Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 213 Earl Layton's Hint

Of course, Samwell knew that "Dragon Mother" also hatched a dragon at the moment when the red comet came.

And there should be three dragons hatched by the opponent.

Just counting the time, it has only been more than a month, and the Earl of Oldtown, half a world away, has already known the news. It seems that Lord Layton has been secretly paying attention to the remnant of the Targaryen.

"Master Layton, you seem to be very interested in dragons?"

Earl Layton smiled slightly, and did not deny it: "Yes. Have you heard the ancient prophecy from Asshai?"

"The stars weep blood, the long night is coming?"

"Yes, that's the one." Earl Layton sighed, "I used to think that Rhaegar Targaryen was the prince in the prophecy, until he was beaten to death by Robert Baratheon on the banks of the Trident River. "

He paused, and said again:

"Then I set my sights on the Targaryen brothers and sisters on the other side of the narrow sea. 'Born in the land of salt and smoke', Daenerys was born on Dragonstone Island, where there are seas and volcanoes. It was in line with the prophecy, and after she hatched three giant dragons, I almost believed that she was the prince in the prophecy. But seeing you, I am not sure."

Samwell was inexplicably guilty, but on the surface he didn't reveal the slightest bit:

"How could the prince in the prophecy be a woman?"

Earl Layton nodded and admitted: "That's right, this is what I have always been suspicious of."

Samwell breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Earl Layton has not turned the corner. In the original book, it was Maester Aemon on the Great Wall who woke up first——

Just as there are no male and female dragons, so the "prince" in the prophecy could also refer to a woman.

Of course, Samwell would not mention Earl Layton. He just needed to use this prophecy to gain the support of the Hightower family.

"So you think I'm the prophesied prince?"

"At present, it seems that you are the most likely." Earl Layton did not die.

Samwell lifted his spirits: "So will the Hightower family stand by me this time?"

Earl Layton smiled slightly and said:

"The Hightower family is not taking sides this time."

What a slippery guy. Samwell complained secretly.

However, this result is also acceptable.

The Duke of Mace's power mainly comes from the iron triangle of Tyrell-Redwyne-Hightower, and in this iron triangle, the seemingly most low-key Hightower family is actually the most powerful corner. The Hightower family remained neutral, and the support that Duke of Metz could get was immediately reduced.

"Yes." Samwell nodded, "Then, please sit on the sidelines and see if the nobles in the River Bend are willing to support the evil sons of the Lion family."

Earl Layton nodded with a smile, turned his gaze to the white dragon on Samwell's shoulder, and asked:

"Sam, can you tell me how you hatched this dragon?"

"Use a sword to split the dragon's egg, and the dragon jumped out." Samwell said seriously.

"It's that simple?" Earl Layton frowned.

"Oh, and a fire," Samwell added, "just keep an eye on the fire, and don't overcook the dragon's eggs."

"So that's the case." Earl Layton said with a smile.

"Does the Hightower family have dragon eggs?" Samwell asked, "If necessary, I can help you hatch them. After all, I have experience."

"We don't have dragon eggs." Earl Layton immediately denied, and then said with a smile, "If we find them in the future, I may ask you to help hatch them."

"my pleasure."

"By the way, I heard that there is a Red God witch in your territory?" Earl Layton suddenly changed the subject.

"Yes, Ms. Melisandre from Asshai." Samwell nodded and admitted, "I was poisoned by the 'Red Viper' at the time, and she saved me."

"It's the first time I've heard of anyone surviving the poison of a red viper."

"Maybe she borrowed the power of God." Samwell stared into Earl Layton's eyes, "Master Layton, what do you want to say?"

"I want to say...the blessings of the gods often come with a price."

Samwell asked thoughtfully: "Then what price do you think I paid?"

Earl Layton laughed and said: "I can't say that. But you need to know that blessing and curse are like two sides of a coin. You can't find a coin with only one side. Similarly, you can't only get blessings from gods."

Samwell suddenly thought of "Bronze Jon". The other party said similar things when he gave him the [Time] armor.

But Earl Layton didn't want to say more on this topic, and started chatting instead.

Samwell chatted with him thoughtfully for a while, then took his leave and left.

After going out, Samwell walked on the promenade surrounded by flowers, and suddenly met an unexpected person.

"Kingslayer?" Samwell had a playful smile on his face.

"Who is the Kingslayer?" Jaime Lannister shot back.

