Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 404:

However, the above people pay attention to playing well. If Cheng Yuan is really just an ordinary genius, then he really counts in their calculations. After all, no one is available. In this case, once Cheng Yuan ’s satellites are launched, they can only control them In.

There is no way at all!

Unfortunately, they are not facing an ordinary genius, but a man with a plug-in!

There was a smile on the corner of Cheng Yuan's mouth, and he wanted to see what kind of expression his face would look like when he knew the final result.

As soon as he thought about it, Cheng Yuan's mood was particularly comfortable, and then he set his head to work.

The first is the thermal control system. This system is critical, and it is related to whether the satellite can perform its mission perfectly in space.

The main component of a satellite is composed of two parts. One is the payload. What is the payload is the core of the satellite to complete the task, and it is also related to the application of the satellite itself.

For example, if it is a commercial commercial communication satellite, its role is communication, mobile communication, live broadcast, data relay and tracking.

Navigation satellites are used for regional navigation, global positioning navigation, search and rescue, and so on.

Depending on the classification, the components inside are also different.

The second part is the support system. Just like a personal computer, you buy a computer without a system installed. Even with the high-end hardware, you can't use this computer.

In the support system, the thermal control system is the top priority. Without this system, satellites wanting to work in space for a long time will be a joke.

Why do you say that, it is because the spaceborne equipment itself has requirements for the operating temperature, and the function of this system is to provide a suitable operating temperature for these equipment.

For example, some electronic devices have an operating temperature of only 040 degrees, and the structure, that is, the environment required for the internal mounting of the equipment, must be maintained between 45 and 65 degrees. This temperature difference varies with the distance between the satellite and the sun. Change.

Secondly, there are many places that need to be regulated by this thermal control system.

Of course, the above are some common examples. The satellite materials Cheng Yuan is going to build are different, and the temperature control will definitely have some changes.

First, the radiation absorbed by satellites varies with different materials. To balance the temperature inside the satellite, many aspects need to be considered. The first is the solar radiation energy absorbed by the satellite itself, then the solar radiation energy reflected by the earth, and the second is the infrared radiation of the earth. can.

The earth itself is emitting radiation, not just the sun.

The last is the internal heating of the satellite itself, and the radiant thermal energy of the satellite. After all, the work of the equipment will also generate thermal energy, which will generate radiation, which needs to be calculated.

"Beginning with solar radiation, the daily radiant energy of the sun is 1353w square meters, and changes will occur depending on the perihelion and distant points. The perihelion will increase by 4% from the original basis, and the distant point will decrease by 25%. About 6000k. "

"What is the absorption rate of our new graphene ceramic materials for solar radiation?" Cheng Yuan asked with a brow.

"03, sir." Zero.

"Very good!" Cheng Yuan nodded and continued his work: "The solar radiation is q, then his calculation of the satellite's radiation is the solar constant multiplied by the solar radiation absorption rate of the outer surface of the star and then the effective solar area of ​​the star itself "

Cheng Yuan's calculation was fast. His super brain made him analyze the numbers in a terrible situation, but his behavior made him very confused.

"Sir, I think you can leave it to me to complete such a thing, why do you have to do it yourself?" Zero wondered, he did not understand Cheng Yuan's behavior.

Cheng Yuan didn't stop calculating, but rolled his eyes while working, and said badly: "I also need to know properly, or else someone suddenly asks me, if I can't answer it, my reputation will be ruined. Now. "

"Really, I think if you are only worried about this matter, I can completely arrange a relevant data for you to deal with the question of being victimized after the system's calculation work is completed." Zero gave one himself Deemed feasible.


Cheng Yuan was silent for a moment, "Zero, be honest!"


There is no nonsense, Cheng Yuan quickly calculated a complete system of the support system needed by the satellite according to the building materials he selected.

And this process also took a full half a month! Of course, this process was completed with zero support.

Otherwise, with Cheng Yuan alone, although he can do it, this time may take months or even longer!

This half-month was enough for Cheng Yuan. Every day when I came to the company, I was buried in the laboratory. When the time came, I would eat and chat with my family at home, and listen to my parents to talk about daily funny things.

This life made Cheng Yuan very satisfied.

