The confluence of the Rhoyne and Valanna rivers.

Ever since the First Turtle War, when the water wizards of Rhoynar summoned floods to cleanse the Valyrian Empire's colonies, it has been covered in marshes and swamps.

Thick vines are soaked and accumulated in the swamp all year round, with curtain-like fungi hanging between the branches.

The gray-green mud, with several blisters popping up from time to time, exudes the smell of rotting branches and leaves, and at the same time, there are dangers lurking around it that will swallow up the fate.

Although you can see many exotic flowers, snakes and insects here, you can't feel a trace of life.

There are also embankment trails in the swamps filled with muddy and shallow water. At this time, a group of Dothraki were marching here with difficulty. They kept their distance vigilantly and each searched for a solid or shallower route with muddy water.

The person walking at the front of the team was Nohat. He had a calm face and maintained a calm attitude. He was holding a thick tree branch as a probing stick.

Try to walk along the mounds with trees growing on them, carefully avoid the black flat land with no vegetation, and pay attention to the carpet-like green moss on the surface. These are the most dangerous traps in the swamp.

The group of people walked and stopped. Fortunately, no accidents occurred. The other Dothraki also saw the abilities of young Nohat, and their attitude towards him gradually changed to respect and obedience.

"A road was found here with a large series of horse hoof prints and footprints on the road, which are traces of human travel."

Before the words of reminder could be spoken, the Dothraki stopped their progress instantly, drew out their weapons and looked closely at the dark trees around them.

Before everyone set off, Bachelor Bas Potter had specially narrated it.

The River Rhoyne is infested with bandits, who often hide in abandoned cities, ambush and rob passing ships.

At this time, the water and sky were steaming, and a large amount of fog was steaming throughout the swamp, covering the ruins of the city of Sa Mel in the distance.

Nohat did not respond to this reminder, looking for traces of sunlight through the fog.

He looked at the looming ruins of the city in the distance, and couldn't help but secretly wonder. Bandits were most common on the river north of Dagger Lake, but they rarely appeared in the lower reaches of the Lorne River.

Nohat didn't feel restless in his heart. As a leader among the tribe's patrolling cavalry, he was already accustomed to all kinds of unexpected surprises.

Silently signaling to others to be on guard, they carefully walked around the black swamp and walked onto the road covered with mud and moss.

But the fresh traces that caught his eye told him that the ruins of Sam Mel were now most likely occupied by outsiders.

Nohat calmed down, observed the traces left on the road, and quickly calculated the number of enemies. The ruins must be cleared before the tribe arrived.

But when he saw a series of giant-like footprints, his plan was completely interrupted.

Suddenly, in the silent ruins where shadows lingered not far away, a clear sound of horse hooves came from far and near.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of "ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding."

The bells were tied one by one to the giant's braid, and they rang loudly with his movements, announcing his arrival to the world and making all enemies timid and afraid.

After seeing the heroic face of the visitor, all the Dothraki lowered their guard, put away their weapons, and bowed their heads in salute.

The breeze suddenly picked up, and the mist swept in like a vast expanse of waves.

At this moment, at the source of the Valanna River in the distance, the river was roaring like a wild horse running loose, flying into the sky.

A small group of unfamiliar cavalry appeared first. They hesitated for a moment, then scattered and galloped away.

All this was seen by the exploration cavalry who stayed at the source of the Valanna River.

However, no pursuit battle broke out between the two sides. This was also the final tacit understanding and tranquility between the strong wind and the sudden rain.

The sun sets in the west, twilight is approaching, and the curtain of night slowly opens.

The gushing bloody afterglow dyed the corners of the sky red, and in the silence between heaven and earth, a wanton fire burst out.

The air trembled slightly, the river rippled, and the earth shook more intensely.

Accompanied by the huge roar of the roaring horses, the Dothraki cavalry in the wild formed a single line, like a raging black wave, sweeping over the sky and overwhelmingly, as if they were going to break down all obstacles in front of them, it was unstoppable.

The horses' hooves were tumbling, their long manes were flying, and they were neighing and rolling sound waves that cut through the sky and stopped the moving clouds.

Khal Drogo rode a fat war horse and led the bloodriders to rush out of the wilderness first.

His long black braid hangs down on his waist, his beard bound by a silver ring trembles slightly, and there are numerous gold, silver, and copper bells on the tips of his hair that are constantly ringing.

The fiery red glow of the setting sun crossed the sky and fell on his bronze face, stretching his long figure.

After reining in his horse, Drogo's ferocious pupils burst out with a sharp light like a hunting beast. Resonating with his chest, and with a voice as sonorous as iron and stone, he ordered to the Bloodrider guards following him:

"Coso, call Bono and Giaco to come with you."

Different from the ferocious anger in the eyes of other Dothraki, the eyes of Bloodrider Koso are full of coldness. He is not tall, but he looks extremely flexible.

In fact, Corso does like to hurt people, and his tribe considers him to be the most cruel among the bloodriders.

But as a bloodrider of Khal, his loyalty was unquestionable. He bowed to Khal Drogo and then galloped away on his horse.

The Drogo tribe also follows the management tradition of the Dothraki nomads, with several Khas acting together.

Bonoko and Jakoko both have private tribes, which are Kaa's lieutenants and the commanders and managers of their respective kars.

A moment later, Bono and Jaco, led by the bloodrider Corso, quickly rushed to Drogo in the setting sun.

But traveling with them was the eunuch sent by Doshkarin.

Facing the more powerful Kou in the tribe, Drogo said in a very tough tone:

"The scouting riders told me that the prophesied Kaa abandoned his carriage and went south, trying to escape from my pursuit. Then let him run, and I will chase after him. Bono, Jaco , you will select ten thousand more of my warriors, and capture their women and children as slaves. As for me, Khal Drogo, I will lead my warriors south, and I will kill the legendary Khal, Bring his head back to Vaes Dorask and pay homage to the Mother Mountain. I will be the most powerful Khal on the Dothraki sea and do something that no other Khal has ever done in the past and present. I, Bar Drogo son of Erb swears an oath here, facing the Holy Mother Mountain, with the stars in the sky as witnesses.”

As soon as the words fell, the eunuch sent by Doshkarin immediately stepped forward and urgently stopped him:

"Khal Drogo, all the traces left behind are the deception of the prophesied Khal. Your scouting riders fell deeply into it, and the flaming horse told me that he has led the tribe north."

Hearing the eunuch's cry, the Blood Alliance guard rushed forward, angrily pulled out his scimitar and wanted to kill him:

"Evil eunuch, you told Kaa to march southwest immediately, but now you are talking nonsense."

Drogo stretched out his hand to stop the bloodrider's move. He had already found the traces of his prey and decided not to listen to the eunuch's words anymore.

Dothraki Khals need to obey the wisdom and authority of the Doshkarim, but a true Khal must trust the warriors of the tribe.

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