Chapter 83 Ash can’t be a regional champion, I said!!


It roared, heralding its victory to everyone present.

Charizard wins, frozen birds lose…

Before, the person who thought that Ash would be defeated was silent.

Konah, the number one fan of the frozen bird, was also silent.

The Dan Emperor was also silent.

Of course, the silence of the Dan Emperor is still very different from the silence of others, he just wants to break his head and has not figured out why Ash’s fire-breathing dragon’s special move is cast on the earth.

Is there really a fire-breathing dragon in the world that casts in the world? Could it be that he didn’t understand fire-breathing dragons?

[Wataru: Dara is still very personable, if he hadn’t stopped the referee, he would have won the frozen bird. 】

[Shiba: You must talk about demeanor, the battle development area is open to welcome guests, if you offend the challengers to death, you don’t have to pay for death. 】

[Daigo: I actually want to know how Yahida convinced Shindai to join the Battle Frontier Zone. 】

Shindai is not an ordinary person, his strength is stronger than most of the alliance kings, and he also has the power to fight against the regional champions.

[Yahida: It’s a secret, so I won’t tell you. 】

“I didn’t expect it, we looked away, the fire dinosaur with the little ghost’s head is also very powerful, or we change our target, should we catch the fire dinosaur?”

Kojiro suggested.


Musashi rejected Kojiro’s offer without hesitation.

“We Rockets have to start from the beginning, how can we be half-hearted? Say that if you catch Pikachu, you have to catch Pikachu, besides, the Pikachu of the little devil head is stronger than the fire dinosaur! ”

Musashi is confident in his own judgment.

“Musashi is right, only Pikachu, who took away the head of the little devil, can solve the hatred in my heart, meow.”

After being bullied by Pikachu for so long, Meow must take revenge back.

Since Musashi and Mew Mew insist on catching Pikachu, then he can only go with the flow, Pikachu is Pikachu.

The answerers are still immersed in the previous battles and have not yet recovered from the battle between Charizard and Frozen Bird.

However, the live answering system will not give them time to recover slowly, and new questions will come soon.

[Question: Which of the following achievements has Ash achieved in the next three years? 】

[A: Become a glorious hall owner. 】

[B: Successfully became the Four Heavenly Kings of the region. 】

[C: Fulfilled the dream of champion and became a regional champion. 】

[D: Dominate Carlos and win the Miare Conference. 】

[There is no need to rush to answer this question, the system will randomly select the lucky answerer to answer.] 】

[The discussion time is fifteen minutes, and the timer begins.] 】

[President Dama Lanchi: Coming, coming, new questions are coming, and this time I will not be able to make a mistake. 】

In order to regain his lost beard and eyebrows, Dama Lanqi swore that he would answer the question well.

[Wataru: A, B, C, D, the lowest difficulty of the four options should be option A, no matter what region you are in, being a dojo owner is not too difficult. 】

Most of the trainers have worked hard all their lives, longing for the position of a Taoist hall master, but when they come to Du here, the Taoist hall master seems to have become a position that is readily available.

Of course, it is not surprising that Du stands in what position and says anything, for high-level trainers, becoming a dojo trainer is indeed an easy thing.

[Shiba: Then the answer this time will choose A? 】

Hiba also learned to be smart, and he also found that the word 100% is toxic, and there is no good thing after using it every time, so it is better to keep a low profile.

[Dr. Ohki: If you compare the level of difficulty alone, it is indeed the easiest for Ash to become a dojo owner, but we have to consider other aspects, the most critical point is that Ash wants to become a dojo owner? 】

[Ash: I don’t want to become a dojo trainer! ] 】

Ash’s Buddha-figures have all come out to say.

Don’t get me wrong, Ash has no prejudice against dojo trainers, and he also respects dojo trainers, but he himself has no interest in becoming a dojo trainer

His quest is to travel around the world, to meet, to collect all kinds of Pokémon, which is what he wants to do.

Being a dojo trainer and being confined to one region is not Ash’s wish.

[Xiaoxia: Xiao Zhi’s level can’t become a dojo trainer, and A’s answer is directly ruled out. ] 】

In Xiaoxia’s opinion, perhaps Ash will become a powerful trainer in the future, but Ash’s fighting style dooms him to be unsuitable for being a dojo owner.

It is important to remember that the main task of the dojo owner is to assist the growth of the rookie trainer.

Ash can do it, but to teach newcomers to grow, this is not what Ash is good at.

Besides, at this stage, Ash himself has not yet figured out his battle concept, his battle relies more on a flash of light, and asking Ash to become the master of the Taoist Hall is simply a mistake.

Dr. Ohki, who has watched Ash grow up since childhood, the companions who traveled together, and even Ash Honzun all stood up to veto answer A, and needless to say, answer A was directly passed.

[Daigo: In three years, that is, Ash at that time will be at most thirteen years old, does anyone know how old the current youngest Four Heavenly King of the Alliance is? 】

[President of Dama Lanchi: Gadria, fourteen years old. 】

This is the specialty of President Dama Lanqi, the information of all the four heavenly kings in the alliance, Dama Lanqi is all very familiar with it, all Daigo has just asked questions, and Dama Lanqi gave the answer.

