Hiba triumphantly waited for the live answering system to announce the results, he thought that what he was waiting for would be a reward, and the result——

[Wrong answer.] 】

Lightning strike.


Hiba is about to vomit, was the great cause of three consecutive defeats achieved by him so quickly?

“Can we discuss it?” Stop making me eat weird things and drink weird drinks. ”

Shiba is still trying to bargain with the live answering system.

The system gave him only one reply.

【No。 】

[Daigo: Good risk, good risk, I said it a long time ago, Hiba is not credible at all, but unfortunately, other people are not like me at all. 】

[Mikkoli: How do I remember that you didn’t say that at all? Daigo. 】

[Daigo: You are old and have a poor memory, you must have misremembered. 】

[Karunai: It’s up to you to be shameless, Daigo. 】

[Shirona: I don’t know if I can continue to rush to answer, it would be a pity if I couldn’t. ] 】

[Karunai: Abominable!!! If it weren’t for Hiba stealing my right to answer the questions, I would already be picking rewards in Meizzi by now. Punishment, punishment, I want to see rivers of blood!!! 】

Switch the lens to Hiba there.

Shiba’s small canteen is open again today.

Today, the food that Shiba wants to “recommend” to the audience is houttuynia boiled snail powder.

Somewhere in Miacha Mountain, Shiba is making a fire and cooking, there is no life left within a radius of three kilometers from Shiba, and the wild Pokémon, no, not only wild Pokémon, even Shiba’s Pokémon have fled far away.

Houttuynia boiled snail powder, who cooks who knows, Shiba is already about to collapse, he has not lifted the lid of the pot now, this smell he can no longer stand.

He suspected that he would most likely die here today.

[Kalunai: Refreshing. 】

Watching Hiba in the video foaming at the mouth and falling to the ground without knowing whether she is alive or dead, her revenge has finally been revenged.

[Lijia: King Hiba won’t have a problem, right?] 】

The Hiba in the video is so miserable, and the kind-hearted Lijia is a little worried that something will really happen to Hiba .

[Konah: Lijia, you still underestimate Heba, he is a humanoid Pokémon that is more fierce than monster power, don’t look at him seems miserable now, or he will be able to recover in a few minutes. 】

[Lijia: Really? 】

[Wataru: Really, really, Hiba is not an ordinary person. Leave Hiba alone, let’s start the next round of answers!!! 】

[Karunai: What’s the rush?] Rushing to reincarnation? This round of questions is not over yet! 】

Heba originally planned to stay awake like this, he was completely desperate for the live answering system, the answering live system was clearly aimed at him, and he stopped playing.

Just as Hiba was about to spit fragrance into the live answering system, he received another message, not only him, but also respondents all over the world.

[The answerer Hiba has repeatedly lost battles, in order to praise Hibba’s courage, the system specially rewards – flash wrist strength. ] 】

“Praise the great live answering system, long live answering system.”

Seeba’s head was not dizzy, his legs were not sore, and his body was full of energy, and he got up with a swoop.

Stupid also has the benefit of stupidity, congratulations to Hibat Ti Stupid Award!

[Du: Hehe, it’s just a wrist force, I don’t want to send me. 】

[Shiba: Send you? Stop dreaming, this is my baby, when I nurture it, I will use it to teach you a lesson. 】

After getting the flashing wrist power given by the system, Hiba suddenly became arrogant.

The Dragon Heavenly King, it’s just that, give him half a year, and he will let Wataru know who is the strongest trainer in Kanto.

The system rewards himself with a flash wrist power that is good anywhere, and the only thing that makes Hiba a little dissatisfied is that the flash wrist power he gets is actually female.

Forget it, it’s harmless, females are females, as the old saying goes, giving birth to boys and girls is the same, the key depends on cultivation.

The two consecutive preemptive answers did not answer correctly, and the system was not ready to pick an unlucky egg, it directly announced the answer.

The video stopped and started playing again.

The video begins –

“Why is Pikachu like this?”

Gently stroking Pikachu, who couldn’t even speak, Ash blamed himself to the extreme at this moment.

It was all his fault, if he hadn’t provoked the Flame Sparrow, things wouldn’t have developed to the point where they are now.

The Sparrow was about to catch up, and Ash made a decision.

He took out Pikachu’s baby ball and placed it next to Pikachu.

“Pikachu, come in here, I know you hate going inside, but if you stay inside, you will have the possibility of salvation.”

Arranged a back road for Pikachu, and as for himself, Ash already had an awakening.

“Hurry up, please come in, I’ll do the rest.”

After that, Ash walked towards the group of flaming birds without looking back.

The whole sky was covered with flaming finches, their ugly screams.

The sound of rain, thunder, and the call of flaming finches mingled together, as if the end of the world was coming.


Ash’s actions in the video moved everyone, giving up the chance of life to Pokémon, and choosing to face death head-on.

Ask yourself how many people can value the life of Pokémon more than their own life like Ash.

They had wondered why the Phoenix King had chosen Ash, but now they understood.

Ash is the trainer that King Feng has been looking for for one hundred and fifty years.

Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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