The green line of fire at the end of the horizon gradually dimmed.

Arya Stark looked up into the night sky and saw many of the constellations she was familiar with.

The most eye-catching one is the Ice Dragon. There is a blue star on the head of the Ice Dragon constellation, called the Knight's Eye, pointing due north. Following the Knight's Eye is the direction home.

But now, Arya can't go home yet. She can only head south, toward the direction pointed by the tail end of the Ice Dragon.

The oncoming wind and snow hit my face, freezing to the bone.

But Arya's heart burned with fire.

Although she is a girl, Arya has had a heroic dream since she was a child.

The person I admire the most is, of course, the Rhoynar warrior queen Nymeria who led her people across the Narrow Sea to Westeros.

She named her direwolf after this, because deep down in her heart, Arya longed to be a heroine like Queen Nymeria, who made achievements on the battlefield.

Now, there seems to be such an opportunity.

So, despite her mother's firm objections, Arya sneaked out.

Anyway, this isn't the first time she has acted willfully.

The direwolf suddenly stopped and let out a low growl.

Arya came back to her senses and was on guard, but after waiting for a moment, she didn't see the enemy. She only saw a village that was almost completely buried by heavy snow.

There is a huge weirwood tree in the west of the village. Only the bare pale trunk is left, with a face weeping blood carved on it, which looks quite scary in the dim starlight.

Arya wasn't afraid, though.

To the people of the North, weirwoods are sacred trees, and some even believe that they are the incarnations of the old gods in the world. Of course, they are not associated with terror.

"Nymeria, what did you see?" Arya had just asked when she heard a hoarse crow call.

"Quack - quack -"

For a time, the temperature seemed to have dropped several degrees.

Even Arya's special physique was a bit unbearable.

At the same time, a huge shadow stepped out from behind the weirwood.

It was a spider even bigger than a mammoth. Its whole body was crystal clear, reflecting a faint blue light. There was an elegant figure sitting on its back, wearing an ice crystal mask, and a pair of star-like cold blue eyes quietly looking at it. Staring at Arya.

"White Walker!" She was slightly startled, immediately increased her vigilance and prepared for battle.

But the other party seemed to have no intention of taking action.

The white ghost on the ice spider's back opened its mouth and made a weird sound like ice breaking.

It seemed to be saying something, but Arya couldn't understand anything.

However, she felt that the White Walker did not seem to show any hostility.

After a brief period of confusion, Arya came to her senses.

That's a White Walker!

He is the murderer who destroyed the North!

The public enemy of all mankind!

She suddenly pulled out the thin sword [Sewing Needle] from her waist and ordered to the giant:

"Big guy, come on! Kill him!"

The giant responded with a dull sound, and then rushed forward with overwhelming momentum.


The huge fist struck the snow, splashing countless pieces of ice and gravel.

But the ice spider had already nimbly avoided it.

Just when the giant was about to give chase, hundreds of corpses suddenly appeared from the snow. They let out a sharp roar and pounced on the giant.

Although compared to the size of giants, ghouls can only be regarded as small ants, if there are too many ants, they can kill an elephant.


The giant let out an angry roar, trying to scare away the charging wights.

But unfortunately, the emotion of fear will never appear in the minds of the ghouls. They swarmed towards the giant like sharks smelling the smell of blood.

Even if they are trampled to pieces by the giant, even if they are easily knocked away by a punch, they will still rush forward, surround the giant, climb up, open their mouths and bite the giant's long hairy toes.

The direwolf was chased by a wight and had to climb onto the giant's body to escape.

The ghoul also climbed up, but was knocked down by the giant several times.

Arya was a little anxious as she saw more and more corpses gathering, but when she saw the White Walker sitting on the ice spider, her heart suddenly moved and she shouted loudly:

"Big guy! Go kill that guy on the ice spider! Kill him!"

The giant roared angrily, no longer entangled with the ghouls at his feet, and rushed towards the ice spider next to the weirwood.


The giant clenched his fists with both hands and punched the ground suddenly, setting off a storm of ice and snow, with the aftermath spreading around like ripples in water.

But the ice spider had already escaped gracefully.

Facing the giant's attack, it let out a sharp neigh.

