【Extraordinary chat group】

【Nasida: Big enough to use her power to bring a better life environment to her people, allowing them to develop freely】

【Nasida: When people encounter civil strife and difficulties, she appears in time to guide them to the right path.】

【Nacida: Small enough to remember every citizen of Mondstadt】

【Nacida: When Mondstadt needs him, he’ll be there! After everything was fine in Mondstadt, he quietly left】

【Nasida: Is this the love God has for the people?】

【Nasida: After reading it, I really learned a lot. (Sigh. Expression) I am even more looking forward to the follow-up comments from other gods!】

【Zhongli: It would be great if Ba… Fengshen could always be so reliable.】

【Shadow: Although I don’t get along with his character, I do admire his dedication to Mondstadt.】

【Navelle: Although he is a tyrant, he is indeed a good god!】

【Funina: The person above is right!】

【Diluc: Indeed! But it would be better if I could keep paying for my drinking in the future.】

【Kaia: To Lord Barbatos, a toast to freedom!】

【Keli: The big brother who sings is the best Fengshen! (Happy. Expression)】

【Qin: Let the wind lead you, and listen to the wind sing! Thank you Lord Barbatos!】

【Barbara: Yes, if it weren’t for Lord Barbatos, where would the free city-state be today… (sentiment.jpg)】

【Paimon: Huh? Has Barbara now accepted the image of the singing guy? (bad smile.jpg)】

【Barbara: It’s still a little weird, but just like Ms. Alice said】

【Barbara: Lord Barbatos has been busy for so long, can’t he just relax and unwind?】


Wendy looked a little embarrassed as she watched the speeches in the chat group.

How could he be as good as others said~


【Wendy: Hey, now not only the light curtain, but also you are certified as such】

【Wendy: Let’s see who dares to say that I’m not doing business in the future! (dog head. expression)】

【Yingmei: This is not necessarily true~ One code is the same, most of the time you are still a fishy guy】

【Alice: Hehe, there are some inappropriate comments later! I hope you can come out with a smile when the time comes~ (bad smile.jpg)】

【Tevalin: Don’t worry, I will definitely laugh and cheer for you when the time comes.】

【Wendy: Thank you so much……】

… villa.

Luo Chen slowed down for a moment after telling the story, and then continued to speak.

“I just focused on commenting on the deeds of Fengshen’s lover. There is a lot of content.”

“However, I think all viewers now have a clearer understanding of the divine lover.”

“Now, let’s move on to the review. 150”

“The second serious comment – freedom!”

“As we all know, in addition to the characteristic of loving people, the seven earthly rulers on the continent of Teyvat also have”

“There are also different concepts!””

“For example, the contract of the rock god, the eternity of the thunder god, the wisdom of the grass god, and the justice of the water god”

“Correspondingly, these countries will also embody these concepts.”

“Now, let’s talk about Mondstadt’s freedom!”

“In fact, from my previous comments, you viewers should be able to tell something about it.”

“The history of Mondstadt is a history of resistance and the pursuit of freedom!”

“Even if there are dangers of ice and snow outside, they can’t stop their persistence in the blue sky outside.”

“Even with the oppression of the nobles, the fire of freedom will not die out”

“As long as you find a suitable opportunity, you will burst out with the most shining light!”

“Also, look at Mondstadt now”

“All kinds of people gather here”

“There are loyal people like the Gunnhild family!”

“There is a mixture of Mondstadt and Liyue!”

“There is a nun who can’t even remember the name of the god of wind!”

“There are the remnants of Kyria!”

“Descendants of sinful old nobles!”

“The child of the sinful man Reindot!”

“There is a daughter of a member of the Witches’ Coven!”

“There are also travelers from another world as honorary knights!”

“This is considered to have complex ingredients among the Seven Kingdoms!”

“But now they are gathered here together and living happily together”

“In the meantime, let’s work together for Mondstadt!”

“What better expression of Mondstadt’s freedom could there be?”

Speaking of this, Luo Chen was filled with emotion in his heart.

In terms of inclusiveness, it belongs to Mondstadt!

After a pause, he continued

“Beyond that, Mond’s freedom is freedom of choice!”

“Go up to the wind god Barbatos, give up wearing the crown for Mondstadt”

“Mondstadt became a free city without a king.”

“This is his freedom of choice!”

“People like Zhongdao Qin and Diluc will firmly protect Mondstadt!”

“This is their freedom of choice!”

“Go down to ordinary people, drink, have fun, protect, take risks, and take revenge……”

“This is also their freedom of choice!”

After finishing speaking, Luochen played another video in the live broadcast room.

It was a conversation between Wendy and Tevalin after successfully rescuing Tevarin in the main plot of Mondstadt.

