Genius club

Genius Club Chapter 78 East China Sea (1/3)


The big-faced cat was cornered and threw Lin Xian away:

"Brother, are you done yet?! Ask, ask, ask! Do you have a hundred thousand whys? How come there are so many problems!"

"Hold it! Stop asking! If you have any questions, just ask my dad! Maybe you two can really get along!"

He threw Lin Xian's arm away again and smoked angrily.

Lin Xian stood there and thought.

Looking at it this way... the big-faced cat's father is indeed not dead, he is still alive, so he should be alive.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have said something like asking him to go to his father to ask questions:

"Your dad...well, how is your health?"

"It's great! It's just that my brain is stupid! I stay in my room at home every day and don't come out!"

The big-faced cat looked disdainful, took a long puff of cigarette, and handed the half-remained cigarette to Zhuang:

"That's what scholars are like. The more they study, the more neurotic they become! Zhuang, tell me, what's the use of studying?"

"It's no use!"

A Zhuang took two puffs of the cigarette, shook his head, and handed the remaining cigarette to Er Zhuzi:

"Every scholar is obsessed with it. In this world... learning is not as good as learning a craft."

"That's right."

Erzhuzi bit his cigarette butt and looked at Lin Xian suspiciously:

"Educated people are the most unreliable and dishonest."

He took another puff and another puff, and then handed the last cigarette butt to the third fat man:

"It's better to start working early and marry a wife as good as a sister-in-law. What do you think, Mr. Fatty?"

The third fat man smoked the butt of his cigarette and nodded wisely:

"I think it's okay."

The big-faced cat nodded and said:

"Actually, I don't want my daughter to continue going to school. Working early and marrying a good husband is the best way out."

"Don't be shameless, brother, let your daughter continue to go to school." Lin Xian advised.

He found……

It is true that the economic base determines the superstructure. In such a poor and backward place, there is an upper limit to the height of people's thinking, and their perspectives on things are also different.

Look at the buzzing state of these four people in front of you...

He was probably either illiterate or semi-literate.

Lin Xian gave up asking for any key information from the big-faced cat. As he said, it was better to go to his father and ask for details.

Obviously, even in the changed dream, Cat Dad is still studying things in the field of mathematics.

He probably did not win the Fields Medal in this era, but in this poor and backward world, whether there is such a prize is another question.

But if Cat Dad can study something as obscure as "Introduction to the Cosmological Constant", he must be very good at it, and he doesn't need any awards to prove it.

In the "First Dream" before the change, Lin Xian never asked the big-faced cat what his father was studying.

But intuitively... 80% of it is very different from the cosmological constant currently studied.

Lin Xian wasn't sure why.

He always feels that history has a certain inevitability. For example, the fate of the big-faced cat seems to have changed. His family is happy and he lives a happy life.

But it seems that many things have not changed and are still the same as before.

This is a feeling that cannot be described.

"Can I go visit your father?" Lin Xian asked:

"I'm actually quite interested in mathematics. I want to communicate with your father and ask for advice."

"Then why not! You are my little brother now, this little thing is nothing." The big-faced cat raised his hand and looked at his watch:

"But it's definitely too late today. He lives a bit far away. I promised my son to buy him roast chicken and eat it back today."

"You still have a son?" Lin Xian was surprised.

"Yes, my youngest son is six years old. My daughter had been clamoring for a sister before, so she gave birth to one. She didn't expect it to be a boy."

Talking about children, the big-faced cat’s face is filled with happiness:

"The boy is very naughty, but sometimes he is also quite cute."

"How about this!"

The big-faced cat waved his hand and hugged Lin Xian:

"Anyway, you are a wanderer and have nowhere to go, so just stay at my house! There are many rooms at home, and you can have a meal at home at night."

"I'll take you to my dad on a motorcycle tomorrow. You won't be able to find the way by yourself. The main reason is that it's too late today. I would have taken you there earlier."

The big-faced cat was so enthusiastic that Lin Xian was really moved.

Because he had many things to ask the big-faced cat about this dream, and he wanted to quickly understand the world view. They could have a good chat at the dinner table.

But at the same time……

"Introduction to the Cosmological Constant", the big-faced cat's father went crazy due to research, and kept saying one sentence all day long...

He cared about it too.

He really wanted to understand, what is the cosmological constant? What does this have to do with the Genius Club?

But the big-faced cat is right.

In this dilapidated and backward small village, the paths were rugged and the buildings were cluttered. Lin Xian couldn't even tell the difference between east, west and north without someone to guide him... Not to mention that every house was very similar, so he would definitely not be able to find it himself.

Lin Xian thought for a while and nodded.

The dream will still cycle anyway, no one can escape, they have to --\u003e\u003e

On this day of endless loop, you can go to the cat dad anytime.

"Okay, let's do it tomorrow."

Lin Xian planned to hook up with the big-faced cat as soon as possible after falling asleep tomorrow, and then let the big-faced cat take him to find his cat father on a motorcycle.

After chatting for a while, it was time for everyone to go back to their homes.

A Zhuang, Er Zhuzi and San Pang waved goodbye to the big-faced cat, who led Lin Xian home.


A Zhuang came over quietly, glanced at Lin Xian, and whispered to Big Face Cat:

"What happened tonight..."

Big Face Cat nodded:

"Everything is the same as before."

After that, the three of them left.

"You have activities tonight?" Lin Xian naturally noticed their little movements. The IQ level of these four people is the same.

"Hahaha, no, no, it's a gang matter." Big Face Cat laughed and perfunctorily passed it off:

"Let's go, brother, let's buy roast chicken."


Walking on the crowded and twisted path, Lin Xian really felt very depressed.

