Chapter 91 Famous scene, Sister Cabbage beats Shinji!!

Shinji’s mind flashed images of punching Hirona and kicking Daigo. Be pragmatic Shinji, your biggest goal now should be to defeat Shindai.

Hirona, Daigo can all go back a bit, the trainer he should defeat the most must be Shindai.

If it weren’t for Shindai, his brother would still be a Pokémon trainer by now, traveling the world for his dreams.

It was Shindai who shattered his brother’s dream, making his brother give up his dream of being a trainer and become a salted fish, and he wanted to avenge his brother.

In the process of Shinji’s “brainstorming”, the fifteen-minute discussion time given by the system has been completed, and the countdown is about to begin.

Shinji was awakened by the sound of the system’s countdown, and he pressed the answer button on the answer button regardless of three seven twenty-one.

Unexpectedly, he really succeeded in answering.

[The answerer Shinji successfully answered the question.] 】

Shinji, who grabbed the right to answer the question, did not show any excitement, and still maintained his cold boyish persona.

[Shinji: My answer is D, four times or more. 】

Shindai is not something Ash can easily defeat, Shinji has always believed in this.

What the? Do you say that Ash is the original champion of the future Alora, or one of the members of the Eight Masters?

Don’t listen, don’t listen.

[Daigo: Ash, fight for a little gas, don’t let this guy called Shinji answer correctly! ] 】

Daigo is very vindictive, this trainer named Shinji not only stole his right to answer the question, but also dared to throw himself in the face, and must curse him for answering wrong.

[Wataru: I think Shinji looks down on Ash a little too much, D answer is impossible]

Wataru and Shinji have no personal grudges, he analyzes it from a realistic point of view, and he thinks that Shinji is a little too underestimating Ash.

Don’t look at Ash’s battle is sometimes very brainless, but he still has his own advantages, and the brilliant play makes no one easily predict Ash’s match

Ash’s body has the ability to turn decay into magic, and any trainer who dares to despise Ash will be slapped in the face.

Most of the respondents in the comment area did not recognize their answers, and Shinji smiled coldly in the face of overwhelming doubts.

The world is wrong, and he can’t go wrong.

The correct answer is one hundred percent D.

Shinji is still too young, doesn’t he know that the adjective is one hundred percent toxic? When he uses one hundred percent, it is not destined to end well [wrong answer]. 】

What the?! Mistake?!

Shinji clenched his teeth and struggled to maintain his composure.

On the surface, it is as stable as an old dog, but it is actually panicked.

You must panic, this is to die in front of the world’s trainers, how can he mess around on the road in the future?

[Punishment: Play the video screen 530 of the future challenge of Hirona.] 】

This punishment doesn’t seem very serious!

After seeing the content of the punishment clearly, Shinji was also relieved.

Shinji is still very confident in his strength, even if he faces Miss Shirona, the strongest of Shinno, he will not lose too ugly.

[Daigo: Challenge Hirona? This trainer named Shinji is very courageous! 】

Daigo understands Hirona too well, don’t look at Hirona’s appearance looks cute, but once the battle starts, she is more ruthless than anyone.

Water? Inexistent.

No matter what kind of opponent she faces, Hirona will give it her all.

[Gomatsu: Shinji should have lost miserably. 】

[Ohba: I think it can be removed, Shinji will lose miserably. 】

[Aryu: Miss Hirona is the most terrible, I suspect that Shinji’s children are going to be beaten out of the psychological shadow. 】

Isn’t it too underestimating me?

Before the video was played, almost everyone put him to death, which is too much to look down on.

Yes, his strength is far from the championship, but not everyone can be humiliated.

Take a good look, even if he faces the strongest of Shen’ao, he will play with style.

The video officially begins

A relic in the Sinnoh region.

“It’s Miss Hirona, the champion.”

Ash said excitedly. It was the first time he had met the champion himself, not to mention how happy he was.

Also excited was Xiaoguang, who was also a colleague, “It’s herself!” ”

“It’s more beautiful than what you see on TV.”

“The little student really wants to be the ice cream in his hand.”

The little rigid nature of seeing the beautiful lady recurred.

Touching his head, Xiaoguang said helplessly: “You will turn into ice cream and melt it!” ”

Shinnoh area, Futaba town.

“Yes, it’s me, I’m on TV again.”

Seeing himself appear again in the video, Xiaoguang was also particularly excited.

“I didn’t expect that Xiaoguang would be able to travel with Ash in the future.”

Saiko couldn’t help but sigh.

Ash is no ordinary trainer, he is the future Alora champion, and it is too good luck that her daughter Xiaoguang has the opportunity to travel with Ash.

“Hee-hee, I’m looking forward to that day coming soon!”

Xiaoguang said longingly.

She had a hunch that Ash’s trip must be quite exciting.

True New Town, Red Lotus Island.

“Oh, are you sure you’re punishing Shinji, not me?”

Xiao Gang was speechless, obviously he was punishing Shinji, why did he report his pig brother’s appearance to the whole world.