Samwell stopped and said with a smile:

"Your and Cersei's son is just a false king, what kind of king. Besides, I'm not like you, who swore to protect the king."

James noticed that Samwell had been staring at his severed hand, so he turned sideways unconsciously, blocking the other's sight.

The baron here had his right hand chopped off, robbing him of his glory and his shame.

Without these, what is left of him...

James tried his best to calm down his agitated mood, and said coldly:

"Oaths? Hehe, how many vows have you made in your life? Protect women and children, protect justice, treat the weak well, be loyal to the lord... so many vows, do you remember them all? And when one vow conflicts with another, what do you do? When your lord is no longer righteous, are you on the side of the lord, or on the side of justice?"

"It's up to you to decide when and which side to stand on." Samwell said, "You are a knight, not a puppet controlled by an oath."

"It's easy to say. But what qualifications do you have to judge me?" James was deeply hurt by Samwell's eyes.

When Ed Stark led his army into the Red Castle and saw him who killed the "Mad King" sitting on the Iron Throne, it was this look——

The eyes of judgment.

This look has haunted him for more than ten years.

"How did you get your knighthood? When Mace Tyrell held the sword on your shoulder, didn't you swear loyalty?" James cried, with resentment and reprimand in his voice, "but now What are you doing? Your allegiance? Your obedience? Your..."

As if sensing James' threat to his master, the white dragon roared angrily, and spewed out a stream of dragon flames.

"Cleopatra, stop." Samwell patted the white dragon on the head.

He didn't want to burn James here, or the old lion might go mad.

Even though Duke Tywin has two sons, the only heir he really recognizes is James.

The dwarf's youngest son had never been taken seriously by him.

So if Samwell killed James, the old lion would most likely fight for the Iron Throne and come to Highgarden to avenge his son.

He doesn't want to do this kind of hatred.

The flames died down, but Jaime's robes were already on fire, and he scrambled to remove them, screaming and cursing.

"It was Margaery Tyrell who held the sword on my shoulder back then. Even the inflatable fish didn't want to canonize me personally, so why should you expect my loyalty?" Samwell dropped a sentence coldly, and then stopped responding "Kill King" turned and left.

Jaime managed to get rid of Dragon Burn, coughing and crying from the smoke.

The robe in front of him was still burning, and the orange flames danced endlessly, like a strange elf, which aroused the most unbearable memory in James' mind.

Back then, "Mad King" Aerys burned Duke Rickard Stark to death with such a flame, burned to death the "hammer and dagger" King Chester Earl, and threatened to burn all the king's landers to death. people.

"Reavers don't want to take my capital!" Jaime heard the mad king's scream echoing in his ears, "I'll leave them a city of ashes! Let Robert, the bastard, be King's Landing like me. The charred bones and roasted flesh in the city!"

The Targaryen family has practiced cremation for generations, and there is no tomb. The Mad King wants to turn the entire city of King's Landing into his own cremation pile.

James actually knew that the Mad King didn't really want to commit suicide. Like the former "Bright Flame" Ailion Targaryen, he believed that the flame could regenerate him and turn him into a real dragon.

Jaime had watched the Mad King order the Pyromancers to bury [Wildfire] pots all over the city, from the Great Sept of Baelor to the shabby huts of Flea Nest, from the cellar of Maegor's House to under the seven gates, everywhere. Such a horrible substance.

And he could only stand under the Iron Throne, like a corpse in a white robe, watching silently.

He is the White Knight of the Kingsguard, sworn to serve the King, and to obey his every command, no matter how crazy, how ridiculous, how cruel...

Until Duke Tywin led his army into the city, the Mad King shouted angrily:

"Present your father's head, or I'll burn you all to death!"

Finally, Jaime drew his sword and killed the mad king.

From then on, he became a "Kingslayer".

In the face of everyone's contemptuous eyes, he never explained.

The proud lion doesn't bother to argue.

The hand holding the sword was gone, but Jaime could still feel it, and it hurt so badly.

It gnaws at the heart like a poisonous snake.

But this kind of pain is far less than the sting of a look from the Duke of Winterfell, or from the baron who cut off his arm.

You know nothing, just look at me and find me guilty!


"What qualifications does the eagle have to judge the lion!" James shouted at Samwell's back.

Unfortunately, the other party didn't look back at all.

Only the white dragon on the shoulder turned his head and gave the "King Slayer" a cold look.

It burns like a fire.

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