Arya couldn't help but cover her ears, but she still felt that the sound was like a sharp knife drilling into her heart.

She felt a strong urge to vomit, but tried her best to hold it back.

The giant seemed to hate this sharp sound, and roared again, uprooting the weirwood trees on the side and sweeping them violently.

Bang bang bang——

The circle of ghouls that gathered around them were swept away by the thick tree trunks.

The ten-meter-high weirwood tree became a very handy weapon in the hands of the giant.

He waved hard and was about to hit the ice spider again.

But the next moment, the giant staggered and almost fell down.

Arya screamed and quickly grabbed the hair on the giant's head to prevent herself from falling.

She calmed down and looked down, only to find that the giant's right foot seemed to be entangled with something.

At this time, the ice spider approached silently and let out a sharp hiss again.

Arya covered her ears tightly, and at the same time she keenly noticed that something seemed to spurt out of the ice spider's mouthparts, hitting the giant's right hand directly.

Spider silk?

Under the dim starlight, Arya could vaguely see a thin line connecting the ice spider and the giant.

It seemed that it was this thing that had entangled the giant's feet.


The giant roared angrily, and with a fierce tug with his right hand, the ice spider flew up from the snow.


The ice spider was grabbed by the giant with one hand, and then squeezed hard!


The blue juice splashed everywhere, and the ice spider was crushed to pieces by the giant.

The White Walker fell to the ground and ran away.

"Don't let him get away!" Arya shouted excitedly, urging the giant to give chase.

The giant tore off the spider silk wrapped around his right foot in a few blows, and then chased after him.

The ghouls are still chasing the giants relentlessly, even if the giants don't bother to pay attention to them.

While chasing and escaping, Arya suddenly realized that she seemed to be heading in the wrong direction.

Instead of continuing south, she chased the White Walkers to the west.

After a brief hesitation, Arya decided to continue chasing the White Walker.

She must kill this damn monster!


The wind and snow suddenly became violent.

Even the stars in the sky are covered.

Arya stared at the White Walkers in front of her with an undying persistence.

Suddenly, she smelled a disgusting smell.

It was the smell of decay and death.

It rushed towards her face and almost suffocated her.

"Slow down, big guy!"

Arya was keenly aware that something was wrong and asked the giant to slow down.

The direwolf came closer and whined at her feet, as if afraid.

A lonely broken tower appeared in front. After getting closer, Arya discovered a familiar pattern on it——

They were two crossed long axes, with a black crown guarding them.

She knew that this was the coat of arms of the Dustin family, the lord of Barren Tomb Hall.

Arya was not surprised by this.

Between Winterfell and Cailin Bay, there is a vast wilderness of hills. Because there are a large number of tombs of the ancestors left behind, it is called the Tombs of the First Men.

This is the territory of the Dustin family, so it is not surprising that their coat of arms appears.

But the next second, Arya froze.

Because she saw an extremely terrifying picture on this deserted grave:

Countless densely packed corpses were arranged in a neat line, as far as the eye could see, slowly moving towards the south.

Among them, there are White Walkers riding skeleton horses, others riding direwolves, others sitting on mammoths, and a very small number of White Walkers sitting on ice spiders.

It's the ice spider that was killed by the giant just now.

Although Arya was impulsive and naughty, she was not stupid. Seeing this situation, she didn't dare to continue chasing. She quickly whispered in the giant's ear:

"Run! Big guy! Run!"

The giant also realized that something was wrong, turned around and ran away.

But they still alerted the army of white ghosts, and they looked over with blue eyes.

After the giant ran far away, Arya dared to look back and saw that only a group of corpses were chasing after her, but not the White Walkers. She was relieved.

But before she could rejoice for a long time, she suddenly felt that the giant beneath her was unstable and quickly fell forward.


Although the giant lost his balance, he still did not forget to protect Arya and the direwolf in his arms, and rolled them on the snow several times before stopping.

Arya was dizzy after being thrown down. She finally managed to steady her vision, and then she realized that three ice spiders and a group of corpses were surrounding her.

They screamed sharply at the same time, and translucent threads were sprayed from their mouthparts.

