, I remained silent.

Fortunately, they are not too hot.

It's only when I'm in a bad mood that I vent my anger.

Most of the time they are quite rational.

Even sent me to school.

I have been studying psychology without telling them.

Even took their money to find a psychology teacher.

At that time, I was nothing and no wealth, but I knew that controlling people’s hearts would make myself easier on the road to success. The process of learning was always difficult and lonely. The little girl who supported me was always what.

I promised her that I would meet again.

Although I am sure in my heart that she will not recognize me again.

But what does it matter? !

I think, I can remember her.

Remembering her is the luckiest thing.

In the United States for two years, I visited countless psychologists and hypnosis masters. I used a lot of money to let them teach me. I was smart, learned fast, and quickly became a teacher. When I was sure I designed to kill the American The adoptive parents took their property as their own, and I was not afraid of killing them.

Because of the abuse they gave me...

I have passed a miserable four years and have been living in pain and torment. I learned psychology by myself and I clearly understand that I am also sick, but it doesn’t matter, as long as I live.

After the death of my adoptive parents, I changed my name to Yunyi.

May there be enough clouds in your life to create a beautiful sunset.

She is the warm sun.

Then I will be the cloud in the sunset.

Hold up a beautiful sunset for her.

I expanded rapidly and used the maximization method to quickly gain power. I stood on top of the world in less than two years. From then on, the name Yunyi is frightening because I have no compassion, and I do everything in a momentary mood. Everyone is afraid of me. I want them to be afraid.

After all, I have been afraid of this world four years ago.

I became an out-and-out bad guy in the world. They all said that I was a pure destroyer, like a robot, empty deep inside, cold, cruel, and tyrannical.

But there is a little girl in my heart.

It's just that I can't go back to Wucheng to find her yet.

Because I have to become stronger.

In those two years, I met Xi Zhan, Chen Shen, and Lan Shang. Xi Zhan and Chen Shen are very similar to me. I want to be friends with them. I treat them sincerely and feed them with my power, but I ignore them. Their thoughts, they don't want to be friends with me, in their eyes I am the person they want to pull down from the heights, everything is just my own passion.

After I knew this, it was too late, because Yin Ruo reported to me about Wucheng, and the girl is now alone.

I understand the pain of being a person.

I think I need to go back to Wucheng to accompany her immediately.

I began to spread the power to the people under my hand. Both Xi Zhan and Chen Shen are both smart men. They have already sensed my intentions, but I didn’t care, and I decided to return before I even had time to disperse. Wucheng accompanied her. I was clever and could see through everything, but I did something stupid here. Since then, I have been chased by Chen Shen to a desperate situation.

In my life, although I have been poor and destitute; although I have been abused, I have never cried. I can live very strong, but when Chen Shen wanted to kill me, my heart trembled and I was afraid that I would die. , I was afraid that I would not be able to return to her, so I shed tears and begged Chen Shen to let me go.

But Chen Shen didn't let me go.

Then came nine years of amnesia.

When I saw the girl again, I was in a teahouse. I went there to get close to her. Now she is delicate and beautiful with a mature charm, and she has a husband and children.

But in my heart she is still that little girl.

The little girl who called my brother Yuanlian.

I will introduce myself to her again later.

At that time, I solemnly told her my name with a sense of anxiety. I lowered my voice and said softly to her: "My last name is Mo and my name is Yuan Lian. Mo is the head tree of my family's Xiyanchi, with blossoming flowers. The ink with thin ink marks, Yuan is the Yuan of Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing, and the ripples are the ripples of blue waves, miss you remember?"

I also asked her specifically, remember it.

Originally, she only wanted to let her know the name, and only she knew it in this world, but she didn't care much. When I mentioned it to others, it was Mo Yuanlian. Then everyone knew that Yunyi was Mo Yuanlian. Yunyi is just a pseudonym.

It doesn't matter, as long as she is happy.

I once asked her how to treat someone who hurt me.

She said that the way of the other is also the way of the other.

But the one who hurt me was her husband.

My heart is not very broad, and I am even very narrow, otherwise I would not be the destroyer that everyone is afraid of and madly revenge the world, but I hesitated at that time.

Although she said that the way of doing things to the other side, I lost my burden, but I couldn't bear her sadness after all.

I don't want to make her feel sad.

Not even a little bit.

So I also let go of her grandpa.

The one who killed my grandpa.

For her, I have been compromising to this world.

But I did not feel unhappy.

Because the sound of Brother Yuan Lian was enough to comfort me.

What is gratifying is that she took me into my heart behind.

Although it is not love, it is compassion.

But to me it is already comforting.

But how could I be pityed by her?

I would rather be pityed by her than be pityed by her.

Because I don't feel sorry for myself.

Why am I pitiful who loves her and guards her?

Loving her and guarding her is a blessing in my life.

I told her many times that I didn't need pity.

However, the kind-hearted Shi family girl has been unable to listen. She has such a personality. It seems that she can't listen to what other people say and persuade her. She has a set of understanding of herself.

Treat others in your own way after understanding.

Such a Shijia girl is cute and stupid.

Later, because there was no conflict between her and Xi Zhan, and there would be no conflicts because of me, I refused to see her again.

I once said, "Miss, there will be no deadline."

Although I won't see her again, I always walked from my apartment to the outer wall of the Xi's villa under a red umbrella. Inside the wall, there are sometimes girls and people I love.

I miss her for so many years.

After years-

She said, "Big Brother Yuanlian, I love you."

My heart was really shaking at that time.

"My love is given to Xi Zhan, but in my heart you are my dearest person. I love you and have always loved you in the name of relatives. You said there are many kinds of happiness, so there are many kinds of love. , No matter what kind of love I love you."

Brother Yuanlian, I love you.

I think this is enough.

Enough to comfort me in this life.

"Miss, thank you for your affection."

Immediately the girl took my palm.

In my heart, no matter how the years change--

And she has always been that little girl.

The temperature in her palm is so warm that I am greedy.

I really envy Xi Zhan in my heart.

Envious that he can have her every day.

"Thank you, Brother Yuanlian, thank you for letting me understand that I am such an important person."

She has treated me very carefully all her life.

I'm satisfied in this life.


"Big Brother Yuanlian, how about calling me?"

"Shi'er, Mo Yuanlian has no regrets in this life."

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