Looking at Yang Qiaoyuan, who was finally gone, Liu Changqing was relieved. Just now Yang Qiaoyuan suddenly stopped and startled him. Fortunately, nothing happened, otherwise his old face would be lost. .

I sat in the office and rested for a while. Liu Changqing very regretted his original Meng Lang's behavior. If he had discovered Cheng Yuan's amazing experimental data at that time, he would not have to be so afraid of Yang Qiaoyuan.

However, there is no regret medicine in this world. If he doesn't want to be so frightened, he must perfect this graphene preparation technology before Yang Qiaoyuan asks about it. Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still, suddenly got up from the chair, and looked firmly towards the laboratory.

决定 He decided to start with Cheng Yuan's raw material origin, and the materials from the same place, combined with the crude data of Shang Cheng Yuan, really did not believe it or succeeded!

When Liu Changqing gritted his teeth and returned to the laboratory, he found that the original heavy laboratory was now shrouded in laughter.

Liu Changqing, who had just entered the laboratory, hesitated for a moment, and then he showed an ecstatic expression, which could make the staff in the laboratory so excited. It must be that the experiment has been successful or progress has been made!

长 Liu Changqing walked quickly to an old man with a short body and white hair, and asked excitedly: "Lao Han, did our experiment succeed?"

"Success! Succeed!" The dumb old man known as Lao Han smiled and nodded his head eagerly. He excitedly pointed at the graphite in the cultivation tank, his face flushed, and he said excitedly, "Lao Liu, you See for yourself, the color has completely faded, and I succeeded! "

Liu Changqing looked in the direction pointed by Lao Han. I saw that the black graphite had completely faded from the black in the culture tank and turned into a substance like transparent crystal.

"This ..." Liu Changqing's eyes were almost protruding, a pair of old eyes earn the boss, incredible looking at the graphite in the cultivation tank, just a group of old guys are still at a loss, how to go out and finish it in a while Is it?

"What about the specific experimental data, please come and see it for me." Liu Changqing excitedly asked the Korean next to him for experimental data.

Unlike Cheng Yuan, everyone who works in the Chinese Academy of Sciences has rich laboratory experience. None of them said that they would not record experimental data. A crude record like Cheng Yuan is simply not called 'data.' 'The two words.


Looking at Liu Changqing with an excited look, Old Han's face was awkward for a while.

Liu Changqing looked at it, very puzzled, and hurried: "Lao Han, come out and show me the experimental data, let's have a look at this thing, right?"

"This, the success of this experiment, it was not me who took the lead. I did not participate in the recording process of the experiment. Where can I get a detailed record for you?" Han Han smiled, then pulled Liu Changqing and pointed at a The young researcher who is holding the data research documented by Cheng Yuan said, "It is him. The success this time is entirely due to that young man's credit. He just tried it step by step according to the data recorded by Cheng Yuan, and then completed the technology. of."

"Step by step?" Liu Changqing drew a corner of his eyes, surprised: "You mean, this kid is completely referring to the data on Cheng Yuan's record, regardless of success or failure, step by step experiment?"

Lao Han nodded helplessly and sighed: "Yes, I asked before you came. This is how the kid was organized step by step, and then he succeeded directly." At the end, Lao Han also showed a crying expression, and did not expect himself A group of old men studied things for two days, and it was put together by a young man in just over an hour.

到底 Is this old group of old guys old, or are the young guys too powerful now?

Confirmed by Lao Han, Liu Changqing was silent, "Does this experiment have to come this way?"

"No." Liu Changqing shook his head secretly. If he had to follow this step by step, why did Cheng Yuan mark the failure behind it? Since it failed, it means that these failed data must be wrong. So at the beginning, they performed experiments based on that successful data, which was absolutely correct.

The problem is here. Why did they not effect the experiment for two days, and how did the young boy finish it in more than an hour?

Liu Changqing came to the cultivation tank and carefully observed the situation from the outside. After a while, he suddenly found that this group of good guys seemed to have entered a misunderstanding. After high temperature and high pressure, the volcanic debris itself has followed the change, and Cheng Yuan has failed before, but he has not changed the material. That is to say, after a series of failures, the changed volcanic debris agrees A correct temperature and pressure allow the microbes inside to start to move.

In other words, the volcanic debris itself will have different temperatures and pressures. Only by finding the correct matching relationship can this experiment be completed.

