[Just after Paimon and Ying evaded the guards and came to the collection room of the Sky Lyre.


"What man?!"

A sugar-like Su Mi man wearing a purple trench coat came to the front of the Sky Qin first.

Holding the Sky Lyre in his hand, he was very arrogant and provoked the traveler and Paimon.


Then a very gentleman bowed to the traveler.

Ying immediately pounced on "sugar".

"He... Disappeared?

Paimon looked around the collection room and then wondered

, "What are you doing?"

"Suffered! Come on. "The

evidence is conclusive, is there anything else Miss Sugar has to say?"

Granulated sugar: "I... I don't know!

Albedo: "This person is not sugar. Yan

Qi: "Do you have any evidence?"

Albedo: "Miss Sugar's ears are not as long as hers, and her personality is not the same as Miss Sugar."

Barbara: "This person is not sugar.

"Woooo X_X oo Lord Barbatos, your believers ask for forgiveness! Woo~woo. As

soon as the idol of Mondstadt cried, it immediately aroused the indignation of the masses of Mond.

"Who the hell made Lord Barbara cry?"

"I heard that someone stole the Sky Lyre, which made Barbara cry."

"Let's go, let's go and catch the thief who stole the Sky Piano to atone for Barbara's sins."

Gan Yu: "Are the Monds so obsessed with Barbara?" Condensing

light: "The power of star chasing is indeed infinite." Yun

Pansy: "Miss Barbara's travel must be very troublesome!"

Jean: "This is natural, every time my sister travels, a large number of security personnel will be dispatched, which has led to a great restriction on my sister's life." [

The video continues to play.] [

Angel's gifts


"I've pried some information out of their mouths that

the fools didn't put the Sky Lyre in the Goethe Grand Hotel."

"Forget it, Ying, come, this is for you." After speaking, Diluc handed a mask to Ying.

After several turnarounds, the video came to the top of the mountain.

"The best bard on earth is about to begin plucking his strings."

Wendy stood on the top of the mountain, her fingers plucking the strings of the Sky Lyre, and the beautiful music lingered in the wind, waiting for the arrival of the dragon.

Twalin appeared to the bard along with the song.

"It's you!"

"It's going on... There's nothing left to play anymore..."

"Is it? Am I mistaken? Your eyes seem to be recalling this piece..." Wendy stopped playing when she saw Twalin's arrival.

"Hmph..." One

person and one dragon fell into memory.

"They... Really able to communicate..." Jean looked at the bard incredulously.

However, a beam of cold ice broke the silence, and the attack of the Abyss Mage hit the Sky Piano hard, and the strings were directly broken, falling heavily to the ground.

Barbara: "The Sky Lyre, broken, the Sky Lyre was played bad by the Ice Apostle." "

Barbara experienced the ups and downs of two lives on this day.

The Sky Piano was lost and recovered, but in the blink of an eye, the Sky Piano was broken again.

Barbara feels like the end of the world is just that.

That was the last thing the wind god left.

Wendy: "Don't worry, maybe there will be a different result?" [

"Ah! Singing! "This sudden attack caught the group off guard.

"Don't be fooled by him, poor dragon... He has already abandoned you a long time ago. "

The Ice Abyss Mage came out from behind Twalin and flew alongside Twalin.

"Look, now he's going to deceive you again... Hate it! Anger it!

"You are already at enemy of Mond and there is no turning back."


" "Are these people with you—have they come to hunt me?"

The dragon's fury and fierce winds echoed in the sky.

"Not so."

The Abyss Mage kept moving away with Twalin, and his figure kept getting smaller until he disappeared into the sky.

Keqing: "I seem to have heard something amazing, did Twalin say a word about Barbatos just now?"

Walnut: "If we have not heard correctly, the bard must be the god of the wind, Barbatos."

Xiangling: "But I'm a little curious now about how Mond should face the Fengshen God."

Rosalia: "He is Lord Bartobas, unexpectedly.

Diluc: "I really didn't expect that the god of Mond was like this, and I don't know whether this "freedom" is good or bad."

Barbara: "How is it possible!"

Barbara: "How can Lord Barbatos, the god of wind, be a bard who does nothing but drink." When

Barbara knew that Wendy was Lord Barbatos, she was confused, and she couldn't connect him with the great wind god.

Lord Barbatos, the god of wind, has blown away the ice and snow entrenched in Mond, split the lofty mountains that hinder people from exploring, and turned Mond into a sunny paradise like spring all year round.

No, Lord Barbatos must have done this with his own deep meaning, and that is the god of Mond.

It's just a matter of understanding God's will with our mortal minds.

Wendy: "People still call me Wendy's name, I still like this name." Jean

: "Lord Barbatos, do you need to come back to manage Mond?"

Wendy: "No, no, no, now I am the weakest of the seven gods, and it is useless to come back."

Barbara: "This is still your country!" We will definitely be better under your leadership.

Wendy: "Mond is a free country, and Mond has little to do with me that Mond has developed like this, it is the result of the efforts of the Monds themselves."

Wendy: "The affairs of the Monds are solved by themselves, and the freedom to be ordered by the gods is also an unfreedom!"

Jean: "The idea of building a free city-state without a king, Barbatos, we have always kept in our hearts.

Paimon: "How I feel it's just that someone doesn't want to care."

Wendy: "Hahaha, don't care so much, I'm celebrating the reappearance of the wind god, I'll play a song how to say, the kind of wine."

Paimon: "Collect the wine."

Wendy: "Yes! One song and one bottle of wine. Special note: The wine mixed by the kitten cat is enough for one glass.

Diona: "What! I'm going to make the hardest wine to drink and destroy the Mond wine industry.

Diona: "Adults who drink are the most annoying."

Mona: "No money, now I have to keep the money to buy a limited edition magic book."

Barbara: "Lord Barbatos, you must have your own deep meaning in doing this, and your believers believe in you!" You must have had to leave in order for the dawn of freedom to shine in Mond.

Keqing: "It's over, Miss Barbara should not be persuaded, is this the power of believers?" Please give me the answer, Lord Emperor Rock King.

Diluc: "This..." Wendy: "

Hey." Although

he was accustomed to Wendy's unlimited operation, he was still a little unacceptable to think that he was Lord Barbatos, the god of wind.

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