"Although I am a god with the Rock King Emperor, how can the gods of Mond know what the gods of Liyue are going to do! And even I can't beat the Rock King Emperor, how can I win the murderer who assassinated him? Looking at Barbatos' serious expression, Wei was already desperate in his heart.

Evil thoughts once again occupy the high ground.

"Emperor! Aaaaaah! The

fish fell to his knees in pain, holding his head in his hands, just as he was about to lose control again.

Wendy can only use her divine power once again to play the song of the mountain and pull the fish back from the abyss.

Watching the fish repeatedly jump on the edge of losing control, Wendy finally couldn't bear to let the fish lose control again.

"Actually, the Rock King Emperor just changed his identity."

"Don't you lie to me!" The look in Wei's eyes was crazy for a while, clear for a while, and very contradictory.

"I am the wind god of one of the seven rulings of the earthly world, how could I lie to you?"

"Come back! Don't let karma control you anymore, trust me! Barbatos looked serious and extended his hand to the fish that was already bending over in pain.

At this time, the wind elemental divine power emitted by Wendy continued to wash away the karma on the fish, and the blue-black smoke continued to dissipate.

"Is the emperor really all right?" The eyes of the fish, who have lost their karma, are full of thirst for hope.

"You wait again! It shouldn't be long before you find out the truth. Wendy gave Wei a reassuring look.

Wendy can be said to have no worries about the safety of the Rock King Emperor, after all, she had only seen his old man a few days ago.

That strength, you can fan yourself with a slap.

How could anyone hurt his body in everything!

Moreover, the Rock King Emperor was only sealed the position of Rock God after experiencing the Demon God War.

How could something go wrong.

Wendy looked in the direction of Liyue Port and muttered in her mouth.

"Old man Zhongli, you have to prepare a bottle of good wine for me this time!"

Absolute clouds.

A place where even the treasure robbers do not visit on weekdays, legend has it that this place is a retreat for immortals, and flowers and herbs grow densely.

This place may only be visited occasionally by medicinal collectors!

However, the secluded place is no longer calm today.

- Boom.

The sudden sound spread throughout the clouds, the ground trembled, even the mountains were shaking, and the grass insects and monsters all scattered and fled from this terrifying place.

"How can it make sense! It's turned upside down!! The

dull roar carried the majesty of innate power, telling the anger of the master.

An elk creature with a golden glint in its eyes walked out.

Cutting the moon and building the sun Shin-kun.

With each fall of the deer's hooves, an irrepressible anger smashed the rubble on the ground.

"Liyue's territory, someone would assassinate the emperor? Under the whole world, who can kill the emperor? "

Reason told the True Monarch that no one can kill the emperor, but the reality is like this, which also makes him have to believe it.

There are many immortals in Liyue, and now it is not only one immortal who is angry at Cutting the Moon and Zhuyang True Monarch.

- Phew!

A long roar sounded in the sky, echoing in the clouds for a long time.

The immortal crane with a touch of vermilion on its head stretched its wings and slowly landed in front of the True Monarch of Cutting the Moon Building.

"Lishui Dieshan, it seems that you have also seen the clear indication from the future."

"Well, it's still unbelievable." The crane flapped its wings and stretched its body again, "Liyue, who dares to be so presumptuous, no... Now that the demon god has fallen, who can kill the emperor?

"I and the other immortals obey the emperor's decree, protect Liyue, and gradually return to the mountains and wilderness because of the prosperity of the world, which is originally a good intention for mortals... I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it! Now..." The

more he spoke, the more angry he became, the power of the two True Monarchs exploded, and the golden and white qi waves scattered.

Just when the two true monarchs were intense, another chirping sound sounded.

Large birds with blue and white feathers also came to the clouds.

"Liuyun borrows the wind Zhenjun!"

Shōgetsu Tsukiyang Shin-kun gave way to the left slightly.

"It seems that the news of the assassination of the emperor has already been known, who dared to be so bold!"

Liuyun spread his wings with the Wind True Monarch, and a fierce wind generated by immortal power blew towards the sky, and the white clouds were also smashed at this moment.

"Seeing that the Immortal Invitation Ceremony is about to begin, now there is such a change, the emperor has been assassinated! How ridiculous!! "

Cutting the Moon Zhuyang Zhenjun stepped forward.

"It's better that we first go to suppress Liyue Port, and then gather the immortals of Liyue to discuss countermeasures."

"Unbelievable, who has such great power to threaten the life of the emperor! Until now, even if Liyue Port is turned over, the villains will be found!

"No, now that the emperor is still alive, I should ensure the safety of the emperor first!"

"Moreover, the means of the villains must be extraordinary, I will go to Liyue Port first to find the Great Sage."

"Okay, that's it!"


Knights of Mondstadtt.

Mondstadt had not been quiet for a few days, and the undercurrent began to surge again.

After running around every corner of Mondstadt, he couldn't find Wendy's piano, so he had to gather everyone in the Knights to discuss countermeasures.

"Now that the gods of Liyue have been attacked, I wonder if you know where Your Excellency Wendy has gone?"

It is wisest to find a god to solve the matter of the gods, and now that Barbatos' identity has been exposed, looking for Wendy will be able to know what is going on with the Rock King Emperor?

Kaiya pondered for a moment and said, "I don't know, but I haven't seen it since the traveler left."

"Is that so!"

Jean thought about it, but still made up her mind.

"From now on, Mond City will strengthen its defenses, now that the death of the god of Liyue will inevitably cause turmoil, now Mond has just restored its hard-won calm, and this matter cannot be allowed to affect the residents of Mond!"

Within Liyue.

The news of the assassination of the Yanwang Emperor spread wildly, causing a burst of news and panic, and now the people of Liyue have mixed tastes in their hearts.

Fortunately, fear is time-sensitive.

The official of Liyue did not make any unnecessary moves, and the rational people of Liyue took this matter as a joke, and discussed different murderers after tea.

The assassination of the Rock King Emperor is really a big joke.

However, what the people of Liyue did not know was that on the top of the mountain among the clouds, the immortals with a full of forgiveness were blocked by a tall figure, which saved them from trouble.

"Emperor... Now that the situation has become so serious, why are you.........? "

The appearance of the Rock King Emperor temporarily suppressed the anger in the hearts of the immortals.

"I have my own plans Don't mention the assassination, now the Liyue Seven Stars Immortal Invitation Ceremony is a tradition in Liyue, I can't wait for it!"

The immortals on the stone table took their places, the tall golden man took the teacup and tasted the tea, and the immortals looked at the emperor, hoping that he could give an answer.

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