Except for the sky directly above his head, he could see almost nothing. There were houses, houses, houses around him... It felt like being stuffed into a maze.

Lin Xian looked at Big Face Cat humming a song and walking away:

"Brother Face, you don't have a job, how do you support your family?"

"Collecting protection fees!" Big Face Cat looked proud.

"Is this true..." Lin Xian couldn't believe it:

"Is this legal?"

"Hey! Look at what you said! I, Big Face Cat, protect this piece of land! Shouldn't they pay me protection fees?"

"You are not actually collecting property fees, are you?"

"Bullshit! Who are you looking down on!"


When I arrived at Big Face Cat's house, it was dark.

Big Face Cat's house is a three-story building, just like the messy self-built houses around it.

The eldest sister-in-law is very enthusiastic and beautiful, which makes Lin Xian wonder where Er Zhuzi got the courage to seduce the eldest sister-in-law.

But that was the Er Zhuzi in the last dream...Maybe he has turned over a new leaf now.

At least from the current situation, Big Face Cat's life is very happy and he is on the right track.

Lin Xian doesn't believe in collecting protection fees at all.

Just look at his "voluntary catching thieves" and "doing justice" and the attitude of the neighbors towards him...Lin Xian feels that Big Face Cat is probably collecting property fees.

Or maybe, he recalled the secret whispers when he just separated from A Zhuang and Er Zhuzi... [Big Face Cat must be hiding something from him. ] "The meal is here~" Sister-in-law Lian was gentle and elegant, and brought the hot dumplings and food with a smile. Big Face Cat's daughter and son also took their seats one after another, and the family started to eat with laughter and chat. Big Face Cat's daughter was also very beautiful, and fortunately, she did not inherit a single bit of Big Face Cat. She looked like a teenager, and her words were a little rebellious. Big Face Cat's son was very unfortunate, just like a smaller version of Big Face Cat. Looking at this warm scene, Lin Xian was also very happy. But in a blink of an eye... He thought of Xu Yun, who was lying dead on the street, and Xu Yiyi, who was skinny on the hospital bed. Some were happy, and some were sad. His actions to change history and rewrite the future changed Big Face Cat's life, but also changed the lives of Xu Yun and Xu Yiyi. One family became happy, and the other became separated by life and death. How Lin Xian hoped that the hibernation capsule could be successfully developed... How he hoped that Xu Yiyi could be cured of her vegetative state one day in the future, just like the daughter of the big-faced cat in front of him, arguing with her father, but free and at ease.

What a pity.

Looking at the level of technological development in this dream, it is likely that the hibernation capsule has not been successfully developed in the past 600 years.

"I don't want to work! I want to go to school!"

The daughter of the big-faced cat was still arguing with the big-faced cat:

"What will I do in the future if I don't go to school! I don't want to live the kind of life you have here!"


The big-faced cat's face turned red, but he was too dumb to talk back to his daughter.

"Forget it, Brother Lian."

Lin Xian smiled, raised his glass and clinked it with Big Face Cat:

"Although I, an outsider, should not be involved in your child's discipline... but it's still right to go to school, knowledge changes destiny."

"Children want to go to school and have dreams, so we should support them. Niuniu likes to study so much, do you want to become a mathematician or a teacher like your grandfather when you grow up?"


Big Face Cat's daughter pouted:

"I don't want to be a teacher."

"What do you want to do when you grow up?"

"I only have one dream when I grow up!" Big Face Cat's daughter pouted:

"I want to leave here! I want to live in [New Donghai City]!"

The glass held by Lin Xian stopped in mid-air...

New Donghai City?

He looked at the big-faced cat:

"The third New Donghai City?"

"There is no third! It's [New Donghai City]!" The big-faced cat swallowed the chicken in his mouth and rolled his eyes at Lin Xian:

"Why is your brain like a second-hand one? Where did you get it from?"

"Wait a minute."

Lin Xian put down his wine glass and looked at the big-faced cat:

"What does New Donghai City mean? Isn't this Donghai?"

"This is the old Donghai."

"Then where is the New Donghai?"

The big-faced cat looked at Lin Xian as if he was looking at a fool:

"No, brother, are you drunk or are you kidding me? Don't you know New Donghai?"

"I really don't know!" Lin Xian frowned: "Where is it?"

The big-faced cat smacked his lips in disgust.

He stood up, pulled Lin Xian up the stairs:

"You guy, you are lying with your eyes open!"

He was very strong and dragged Lin Xian up the stairs and directly to the roof of the third floor.

This was the first time since Lin Xian entered this dream that he felt a wide field of vision. His sight was finally no longer blocked by the intricate and messy self-built buildings.

"Here! Turn around!"

The big-faced cat pulled Lin Xian around.

A piece of neon light reflected in Lin Xian's pupils——

Just a few kilometers away from them, a giant science fiction city surrounded by high steel walls stood in the sky!

The tall building sinks into the sky and the top cannot be seen!

Vehicles of all sizes are flying through the air!

The colorful neon lights paint a picture with distinct colors in the night!

Huge screens display advertisements on the walls of high-rise buildings, countless robots are busy in every corner of the city, and a hundred-meter-high steel wall surrounds the entire city tightly, like a giant alien object!

Lin Xian looked at this scene that was comparable to a science fiction movie and froze on the spot without moving.

Underfoot... is a dilapidated and backward small village, small and old.

In front of a majestic and highly developed science fiction city, with high steel walls stretching for dozens of kilometers like a chasm!

There is a difference between ants and mountains.

Although this is a dream, it is also reality, the real world 600 years later.

"See it!"

The big-faced cat chuckled and pointed at the brilliant and colorful future city a few kilometers away:

"Then! It's - [New Donghai City]!"

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