[Shirona: In other words, the league has not had a thirteen-year-old champion before? 】

[Karunai: Bingo, that’s right. However, the alliance did not have it before, and it does not mean that there has not been since then, and before Gadria became the king, the alliance never had a 14-year-old king. 】

[Konah: Karunai, you mean, the correct answer is the B answer? 】

[Karunai: I don’t have a definite answer to whether the correct answer is B or D, but I know that after three years, Ash’s strength has definitely reached the level of the Four Heavenly Kings. 】

She must have the strength of the Four Heavenly Kings, otherwise, then what is she planning by Ash?

If Ash didn’t have the strength of the Four Heavenly Kings, wouldn’t she have lost her face?

Therefore, Ash must have the strength of the Four Heavenly Kings.

If you don’t have to, you have to have.

[Daigo: Hmph, don’t hypnotize yourself, Karunai. It is useless to become a Pokémon powerful in the Four Heavenly Kings, at least six high-level Pokémon. 】

Daigo scoffed at Karunai’s words, feeling that Karunai was stunned to save his image.

Xiao Zhi is only a few years old, how can he have the energy to cultivate so many powerful Pokémon.

He is still very different from Fleur and Gadria, Fleur and Gadria are both famous, and they have been in contact with cultivating Pokémon since childhood, but Ash did not have his first Pokémon until he was ten years old.

[Shirona: Don’t look at people with old eyes, before Xiaochi appeared, who would have thought that someone could become a champion in just one year. Perhaps, Ash is also an unearthly genius. 】

Hirona supports her good sister Karunai, and Ash must have the strength of a king.

[Dr. Ohki: I still think that the D answer, dominating Carlos, won the Miare conference is a little more reliable. Everyone must remember that the strength of the king and becoming a king are two different things. 】

With the level of the Heavenly King, it does not mean that he must become the Heavenly King, just like the Divine Generation, who can say that his strength is worse than the Heavenly King? But he was not interested in becoming the Four Heavenly Kings.

The position of the four heavenly kings is glory, but also responsibility, guarding one side, protecting the country and security, and the other side being the king of heaven.

Therefore, he pulled it back again, hoping to travel around the world to subdue Ash, even if he has the ability to become the Four Heavenly Kings, it is estimated that he will not be interested in the position of the Four Heavenly Kings.

[Hanazuki: What about the champion? Aren’t champions allowed to wander around the world? 】

Hanazuki does not hide her resentment towards the “champion”.

Their four heavenly kings were restricted to death and were not allowed to leave the area where they were stationed without special events.

But the champion is different, the regional champion can run out at any time if he wants.

Count the regional champions in the world, and which one is dedicated and dedicated, all of them have part-time jobs.

[Daigo: Hahahaha, no kidding, Hanazuki. 】

Daigo snorted and exposed the matter.

Champion, what a joke, he admits that Ash is very strong and has potential, but he is still 108,000 miles away from the champion.

The topic of Hanazuki was not picked up by others, and everyone’s thoughts were the same as Daigo’s.

Ash, champion, impossible!

Not every kind of milk is called big milk jar milk, and similarly, not every ten-year-old is called Xiaochi.

In the end, after intense discussion among the answerers, it was finally concluded that Ash, Miare had won.

Time is also passing minute by minute, because this answer is a lottery mode, not a rush to answer, so everyone does not have to rush forward like a war, waiting for good news.

The lucky one who was drawn by the live answer system was [Zvoch Daigo. 】

[Daigo: No way, no way, the rewards are all sent to the door, and I’m sorry for the system’s love for me if I don’t bend down to pick it up. ] 】

Don’t mention how excited Daigo is to become a lucky answerer, in his opinion, this answer is simply a reward for picking up for nothing.

Since the live answering system has to send the reward to the door, then he is not respectful.

[Wataru: Don’t be D, don’t be D, don’t be D. 】

Wataru couldn’t see Daigo’s stunned appearance, and cursed Daigo madly in the live broadcast room.

[Daigo: Hey, hey, are you still a three-year-old child? Do you think your so-called curse works? Don’t lie to yourself, enjoy Young Master Dawu’s heroic answers! 】

After sneering at Wataru, Daigo began to answer the question.

[Daigo: My answer is D, dominate Carlos, and win the Miare Conference. 】

[Karunai: I was picked up by this guy Daigo again. 】

Karunai was also very depressed, she felt that she could compete for the worst answerer.

She endured the wrong answer, after all, her own strength is not good, but what is the matter with her black history at every turn?

How can it be repaired.

This question, Karunai is also quite optimistic about the D answer, but there is no way, who let her be unlucky, not drawn by the system, hey, can only continue to act as a spectator.

Just when everyone thought that Daigo was about to reap the reward, the live answering system told everyone that this was not the case at all…

The reward is not, the punishment is ready.