In the picture, high in the sky.

Wendy was lying on the ground. Tevalin. When they meet again after many years, one person and one dragon have complicated feelings.

“We haven’t flown together like this in a long time, Tvarin.”

Wendy was a little emotional.

“Why didn’t you ask me to protect you like before?”

Tvarin said hoarsely.

“I don’t want you to listen to the abyss”

“But that doesn’t mean you have to listen to me, Tvarin.”

Said, Wendy stood up and sat up, looking a little sighing.

“The freedom of being ordered by gods is also a kind of unfreedom.”

After saying that, he returned the power of the Wind God’s Familiar to Tevarin.

“Is this the power of the Wind God’s Familiar?”

“But I am no longer the guardian of the four winds……”

“Even without that identity, didn’t you still protect us?”

“Tevalin, from now on, with my blessing, fly more calmly.”


At this point, the video ends.

All the Teyvat people in front of the light curtain were lost in thought.

These words and video touched them greatly.

Involuntarily, they began to think about what true freedom is?

And, what is your own freedom!


Mondstadt, high in the sky.

Wendy was now lying on top of Tevarin.

The two are heading to Mondstadt, preparing to look for the great adventurer Stanley.

Just like the video in the light curtain shows.

And when they saw the contents of the light curtain, they also fell silent.

After a while, Wendy reached out and returned the power of the Wind God’s Familiar to Tevalin.

Then speak softly

“Tvarin, me……”

However, before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Tevarin.

“Freedom ordered by gods is not freedom”

“The freedom that the gods forcibly removed from their responsibilities and then forced the other party to understand,”

“Is this freedom?”

Hearing these words, Wendy was silent again.

After a moment, a smile appeared on his face

“you’re right”

“As the light curtain said, Mond’s freedom is the freedom of choice”

“Then make your own choice”



【Extraordinary chat group】

【Ke Qing: I haven’t thought about it carefully before, but now that I heard what Light Curtain said, there are really many people in Mondstadt! (Sentiment. Expression)】

【Walnut: Besides the traveler who is an honorary knight, who else is there?】

【Hutao: Well, I don’t mean anything else, just out of curiosity. (dog head. expression)】

【Alice: Harm, what’s the point?】

【Alice: I am a member of the Witches’ Coven, and that little girl naturally refers to my daughter Keli.】

【Kelly: Qiang Qiang~】

【Jean: Barbara and I are Gunnhilds.】

【Amber: So the mixed blood of Mondstadt and Liyue should refer to me, right? Because my grandfather is from Liyue】

【Barbara: The nun who can’t even remember the name of the God of Wind must be Rosalia!】

【Rosalia: I know, isn’t it just Bartopbas?】

【Barbara: It’s Lord Barbatos! (Helpless. Expression)】

【Yora: I am a descendant of sinners, everyone knows this】

【Kaia: Did you say everything? Then I won’t hide it. I am the remnant of Kanria. But my current identity is Mondstadt’s cavalry captain.~】

【Abedo: I am the last one……】

【Kamisato Ayato: A survivor of Kanria, a descendant of the old aristocracy, the daughter of a member of the Witches’ Coven, and the”child of Reindot””……The forces are really complicated!】

【Nasida: Coming from different places, but being able to live in harmony, just like the light curtain said, this is the embodiment of freedom!】

【Zhongli: Maybe only a city-state like Mondstadt can perfectly accommodate these people.】

【Funina: Mond’s freedom is the freedom of tolerance and freedom of choice】

【Funina: Now I understand why Fengshen never took action, but just guided】

【Navilette: This is the freedom of choice of the God of Liberty! Let the Mondstadts sort out Mondstadt matters themselves. When it really didn’t work, he came out to reveal the truth.】

【Alice: Are you sure it’s not because Barbatos wants to fish? (bad smile. expression)】

【Wendy: Hey, this is also a kind of freedom~ (Spread your hands.jpg)】

【Yae Kamiko: The case is solved! No wonder so many people in Mondstadt like fishing. It turns out they all follow the theology trend.】

【Wendy: Hey~】

【Yingmei: It’s good to have choices. The greatest tragedy in life is not having the chance to choose】

【Paimon: Woohoo, yeah, I have no choice now, I can only eat [Legendary] offal, I’m miserable.~】


【other people:……】

Do you have no choice?

This is obviously showing off!

For a moment, everyone rolled their eyes angrily.

…… villa.

Luo Chen smiled and said again

“Now to summarize.” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Barbatos is a god who loves Mondstadt deeply”

“He brought Mondstadt a livable environment, a country where no one is king, and the concept of pursuing freedom!”

“Although he has not been seen in Mondstadt for a long time, the people of Mondstadt still love and believe in him.”

“May the wind god protect you, stranger!”