If you do n’t go far this half month, you do n’t care about foreign affairs, but the outside world has been paying attention to technology crystallization companies! The effect of the recovery liquid quickly gained the trust of a large number of people under the practice of many celebrities.

As a result, the sales volume of recovery fluids is also rising, and many people who have a lot of thoughts even buy recovery fluids and keep them, and their behavior indirectly drives the sales of recovery fluids.

As for what they are thinking, ordinary people may not understand it, but those who are interested know it.

Strange goods are dwellable. Such amazing things can only be sold by Huaxia now. If they can go abroad for circulation, they seem to see a wealthy Kangzhuang Avenue beckoning to them.

What's more, they are not whimsical. Huaxia's recovery liquid is not only well-known in China, but also many foreigners can't believe it at this time.

You must know that the energy of webcasters is powerful. Face videos and lure tube videos are released one day after the recovery fluid is released, and those practical videos are well known through these channels!

They are full of curiosity about the magical recovery fluid!

It is also this curiosity that makes those who hoard recovery fluids see a fortune! But the road is healthy, but the process is not so good.

Regarding the existence of the recovery fluid, governments of all countries naturally see it. Such a magical thing, they are also curious!

So these people who carelessly prepare to bring the recovery liquid to earn foreigners' tragedy, their recovery liquid is all seized by the customs, and it is not the China Customs, it is the other side!

Regarding that the recovery liquid will be circulated abroad, the instructions have been given above, open one eye and close one, anyway, they have Cheng Yuan's guarantee that it will not be analyzed and cracked, so they don't care if it will be sent abroad .

After all, if this thing is circulated abroad, it will also be good for global sales in the future. After all, it has a certain foundation and it will be sold in many ways.

Those who smuggled, after a little respect, went out with the recovery fluid. Before they saw the green Franklin in their pockets, they were detained on the other side. The reason is simple: illegally carrying Unknown liquid reagent.

The result is two words: confiscation!

What's even more tragic is that people are still being detained, waiting to pay the money to lead people, or check the results

After getting the recovery liquid, they can't wait to start trying, and they continued to carry out various experiments and analysis, and they finally concluded that it was a magical potion!

This conclusion makes those big people who are concerned jump over their feet. Who knows that this thing is magical, and its effects have spread throughout the world!

What we want is to imitate this thing! Such things as recovery fluid, once the effect is proven, they can easily discover the true value of the recovery fluid.

This is definitely a revolution to the pharmaceutical market!

They can see the future, the existence of the recovery liquid will definitely squeeze across other pharmaceutical companies in an instant! The inventor of the recovery fluid will become the most beneficial person!

As for how much they can reap, they feel that this is definitely a crazy number!

Hundreds of billions of dollars, this number is sending a flower caller! Hundreds of billions of dollars are just kidding! Their speculation could bring at least a trillion dollars in benefits.

This is just based on the low price of the recovery liquid!

If the price can be increased, this number may more than double!

One trillion! Still US dollars!

While this number is crazy, it is also based on the weakness of other pharmaceutical companies! And when the recovery liquid dominates the world, this amount will also surge!

If they can get one tenth from it, no, one percent, it's equivalent to getting a bond that will always appreciate.

So they couldn't sit still. They started their own actions. In addition to continuing the analysis of the recovery liquid, they directly found the inventor of the recovery liquid, Cheng Yuan and his technology crystallization company!

This action also annoyed Zheng Jia!

For half a month ~ ~ she has received phone calls from all over the world. The contents of the phone calls are the same, and they are all seeking cooperation! Although she had been prepared for this, she couldn't help shaking.

Many of these calls are characters she has never heard of before. Although these characters do not appear before the public, their business empire is enough to make anyone dare not belittle them.

The energy of these characters is extraordinary, but regarding the cooperation of the recovery liquid, she still declined politely, and at the same time informed them that the sales right of the recovery liquid had been handed over to Anhe Biopharmaceutical Company!

At this time, she suddenly realized that Cheng Yuan was really prescient. He may have expected this situation long ago, so he generously handed over all the operations of the recovery liquid!

It really admired her!

If Cheng Yuan knew Zheng Jia's thoughts, he would certainly laugh and cry. The reason he did so at first was because of a single word.

lazy! ()

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