[Wrong answer.] 】

“Impossible, never returnable!!!”

Daigo was about to cry.

Dr. Ohki, didn’t you say that yes is definitely the D answer?

It’s different from the script you said, woo-woo, you hurt me, Dr. Ohki’s groundless accusation against Daigo, Dr. Ohki said that it was none of his own business, it was Daigo himself who had to choose the D answer, and he did not force him to choose according to Daigo’s hand, if you want to blame, you can only blame Daigo

Himself, who let him choose D.

[Wataru: Good death!!! 】

Seeing Daigo’s tragic situation, Wataru just wanted to open champagne to celebrate at this moment.

Ah, what is there to be proud of, he asked what was so proud, but he just got the right to answer the question, and he didn’t give out the reward himself, he really didn’t know what Daigo was proud of.

[Karunai: Yes, Scissorhands, fortunately it was not me who was chosen. 】

Karunai, who was just complaining about his bad luck and was not selected by the answer live broadcast system, had a 360-degree reversal in his attitude.

Fortunately, she was not chosen, otherwise she would have died in front of the world’s trainers.

[Punishment: Ten minutes of live streaming of women’s clothing, shouting three times at the gate of Devon Manufacturing Company that I am Zvoch Daigo. 】

What the?

Daigo, who saw the content of the punishment clearly, almost fainted this time.

It’s too ruthless, the system is really ruthless this time, this is asking for his life

How could he wear women’s clothes, that kind of thing.

Daigo looked fierce and was ready to tear up the women’s clothing transmitted by the system directly.

Q: What should I do if the gun is on the head?

A: Be obedient.

This time is not a metaphor, Daigo is really robbed of his head.

Feeling the coldness coming from the back of his head, Daigo finally decided to obediently obey.

Women’s clothing, it’s not a big deal, at most lose face, there is still a chance to get it back in the future, but life is different, if you lose it, don’t want to get it back.

[Cuckoo: I have to speed up, maybe I can get to the Devins Manufacturing Company before Daigo’s performance. 】

The former champion’s women’s performance ah, this kind of wonderful performance that is rare in ten years, how could the cuckoo allow himself to miss it.

Anyway, Kanaz Dojo is very close to the Dewen Company, and it won’t take long to run.

In the video, Daigo gritted his teeth in frustration, dressed in women’s clothing, and walked towards the Dewen Manufacturing Company.

In the live broadcast room, the audience sipped melon seeds, drank drinks, and laughed and talked about Daigo’s punishment.

[Wataru: Daigo still has a talent for women’s clothing, I suggest that Daigo show people in women’s clothing in the future. 】

[Karunai: Of course, the people are noble sons of Fangyuan, and they are different from Kanto uncles like you. 】

[Wataru: Uncle? Hehe, be careful if I sue you for slander, I am also loved by thousands of girls in Kanto. 】

[Seeba: Gag-]

[Shiba: I’m sorry, Wataru, I didn’t hold back. 】

[Zvoch Hibiscus: Contrarian, rebel. 】

President Zvoch didn’t have a face to watch the live broadcast, who would have thought that he, the son of Zvoch Hibiscus, the young owner of the Tang Dewen Manufacturing, actually 2.4 women’s clothing in front of the world’s trainers, and the face of their family was lost by this guy Daigo.

However, there is one thing to say, after Daiwu women’s clothing, she still looks very good.

Sure enough, this guy still inherited a lot of good genes from himself, President Zvoch thought narcissistically.

After the punishment was over, Daigo returned to his office and lay expressionlessly on the sofa.

Red dust is a lot of troubles, he will forget red dust in the future, and focus on cultivating immortals.

[Wataru: What should I choose next?] Four Heavenly Kings? 】

Life still has to go on, and answering questions must continue.

A, B, C three answers! Which ten are the correct answers? Wataru was a little blind.

[Hirona: It’s still the old rule, C must be excluded, if A, let’s also rule it out, even if we can’t trust Dr. Ohki, we must believe Ash himself]

[Karunai: Four Heavenly Kings, I said earlier that Ash has the strength of the Heavenly King, and this guy Daigo likes to contradict me, and you have seen the end now, right? ] 】

[Xiba: After all, Brother Daigo also helped us step on the most difficult thunder, he is our hero, so everyone give me face, everyone should have never happened to his women’s clothing. 】


[Karunai: Heba, are you sure you really want everyone to forget about Daigo’s women’s clothing? 】

[Shiba: Of course. 】

[Daigo: You wait for Hiba for me!!! 】

Daigo Red Dust Refining Heart returned, and rejoined the battle, and it was an output to Shiba.

[Wataru: Okay, okay, don’t argue, answer B is settled. 】

The countdown, three, two, one, and the second draw of the respondent, begins.

The ten-minute discussion time ran out at once, and the live answering system began to draw new respondents.

Who will be the lucky viewer of the new round? Stay tuned (at least three changes today, if you have enough time, update the four changes, subscribe and go!) )

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