Gamers Are Fierce

Chapter 96: Allegiance

   The eighth floor of the apartment building is different from the seventh floor below, and there are no separate rooms.

   The entire eighth floor is a factory dedicated to Tamar Riadi.

  In the spacious space, the cement walls are mottled, the windows are all closed, and there are no curtains. Instead, there are brown plastic curtains attached to the windows.

   A long strip of light tubes hang from the ceiling, and under the light tubes are a number of work tables.

  Women, teenagers, and children wearing extremely old full-covering breathing masks are sitting at the workbench busy,

   Around the work area, there are many gang members with machetes patrolling.

   There are various large plastic barrels on the wall, and on the shelf at the back of the room, there are many white square plastic containers with black skull patterns stacked.

   "Hurry up! Hurry up!"

   The dark-skinned short fat man clapped his hands and shouted, "This batch of goods must be bagged before tonight!"

   As one of the person in charge of this factory and a close associate of Tamar Riadi, he understands the importance of this shipment.

A few months ago, the Santos Aquino, who represented the rebel forces, approached Tamar Riadi, claiming that they had a new compound formula and process flow chart in hand, and they needed to entrust Tamar Riadi. Di conducts production.

   Tamar Riadi refused to believe this kind of thing at first.

   There are so many new compound products on the market. I have never heard of anyone actively sharing new formulas or unique technological processes.

   This thing is priceless, the kind you can't buy with real money.

   For the sake of Santos’s brother, Tamar Riadi still let his subordinates try to produce a batch of goods.

  I never thought that this batch of brand-new compounds has a pure taste and an overwhelming effect, turning other products into **** in seconds.

  The most important thing is that according to the chemical experts hired by Tamar Riadi, these compounds miraculously do not cause visible harm to the human body.

   It is harmless, it won't let people describe it as dry, it won't make people's skin ulcerated, it won't make people slumped, and looks like a ghost.

   Even tasting it often can make people refreshed, refreshed, and in a very good state.

   is like...Coca-Cola? Or chewing gum? Red Bull?

The only disadvantage of    is that if you don’t taste it every day, it will make people feel uncomfortable.

   I can't stand the slight changes in temperature. Any breeze blowing will cause severe itching of the skin all over the body.

   The short fat man is not a chemical expert, but he is a factory manager,

   For so many years, he has seen countless human tragedies that have been staged because of compounds, and he is very clear that no matter how harmless these products look, they will eventually pull people into the abyss.

   No matter what, Tamar Riadi still let his subordinates secretly sell the new products on the market.

   The feedback received is very good, many poisonous insects are even willing to spend ten times the price of similar products for this new product.

   Come and go, the two sides hit it off, Tamar Riadi is responsible for producing this brand new product for Santos (sometimes he secretly hides some products by himself for chemical analysis, process improvement, sale, bribery),

   The latter takes care of overseas transportation and marketing.

   As a close friend, the short fat man knew that as the two sides continued to cooperate, the relationship became closer, and Santos Aquino also brought another drawing to Tamar Riadi.

   This drawing is an improved version of the original one. The process is more cumbersome and the preparation conditions are more demanding.

   But the effectiveness of the product is also stronger, even reaching a level unparalleled in the world.

   The product made by this new drawing is called "Emperor Flower".

   The production and packaging of Yunhua became more confidential at the request of Santos,

   is all carried out in a dark room on the tenth floor, and the entire process flow is unknown to the short fat man.

   He only knows that these "Emperor Flowers" are sold all over the world,

   In addition to the Philippines, other continents also produce and sell "Emperor Flower".

   It's as if someone or organization is pushing it with all their strength.

   No matter what purpose these people have, they certainly don’t care much about money. They didn’t set a high price for Yunhua and its secondary products.

   Otherwise, such "harmless" compounds are enough to build a huge empire for them.

   Withdrawing his thoughts, the short and fat man looked around the factory and called a few gang members with machete to help the women fill the sub-products of Epiphany.

   Even if the effect is a little lower, these goods can be sold at a high price.

  Outside the factory, Tamar Riadi’s right-hand man, a man named Chap, shouted at the walkie-talkie: "Hello? Hello? Big ghost, can you hear me??"

   There was a noise in the intercom, and there was no response at all.

   chittered, and plugged the walkie-talkie back to his waist. The short fat man walked over hesitantly and said, "Chuck, what's the matter? Is there any trouble with the big ghost?"

   chirping turned his head and stared at the opponent blankly for a while, making the latter's heart frizzy and uncomfortable.

Chacha is the gold medalist of Tamar Riyadi. He learned the traditional Southeast Asian martial arts class Kasura (Pencak Silat, originated from Malay culture It is widely spread in Southeast Asia. There are many variants. The characteristics are fast and ingenious. , Swift),

   once used fists and a tiger claw knife to kill ten other gang fighters in the alley to contain him.

   When he was staring at him, the short fat man felt as if he was being spotted by a tiger who was about to choose someone to eat.

   The heart kept beating, and the hair on the back of his neck stood up.

   stared for a while, chirped back his gaze, and ordered coldly,

   "The rest of the goods don't need to be packaged for the time being, let those women send all the packages that have been packaged to the warehouse. You call all the remaining people who can be hit."


   The short fat man was taken aback when he heard the words. He only knew that a special operations team had rushed into the building.

   But Tamar Riadi had clearly received the news before and arranged for his men to conduct an ambush.

   The man asked puzzledly: "Isn't they already broken up and ready to be finished? Why are you still fighting?"

   twittering calmly said, "You have too many words."

   The chunky man trembled all over, lowered his head, dare not say much, ran back to the room, sent the women to deliver the goods, and asked all the thugs to hold the guns.

   Chicha stood alone in the corridor. The subordinates he had sent downstairs before had all lost contact, and even no useful information was passed back.

   He picked up the walkie-talkie and spoke a few words to Tamar Riadi, so that the gang leader he was loyal to should prepare for escape.

   As for himself...

       喳喳 the ugly thin face, there is a smile-he is willing to swear allegiance to Tamar Riadi and give his heart.

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