“This is their slogan!”

“Even among the seven nations of Teyvat, they are among the most devout people!”

“Okay, this is the end of the serious review of Barbatos, the god of wind.”

“Next, we will start the serious review of Tevalin, the Familiar of the Wind God.”

As he said that, he put a picture of Tewarin in the live broadcast room, and then continued

“Tevalin, the follower of the wind god, the former guardian of the four winds”

“Regarding it, I won’t comment separately, but here I will focus on my experience.”

“In ancient times, a dragon carrying the element of wind was born in the sky”

“This dragon is Tvarin”

“When it was just born, it was full of curiosity about everything in the world.”

“However, because of its powerful strength and size, it has always been feared by humans.”[]

“Finally one day, it was attracted by the sound of the Sky Piano”

“Adhering to the curiosity about melody and poetry, and the desire for everything to understand it”

“Tvarin stayed with the Wind God”

“Eventually became the Guardian of the Four Winds in Mondstadt”

“So in a sense, it was also deceived by Barbatos.”


Mondstadt, high in the sky.

When Tvarin heard the words in the light curtain, he couldn’t help but recall the trivial matters in the past.

Thinking of the scene when it first met Wendy, I couldn’t help but feel a little sad.

“What’s wrong?”

“Are you missing it?”

After Wendy noticed it, she smiled and said

“No, I was thinking about why I was so naive at the time”

“I was actually fooled by a song.”

“Then I worked silently for Mondstadt for 1,000 years.……”

“You are so comfortable being the boss!”

Tvarin sighed.


Tevarin, you have changed~

You would never have said these words before…

You were led astray by the chat group!

…… villa.

Luo Chen continued to speak.

“After that, it’s a familiar story”

“The dragon Durin attacks, and Tvarin is called to protect Mondstadt.”

“With Barbatos’s blessing, it tore out the dragon’s throat”

“But he was also infected by the poisonous blood he accidentally drank, and fell into a coma.”

“Until five hundred years later……”

“At this time, Tevalin returned after enduring the poison in his body”

“But it didn’t hear the beautiful music of its friend Barbatos”

“And the people of Mondstadt who were once protected by it have also forgotten the existence of this hero.”

“He even gave it the title of Demonic Dragon!”

“As a hero, Tevalin was forced to endure loneliness and the erosion of poisonous blood.”

“Later, it attracted the Abyss Cult”

“This triggered the subsequent attack on Mondstadt by the Wind Demon Dragon!”

“It is true that the culprit of this incident is the Abyss Order”

“But Mond did not do the right thing.”

“Somewhat ungrateful.”

Hearing this, many people in Mondstadt had a look of shame on their faces.

They were obviously the guardians of the four winds who protected them, but they were forgotten by them. They even spoke harshly to them, calling them”magic dragons””!

No one can stand this? Someone with a bad temper would probably take revenge on Mondstadt directly!

Only their Tvarin still persisted.

It was not until he was corrupted by the Abyss Cult that he attacked Mondstadt. City.

People from other countries could not stand it at this time.

【General chat group】

【Master Mao: No, I think you Mondstadt people are too outrageous, right? Can such an important family member as the guardian of the Four Winds be forgotten? (Speechless.jpg)】

【Tian Tiezui: More than that! He even called his benefactor a”magic dragon”, which was simply outrageous!】

【Zheping: Is this the freedom you pursue…so free that you have this attitude towards your benefactor?】

【Azar: Haha, it is indeed a giant baby! I am so used to freedom and laziness that I have even forgotten my book! (Contempt. Expression)]

The people of Mondstadt can still tolerate the complaints and accusations from other countries.

After all, it was indeed what I did wrong.

But after seeing the Xumi people speak out, they couldn’t bear it anymore.

You, a person who locked up your own gods, have the nerve to say anything about them?

What about your face?

He immediately began to refute it

【Lawrence: It is indeed our fault in this matter, and we admit it! But what does it have to do with you Sumeru?】

【Harry: You guys who imprisoned your newborn god and betrayed the Great Mercy Tree King, how dare you say that?】

【Stanley: You are the most ungrateful people in the entire continent of Teyvat!】

【Goethe: Worse than even fools! After all, people still respect their gods!】

【Timaeus: With such villainous behavior, I don’t think you have the face to meet the grass god of the previous generation?!】


The Great Sage originally just mocked subconsciously.

Unexpectedly, it attracted a lot of rebuttal from Mond.

Seeing a series of sharp attacks, the great sage was once again furious.

The blood surged, and no one could hold it back. puff!

Vomited blood and fainted again

“Great Sage?”

“Great Sage!”

“Oh no, the great sage fainted from anger again. Someone come quickly!”

The teaching order panicked again.

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