Ghost Blowing Lantern II

Chapter 70 Dream (Part 2)

As soon as we got off the train, we were surrounded by a crowd of people. The fat man and I got separated from the large army. As a result, the two of us discussed that it didn't matter if we were separated from the large army. A single spark can still start a prairie fire. It was better to join the revolution on the spot. To take action, we can go directly to Tiananmen. I heard that Tiananmen is very close to the Beijing Railway Station, and Chairman Mao met with the Red Guard representatives on the Tiananmen Gate Tower. We might as well go directly to Chairman Mao and report to him the situation of our struggle there.

The fat man and I made up our mind to form a column of two, with military bags slung across our bodies, throwing off the goose steps, and marching forward in full gear. Because we arrived in the great capital, we were so excited that we forgot to ask for directions. Anyway, I walked wherever the excitement was, and saw a military vehicle pulling a load of People's Liberation Army soldiers on the road. Those soldiers were from Beijing's garrison. They did not participate in various movements. At that time, the Red Guards even dared to pick out senior officials such as the municipal party committee minister. We fight, but we lose our temper when we see the green uniforms of the People's Liberation Army. In addition, we are all children of the army. Seeing the People's Liberation Army far away from our hometown is really like seeing relatives. When we saw in the car, we were the Red Guards who were the closest to us except Chairman Mao. The relatives of the People's Liberation Army felt fresh and friendly. They immediately raised their arms and shouted to those People's Liberation Army as if to fear that the world would be in chaos: "Uncles of the People's Liberation Army, thank you for your hard work, learn from Uncles of the People's Liberation Army!"

There were many students around who didn't know the truth. They thought something had happened and started making noises. For a while, the streets were full of slogans such as "Learn from the People's Liberation Army and pay tribute to the People's Liberation Army" and "Make up your mind, not be afraid of sacrifice, overcome all difficulties, and strive for victory." After shouting slogans and cheering, my whole body was full of blood, and I was so excited that I couldn't find where to go. Fatty and I just followed the flow of people on the street. The more we walked, the fewer people there were. Beijing's Although the roads are all straight and horizontal, the alleys extending in all directions are really confusing. I saw that I couldn’t go on any further. It was getting dark and overcast, and I couldn’t tell the difference between east, west and north. It seemed that I would see you today. Chairman Mao's wish was in vain, so he had to quickly find the local revolutionary masses and find out if there were any schools or other places nearby that would entertain the Red Guards.

Just as we were thinking about it, we saw a female classmate wearing an old yellow military uniform and an armed belt walking in front of us with a bundle of large-character posters under her arm. I told the fat man that we should ask the female classmate, so we took three steps. I took two steps to catch up with the girl from behind, because when I spoke at that time, I had to read the quotation first, so I asked behind her: "Ask the vast earth, who is in charge of ups and downs? I said to this female classmate, we are from the south I came here to find out which way is north in this vast land..."

What I dreamed about was actually the first time I met Ding Sitian. In the dream, I vaguely felt that the girl was Ding Sitian. She should soon turn around and face her. We smiled and talked, and I felt a warm and sad feeling in my heart.

Ding Sitian in the dream suddenly turned around, but that face was extremely cold. It was not the Ding Sitian I was familiar with. Although she was wearing a yellow military uniform and a Red Guard armband, she wore a mask without any A metal mask with a facial expression. The eyes of the mask were two deep and dark holes. As soon as I met my face, two rays of cold light immediately shot out. Being covered by the cold star-like gaze, I immediately felt that my heart and lungs were on ice, and my whole body was chilled. .

I broke out in a cold sweat and immediately woke up from my dream. My heart was pounding. I saw that the warehouse was completely dark. I didn't know how long I had been asleep. I calmed down and thought to myself, it was just a nightmare. I can't sleep in this life. I no longer want to deal with the old witch wearing a mask. After sleeping this night, my energy has recovered a lot. I feel that my hands and feet are stronger. Only the wound on my shoulder is painful and itchy. It is said that the wound is itchy. It was a sign that it was about to heal, but I also felt some itching on the back of my hand. When I touched it, it was full of pustules. I quickly turned on the engineer light on my chest and found that the back of my hand was starting to ulcerate slightly. It smelled like Smelly milk and the rotten smell of rotten fish.

Then I remembered that Ding Sitian was here to detoxify, and I was confused. I actually forgot about the fact that myself and the fat man were splashed by the corpse ginseng rot. When I first found out, I suspected that we might be poisoned. , now it turns out that it is true, but Ding Sixiang ate all the navel red fragrance, not even half of it was left, and the red meat particles on the gecko claws can only overcome the venom of insects and snakes such as the five poisons, that time The demon ginseng that returned home was neither a plant nor a living thing. It was all toxins from rotting corpses. The poisons were all kinds of strange. Although I knew they were poisons, I didn't know how toxic they were. I didn't even know what to look for when looking for an antidote.

My heart sank, but fortunately I usually have a more open-minded view of personal life and death. Thinking about it, it's already getting late, it's time to hit the road, and if you want to die, don't die in this damn place.

I took the engineer lighting tube and shined it on the rest of the people. The fat man was snoring like thunder and muttering in his sleep: "Fuck... dare you scare me? Hey, hey, hey, I'll f*ck you up..." The soul...with the body...all swept into the...big...garbage dump of history..."

But Ding Sitian's condition seemed to have improved, and her chest was rising and falling while she was talking vaguely in her sleep. I saw her haggard face, and thought to myself that it was a fluke. She just relied on a little experience in her rashness. How dare you feed it those crimson incense. If you eat it to increase the toxicity or be ineffective on her, wouldn't it be harmful to her life? If I were asked to choose again now, I might not have that kind of risk to her life. The bet was decisive. At that time, Quan Zhan was so anxious that he knocked her down and saved her. It seems that the proletariat is indeed a great force that can create miracles.

I didn't care that I was poisoned by corpse poison. Instead, I felt complacent about what I did today. But I suddenly felt something was wrong. The transition of my brain from sleep to nightmare and then to wakefulness was finally over. Only then did I realize that my hands and feet were tied. Lao Yangpi disappeared, leaving a severed belt on the ground. The Kangxi sword was thrown next to the belt. When I saw this, I immediately understood. It turned out that Lao Yangpi took advantage of us sleeping too much to steal away from the fat man with his hands behind his back. He took a long knife, sharpened the belt with the blade, and fled.

I quickly woke up the fat man and explained the situation to him. I must quickly chase Lao Yangpi back. At this time, Ding Sitian was also awakened by the sound of our voices. Although she was conscious, the green air on her face was gone. But with a face like gold paper, he asked me confusedly what happened?

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(To be continued. If you want to know what happened, please log in. There are more chapters. Support the author and genuine reading!)

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