"Suck ————, exhale————, suck ————......"

Jing Yuan looked at Yanqing who was preparing for the exercise a little strangely, not understanding what he was doing.

"Yanqing, is the blacksmith shop too hot?" Otherwise, why take several big breaths, but before Jing Yuan could say the latter sentence, he was interrupted by Yanqing's movements.

Yanqing suddenly stuffed his wallet into Jing Yuan's arms, closed his eyes and squatted, hugged Jing Yuan's thigh and shouted: "General, buy me a sword!!

In this situation, even Jing Yuan, who has always been calm, was stunned, the wallet in his arms was heavy, and Yanqing on his legs was heavy, and Jing Yuan felt that Yanqing's shame was also heavy.

Yes, after Yanqing's shout, many people turned their heads to make a scene, originally thinking that it was a bear child provoking parents, but they did not expect that it was a bear parent provoking children, and they all showed condemning eyes.

Yanqing tightly buried his head in the two arms holding Jing Yuan's legs, as the old saying goes, reluctant children can't set wolves, it's okay if he loses some face, Jing Yuan just recovers his memory.

Having said that, Yanqing's face was already flushed.

[This must have been learned from the pioneers.] Jing Yuan inexplicably came out of this sentence in his heart, he didn't know who the pioneer was, but he could let Yanqing learn to do this kind of thing in public, and this person had been recorded by him in a small book.

The owner of the blacksmith shop really couldn't stand it, and came out to invite them in, and it was rare for him to see such a bear adult.

Jing Yuan silently pulled Yanqing up and dragged him into the blacksmith shop with his face covered.

Seeing that there was no one else, Jing Yuan put his hand down.

"Do you want to see what you like..." Jing Yuan pulled Yanqing to the iron tool that was laid out.

Yan Qing became excited again when he saw the sword weapon, although the precision of the sword weapon materials in this world is still not enough, there will always be craftsmen with unique techniques to make amazing works.

But after looking at it for a long time, Yanqing still didn't find a sword that he could see, he had cut off his beard early on the best batch forged by the Ministry of Engineering and Construction before, and he couldn't look at the sword he put out now.

After shopping around and still not wanting to buy it, Jing Yuan and Yanqing went back.

Only the blacksmith boss muttered in the back, just made such a big fuss, he didn't buy any of them.

After this battle, the people of Liyue thought that Yanqing's wealth was comparable to that of Mr. Zhongli———— poor.

One remembers the past life hall and the North Country Bank account is not to pay for it himself, and the other holds the child's leg to buy a sword.

It really gives people a sense of confusion that cannot be blunt.

Even some people who came to visit later would ask Yanqing worriedly if he was really short of money.

But this is also a later thing, now Yanqing is being pulled back to Shengtang by Jing Yuan, and Jing Yuan also bought some small pastries for Yanqing on the way.

"You today..." Jing Yuan closed the door of the room and began to ask questions. Why pull me in the smithy shout?

"To shape the environment for recovering memories." Yanqing said honestly. Then he explained his theory of recovering memory to Jing Yuan.

Obviously, he did not realize the difference between adults holding children and children holding adults and coquettishness, the former will make people condemn adults, the latter will make people think children are cute.

Jing Yuan was shocked by Yanqing's brain circuit.

"No, you can actually do some everyday scenes."

"But the daily ones are not irritating?" Yanqing looked at Jing Yuan with her eyes open.


, very exciting, so exciting that both of them are a little dead.

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