This time it was difficult for the giant to deal with it. Both hands and one foot were entangled in spider silk at the same time. He tried to twist, but three ice spiders exerted force at the same time and pulled him into a "big" character.

Arya felt bad and quickly drew out the sword from her waist, as if to help the giant cut off the spider's thread.

But when her sword struck the spider silk, she realized that the thing looked slender, but was extremely tough.

Not only did her sword fail to cut off the spider silk, but it was overturned by the force of the counter-shock. She took a few steps back and sat down on the snow.

The giant roared and struggled to stand up again.

But the ice spiders quickly crawled across the snow, constantly spitting out spider silk, and entangled the giant tighter and tighter.

Arya swung her rapier in vain, but she couldn't do anything about the spider silk. She could only watch helplessly as the giant was wrapped into a big rice dumpling.

"No!" She looked at the motionless giant, feeling extremely sad in her heart, but she didn't have much fear. Instead, she raised her sword and shouted at the surrounding White Walkers,

"Come on! I'm not afraid of you!"

A thread of spider silk shot out and entangled Arya.

The rapier fell to the ground, and Arya fell on her back, flopping on the snow like a fish out of water.

A White Walker jumped down from the ice spider and approached slowly and gracefully.

"My father will avenge me! His Majesty Caesar will avenge me! My companions will kill you all!" Arya yelled, venting the anger and fear in her heart.

She was ready to face death, but she didn't expect that the White Walkers did not kill her. Instead, they picked up Arya, got back on the ice spider's back, and headed west.

Arya felt on pins and needles on the ice spider's back, but there was nothing she could do.

She was entangled in the tough spider silk, unable to move, her weapon was lost, and her companions, the giant and the direwolf, were not sure whether they were alive or dead...

Arya was so angry that she wanted to cry, a wave of regret welling up in her heart.

I shouldn't be so reckless, I should listen to my mother's instructions...

While her thoughts were changing, the White Walkers had already taken her back to the Tombs of the First Men.

Arya once again saw the dense army of corpses, as well as the maverick White Walkers.

They also turned their heads and cast blue eyes at her.

Arya always felt that there was something strange in the way the White Walkers looked at her, a strangeness that she couldn't quite explain.

Are they going to kill me or eat me?

Or turn me into a mindless ghoul?

Arya thought desperately.

If she really wanted to become that horrible and dirty ghoul, she would rather die completely.

Unfortunately, it seems that it is no longer up to her to choose.

The ice spider passed through the army of ghouls and continued west.

The wind and snow are getting heavier and heavier, and the temperature is getting lower and lower.

It was so low that even Arya, who had never been afraid of the cold, found it unbearable and shivered.

Finally, the ice spider stopped.

Arya was also carried off by the White Walkers.

She twisted her body, raised her head, and saw more than ten terrifying ice spiders surrounding a high platform.

There was nothing on the high platform, just pure black.

A cylindrical black hole stretches straight into the night sky from the high platform.

It was as if the light had completely disappeared from that space, leaving only complete darkness.

What weird thing is this?

Arya was wondering when she saw a tall white ghost standing in the most prominent position in front of the high platform.

His whole body was covered in ice crystal armor, only a pair of faint blue eyes were exposed, and he wore a black ice crown on his head, looking noble and mysterious.

Is this the King of the White Walkers?

Arya secretly speculated.

She didn't know why, but this White Walker King always gave her a faint sense of familiarity.

"Hey!" she asked carelessly, "What do you want to do with me?"

Before the White Walkers could ask questions, Arya suddenly heard an excited roar coming from the sky.

She perked up and turned back quickly.

Sure enough, a giant white dragon appeared in the night sky.

Behind it, two other dragon shadows, one black and one green, can be vaguely seen.

"Haha!" Arya shouted excitedly, "You are finished! His Majesty Caesar and his dragon have found you! Surrender quickly! Otherwise, the dragon's flames will burn all you monsters to ashes!"

The white ghost wearing the black ice crown ignored the little girl's arrogant declaration and just stared at the white dragon in the night sky quietly.

As the swooping white dragon became larger and larger in the field of vision, a loud voice came from the dragon's back:

"Night King! I finally found you!"

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