“Heh, who made Xiao Gang squint all day long, if you can be a little more serious, how can this happen.”

Xiao Xia did not give Xiao Gang face at all, and tortured Xiao Gang fiercely.

“I really want to fight Miss Hirona, too! That guy named Shinji was so lucky. ”

The opportunity to play against the champion is not very common, and I don’t know if he can play with Hirona in the future.

Back to video.

The “protagonist” Shinji finally appears.

With a blue-black coat, black pants, and a poker face that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, Shinji broke into the camera.


“I haven’t seen you since the Iron Dojo, how many badges have you received since then?”

Ash asked curiously.

Ash has always regarded Shinji as the strongest enemy in the Sinnoh region, so as soon as he met Shinji, Ash quickly stepped forward to ask Shinji about obtaining the badge.

“I’ve got two now.”

Ash said quite proudly.

Shinji’s personality is quite similar to Xiao Shige.

Do you say he really didn’t put Ash in his eyes? That’s certainly not.

Deep down, Shinji still recognized Ash’s strength.

However, inner recognition is inner recognition, and it is impossible to admit Shinji in the mouth

Still that poker face, Shinji said coldly, “I shouldn’t have to report to you.” ”


Ash didn’t react at once.

The Hall of Light was a little unbearable, crossed his hands at the waist, and complained for Ash: “The attitude is still the same bad.” ”

[Daigo: This guy really has enough dragging. 】

Daigo said that he was not so dragged when he was younger.

[Mikkoli: “When it comes to dragging, when you were young, you didn’t give up. “】

[The result is that I am first, strong and powerful! ] “】

The old bottom was exposed by Mikkoli, and Daigo was a little anxious.

[Daigo: How old are you from the old Huang Li? And how do I not remember that I said something like that? 】

[Mikkoli: Oh, did I say that you said this? What are you in a hurry? 】

Daigo secretly said that it was bad, and he didn’t fight himself now.

[Wataru: The result is that I am first, strong and powerful. Duck, you can say such a narcissistic thing about Daigo. 】

[Karunai: Don’t you understand? The rich second generation is so narcissistic. 】

[Shirona: Knowledge has increased. 】

[Daigo: Ahem, can you concentrate on watching the video? Don’t fix all of this? 】

[Everyone: Cut ——]

Back to video

The cool and dragging Shinji obviously did not come towards Ash, he crossed Ash and went straight to Hirona.

“You’re Miss Hirona, aren’t you?”


Hirona nodded.

“I’m Shinji from Curtain City, and I would like to ask you to fight me in Pokémon.”

After all, the trainer in front of him was the strongest in the Sinnoh region, and Shinji still put his posture very low.

The onlookers were shocked.

They also didn’t expect someone to be so bold and dare to challenge the champion: “Who is that guy?” ”

“People are champions, how can they ignore him!”

Faced with Shinji’s sudden invitation, Hirona was also a little surprised.

First surprised, then smiled faintly, and said: “I haven’t met such an invitation for a private competition for a long time. ”

Just when everyone thought that Hirona was going to refuse, she changed her tone.

“You’re challenging the Shinnoh Alliance, aren’t you?”


Shinji said calmly.

“So it is.”

Hirona slowly descended the stairs and said as she walked, “You look like you came here from other alliances. ”

“Yes, I’ll accept your challenge.”

Hirona is really good to talk, and no one expected that the high-ranking champion would actually accept a stranger’s roadside invitation.

The crowd of onlookers slowly dispersed, giving up the battlefield to Hirona and Shinji.

“How about using six Pokémon?”

Shinji asked.

“It doesn’t hurt.”

Sister Cabbage definitely doesn’t care, after all, this battle is just a pastime for her.

The onlookers mocked Shinji, thinking that Shinji was taking his own humiliation.

In the face of ridicule, Shinji is still as calm as ever, he has never been a person who will be casually affected by external factors.

Xiaoguang: “He was completely treated as a bad person. ”

Xiao Gang: “But he’s Shinji, he should have studied the championship battle well.” ”

I don’t comment on Shinji’s character, but when it comes to tactical literacy, Shinji still deserves the respect of others.

Ash didn’t say a word, staring at the battlefield tightly.

“Then the game begins, fly in the sky, bite the land shark.”

People do not win the second in vain youth, even if they are champions, there is also a middle and second period.

In the face of Hirona’s fierce bite land shark, no one expected that Shinji’s final choice of Pokémon was actually a little fire monkey.

Using the small fire dragon of the fire system to face the fierce biting land shark of the ground system and the dragon system is a stupid decision that can no longer be stupid.

The onlookers had already begun to complain wildly, and Shinji, who was located in the center of the storm, stood majestically.

Shinji’s mentality is really good.

As the champion, Hirona naturally does not seize the right to attack first, and she gave the right to attack to Shinji as a gentleman.

Shinji couldn’t either, and decisively accepted Hirona’s humility.

After the flame vortex took the lead and ensured that the land shark was surrounded by flames, Shinji let the little fire monkey use the trick of digging a hole in the ground.

