After talking to Kana Takasaka downstairs, Kyosuke Takasaka also came upstairs.

It's time to pack your bags....

Put all your clothes in your bag, as for the rest, you just bring some clothes, and then a mobile phone charger or something.

As for the computer?

And he didn't... Besides, I went there just to have a place to sleep, could it be that I really went to write a novel?

Organize a bag probably... It was taken down, and it happened that Kirino Takasaka also returned, and Daisuke Takasaka, also returned.

“? Kyosuke are you running away from home, but you haven't paid me back yet!" Looking

at the appearance of Kyosuke Takasaka's big bag ready to run, Kirino Takasaka looked at him closer and said.

"No... I joined a dojo and was going there for three months of training, so don't think too much of me.

Kyosuke Takasaka also directly stated his reasons.

"Ahhh... Is it far away, do you need to drop out of school?

"It's nearby, why drop out of school, don't worry, when the time comes, you can see your brother on TV."

Kyosuke Takasaka put the bag in his hand on the living room floor and said to his "sister" who was following him.

"Cut... Just you, Kyosuke, how could you be so powerful.

"Don't worry, I'm very powerful, if I'm not powerful, why would people train me for three months, it must be to train me to become a kendo master."

Kyosuke Takasaka said, looking at his sister who would make him sit in the "German orthopedics" in front of him.

"Cut... In that case, Kyosuke as long as you last played on TV and then won the championship, I don't need you to pay back, how about it.

Although Takasaka Kirino felt that the other party was suspected of being "exaggerated", he also said out loud in order not to undermine the other party's confidence.

"Okay... Deal. "

Hmph... Limited to three months.

"The agreement is reached, wait, Kirino, you lost this time."

It was not until the two siblings made this "childish" agreement that they sat down at the table....

The family of four ate dinner quietly.

"Remember to say something, although I don't know what is in your mind, but... We also hope you can trust us.

Daisuke Takasaka picked up the cup on the table, took a sip, and suddenly said something that made people "scratch their heads".


"What can there be, rest assured, it's that Sister Poison Island thinks I'm a sword training genius and wants to teach me some skills."

Kyosuke Takasaka was stunned for a moment, then quickly replied.

He wouldn't tell the three people present about his business, it was a decision he had already made....

Moreover... Three months passed quickly.

"Hmm... Eat quickly. Looking

at his eldest son's "clumsy" acting skills, as a criminal policeman, he did not poke the other party, but gently responded.

The dinner was quickly finished, and Kyosuke Takasaka was the first to finish it.

Kyosuke Takasaka put the dishes and chopsticks in the sink, and then spoke to everyone, then picked up the bag in the living room, and then walked to the door...

Today was the third day, and there were fifty-seven days to go, and he couldn't waste any more time.

Listening to the sound of the door closing, Daisuke Takasaka put down the cup in his hand and fell silent.

Takasaka Kirino is a little puzzled by what her parents mean by this, the most important thing is that in her cognition, isn't Kyosuke Takasaka just going to practice kendo?

What's with this expression?

Even if he could hide something, would it only be discovered sooner or later?

So she didn't have much reaction.

As for Takasaka Kano, like Daisuke Takasaka, he did not speak, so he quietly accompanied them to eat.

Standing at the door of his home, Kyosuke Takasaka looked at the small house behind him.

"I'm going to leave for a while, and I'll be back after a while, rest assured."

After saying a few words to himself, Kyosuke Takasaka walked towards the Poison Island Dojo with his steps....

Opening the door of the dojo with the key, Kyosuke Takasaka walked in....

Put all your luggage in the room where you will stay in the future, and hang up your school uniform.

All packed up, Kyosuke Takasaka also planned to prepare to rest early, anyway, the time is not early.

[Ding-dong... Host, someone accidentally fell into the "inner world", please go to the rescue, save successfully to get a "random small gift" copy]

Kyosuke Takasaka, who had just laid down, was also shouted by the system....

Kyosuke Takasaka's "can't understand" doesn't mean that the inside world can only be teleported over? Why can anyone accidentally fall into it?

However, seeing that "random little gift

" Kyosuke Takasaka did not admit that he was a little moved, the most important thing was the "item" displayed inside, which was really touching.

Directly rolled over and got out of bed.

The "Tai Void Armor" appeared directly along with the thought, and then disappeared into the Poison Island Taoist Hall....

Inside the world!

Mai Sakurajima covered her mouth with her hand to shout... She was scared, but she was even more afraid of the lickers over there who were fighting each other.

She just wondered why her mother couldn't see her, and ran out of the house....

But I didn't expect to step directly into the "inner world" with one kick, and

endured the "sense of fear" in my heart, and the royal sister wanted to leave with her legs....

As soon as she moved, she was discovered.

Don't forget that the "lickers" rely on taste, hearing, and sensibility, and Mai Sakurajima's movements are directly discovered by them.

The two also stopped "beating each other" and looked in the direction of Mai Sakurajima, almost all rushing towards her in an instant....


"Ahh Who will save me?" "

Mai Sakurajima really didn't expect her small action, and she was discovered by the other party, and she directly ignored the danger, and wanted to run with her long legs....

Just about to run, two "lickers" in front of and behind stopped each other, looking at the two disgusting monsters with tongues sticking out in front of and behind them.

She's already given up... Give up alive and go back.


" the two lickers is also to prevent the other party of the same kind from snatching the "fresh meat" in front of them, and directly wants to take the first step.

Two tongues come straight at Mai Sakurajima... Mai Sakurajima closed her eyes bitterly, she regretted it....

Regret why I have to come out today.

Closing your eyes is just to meet "death."

When the two tongues were about to pass each other's body through and send her to the "Western Heaven".

"Thousand Blade Talisman"

With these words, a horizontal knife came straight at the girl, but it was not to knife her, but the fragments split out and directly turned into a protective cover... Protected it.

"Roar..." The

two tongues could not be connected, and they were even directly torn apart by the blade.

Mai Sakurajima heard the sound of the monster eating pain, and also opened her eyes curiously....

Looking at the blade protective cover in front of him, and looking at the two monsters outside the protective cover, because he was afraid that the blade was going to leave, the two "lickers"

were unfortunately the two monsters had just moved, and a figure finally arrived....

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