Liu Changqing patted his head and smiled bitterly.

I already have seventy or eighty people, and I still make such blind obedience mistakes.

However, this kind of mistake will be made because the holographic projection technology given by Cheng Yuan made them a group of old experts so convinced that what Cheng Yuan gave was just the point, even the idea of ​​refuting the inquiry was gone!

After a bitter smile, Liu Changqing converged. Now that the cause is found, the next experiment is not so difficult.

长 Liu Changqing started another experiment with confidence ...

And just when Liu Changqing was experimenting with new graphene preparation technology, Cheng Yuan buried his core code to zero, far from the ocean, California, USA, in an ancient and huge manor. The road inside the manor was paved with marble. Passing through the wooden carved gate, you can see the verdant courtyard. At this moment, hundreds of elegant men and women in elegant clothes are gathered on the lawn of the courtyard.

男女 These men and women gathered together and talked in a low voice according to the relationship between individuals, low soothing music, mellow wines, and beautiful women who passed by from time to time, this is undoubtedly a gathering between the rich.

Unlike the courtyard, in the manor house, in a secret meeting room, thirteen magnificent men are sitting at a round table. Thirteen of them are young and old, and the old ones have gray hair and wrinkled faces. The younger have also entered middle age.

Although the thirteen people are of different ages, a uniform sign is embroidered on the neckline of their clothes, a symbol consisting of a division rule, a curved ruler and a book. Pattern, and the background marked is a heavy book.

At this time, the conference room is silent, and the high-quality wood in the wood fireplace emits a slight 'crack' sound when burning, and the warm heat surrounds the entire conference room.

"Do you have any opinions about the technology company that has recently emerged in the Eastern countries?" Sitting at the round table, the first silver-haired old man coughed and said the first. Although the old man was already old, the dark green eyes were as sharp as a hawk, so sharp.

老人 This old man has a loud name, James DuPont!

"It's rising quickly and it's incredible. I dispatched a group of people a month ago, but unfortunately was stopped by that red regime, and I spent more than 2 million to redeem them. . "

He followed, a man who was only in his early thirties, with meticulous hair combing and a calm look, and a white suit on his body seemed out of place in the entire conference room.

"You are so anxious, Rockefeller Jr." James glanced at him lightly, then turned to look at the others.

Regarding James' attitude, the man known as Rockefeller Jr shrugged casually, not caring.

"This company has a very close relationship with the red regime in their country. I have also tried to invest in shares, but my agent told me that he had been sent back before he had approached the target, although he also reported it. The International Court of Justice, but such a meaningless thing, those international judges will not bother with it. "Gerald Morgan reluctantly told the situation on his side.

"The research team under my hand has been researching their company's intelligent robots." Another person came forward, this man looks younger than Rockefeller Jr., but anyone who knows him knows that this baby-faced guy is already A man in his thirties.

看着 He looked at the people present and said, "It's a pity that for two months, we have thoroughly studied the manufacturing process of the other party, but the most critical core of intelligence." He shrugged and said nothing.

But even if he didn't speak, everyone in the room was very clear that it was a failure.

If successful ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ With the other person's temperament, it will definitely jump out to compete with the technology crystal company in this blank area of ​​the field of intelligent robots!

Because of the unprecedented use of intelligent robots in life, the crystallization of science and technology can make such a big profit and make a lot of money, and huge amounts of wealth are like pockets of floods.

It's like a car. If there is only one automobile company in the world, how much money can Volkswagen make in a year?

Don't mention hundreds of billions of dollars, even trillions and trillions of dollars are not impossible!

全新 A brand new field represents a huge sum of money lying quietly, waiting for the capitalists to collect it!

Today, Cheng Yuan's technology crystallization company is in such a position. His company's products do not have any competitors. If he wants to buy intelligent robots, he can only choose him!

Now, the first batch of intelligent robots has spread throughout the world, and everyone here knows that if there are no problems with this intelligent robot after a few months or six months, as long as the young chairman lowers the price slightly, Then will continue to usher in a buying frenzy!

If at that time, the same type of product has not appeared in the world, then it is certain that the technology crystallization company will make a big profit again, and may make more than this time!

"Everyone, is there any good way?" Said the old James lightly, and his sharp eyes flashed.

I noticed the old man's look, and everyone in the room was shocked.

或许 "Maybe we need a different approach ..."

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