It’s beautiful to think about, the actual operation is not so easy, not only the little fire monkey can dig the hole, but also the land shark can learn to dig the hole.

Digging a hole VS digging a hole in the ground, the two Pokémon fought fiercely underground, and the result was not surprising, the little fire monkey was defeated.

Kill the enemy.

After recovering the little fire monkey who had lost his ability to fight, Shinji still did not forget to shoot it.

“Is that really the only degree?”

Sister Cabbage heard this, and her originally smiling expression suddenly became cold, and she was angry.

The second is just Marula, Shinji intends to use attributes to gain an advantage.

How terrifying the angry Hirona was, Shinji quickly realized.

Marula’s blizzard was blocked by the fierce biting land shark with his arm, and this inhuman operation made the onlookers look stupid.

Isn’t the Ice skill able to deal four times the damage to the Bite Land Shark? How is it the same as tickling?

It can only be said that the gap in level and strength is too big, and this can no longer be reversed by attributes.

After defending against his opponent’s attack, Lieji Lu swooped and took Marula away.

The third is the Dark Raven, who was defeated by the blow of the fierce bite land shark.

Still the same, Shinji didn’t even have a word of comfort when he took the Pokémon back to the Baby Ball.

Team Rocket, who was hidden in the crowd, couldn’t help but complain when they saw Shinji’s appearance, this guy was simply more like Team Rocket than them.

All three Pokémon were defeated by their opponents with one blow, but Shinji not only did not lose it, but showed a weird smile after the Dark Raven was defeated.

[Daigo: Are you just waiting for this moment?] Deliberately luring Hirona to make the fierce bite land shark make the ultimate impact. 】

[Wataru: This guy is really ruthless! ] 】

Wataru couldn’t help but complain.

All Pokémon are tools in Shinji’s hands and can be sacrificed, and Shinji has been waiting from the beginning for the moment when the fierce bite land shark makes the ultimate impact.

[Sakaki: @Shinji, young man, I’m very good for you, join us Team Rocket, you will have a brighter future. 】

[Shinji: I’m not the slightest interested in being a rat. 】

What smelly fish and rotten shrimp dare to invite themselves?

He wasn’t the slightest interested in becoming a Rocket.

[Sakaki: Oh, young people are arrogant. 】

Comparing Team Rocket to rats, Sakaki remembers this guy, and if he has a chance, he must be ruthless to the other party.

Back to video

The fourth Pokémon to come on the field was the Tsuchidai Turtle, and Shinji sneered and gave the attack command.

“Super absorption.”

The green rattan made of energy grabbed the fierce bite land shark and kept absorbing the physical strength of the fierce biting land shark.

Xiao Guang, who was watching the battle, looked puzzled, she didn’t understand why the Fierce Biting Land Shark didn’t dodge, with the speed that the Fierce Biting Land Shark showed in the previous battle, it should easily dodge the attack of the Tutai Turtle.

At this time, Xiao Gang suddenly realized that he understood Shinji’s purpose.

Everything is for this moment, the side effect of the ultimate impact is to stalemate for a round, in order to induce the fierce bite land shark to make the ultimate impact, Shinji keeps using Pokémon to pad his back.

Daigo, Wataru, the evaluation of Shinji is not wrong at all, he is indeed very cold.

“Crazy Plant!!!”

Shinji’s face showed an expression of victory, and in his opinion, there was no way to live in the Lieji Province.

Still too naïve, he simply did not realize how big the gap between himself and the champion really was.

The crazy plant successfully hit the fierce bite land shark, but unfortunately did not hit the point, and was all blocked by the arms of the fierce biting land shark.

Crazy plants do very little damage.

“Split the tiles.”

Sister Cabbage smiled faintly, everything was under control.

The slash that fell from the sky killed the opponent in one move.

After the Tsuchidai turtle lost his ability to fight, Shinji decisively admitted defeat.

End of video.

[Daigo: Cow, Hirona. 】

Sister Neng’s thin school sounding leather free of turning over the dishes of the king’s mouth, Shi Shi Dan accepted

Doubting the true heir of life, the depression in Daigo’s heart can finally come out.

[Du: The level is still there, but the character is a little worrying. 】

Wataru said to be fair, in his opinion, Shinji’s strength is still there, and losing to Hirona is only because he is too young, and he has a chance to become a top trainer when he gives him some time.

[Shirona: Okay, okay, don’t talk about this, let’s get back to business, which answer should I choose? 】

After all, it was a trainer from the Sinnoh region, and Hirona still had to protect her, and she interrupted the comments of others and brought the topic back to normal.

[Daigo: You have to choose B, believe me, B answer, twice is the correct answer. 】

Once disrespecting Shindai, three times disrespecting Ash, compromise twice, just right.

[Wataru; This time I chose to take Daigo’s side. 】

It is rare that the good brother Du did not tear down Daigo’s platform and firmly stood on Daigo’s side.

[Shiba: I also support Daigo!!! 】

Well, Hiba is also here, and he also chooses to support Daigo.

[Shirona: Karunai, what do you think? 】

(1st change)

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