"not too good."

Tyrion said, "Only robbers, thieves, and murderers would go to some hellish place to guard the Wall now, and bastards, by the way."

Hearing about the illegitimate child, Samwell took over the conversation and asked:

"I heard that the illegitimate son of Duke Ed, the Hand of the King, also went to the Great Wall?"

"Yes. Jon Snow, a fine lad."

This one has also embarked on the original trajectory of fate, Samwell thought to himself.

It's a pity that his own destiny has been completely changed, and it is no longer possible to go to the Great Wall like in the original book.

It is estimated that there will not be much intersection with the illegitimate son of the Duke of the North who was supposed to be his good brother.

I don't know what will happen to the situation on the Great Wall without Samwell Tarly, the "White Ghost Killer" in this time and space...

"Lord Tyrion, I forgot to congratulate you, your nephew is about to become the new king."

"Oh, but don't say congratulations." Tyrion didn't seem to be a little happy, "That idiot sits on the Iron Throne, and the seven gods are on top, this world is already crazy enough."

"I also heard that he is planning to appoint you as Minister of Finance. Congratulations on that."

"What?!" Tyrion sat up straight suddenly, "Are you kidding me?"

Samwell shrugged: "I also heard what the girls said, it may not be accurate."

"No, no! I'm going to ask." Tyrion hurriedly began to dress, "Damn it! I don't want to clean up the mess left by that big liar in Littlefinger! I don't want to!"

Samwell shook his head and said with a smile: "I'm afraid the king won't have time to see you now, because the coronation ceremony is coming soon, and he is probably praying devoutly by the rainbow pool. I came here this time to remind you, don't just because of the pretty girl And forgot to go to the ceremony."

With that, he bid farewell to Tyrion and left.

Tyrion couldn't care less about lingering with the beauties of the Midsummer Islands, so he hurriedly left the Women's Branch after getting dressed.

He first went back to the Red Castle, changed into a decent dress, and then hurriedly climbed up the hills of Visenya and walked into the Great Sept of Baelor.

At this time, the cathedral hall was filled with jewels, furs, silks and brocades. The nobles in King's Landing all put on the most gorgeous dresses, as if they wanted to take this opportunity to compare with each other.

The arrival of Tyrion did not attract much attention. As the second son of the Lannister family, this dwarf seemed too sorry for the audience compared to his radiant older brothers and sisters.

It seems that the gods gave Cersei and James all the external goodness, and when it was Tyrion's turn, he could only deal with it casually.

Fortunately, the gods are also benevolent, leaving all the wisdom that should belong to Cersei and James to Tyrion.

It's a pity that the vulgar world can seldom explore the beauty deep inside through this deformed and ugly body.

It stands to reason that after his elder brother Jaime Lannister joined the Kingsguard and could no longer inherit the title and territory, Tyrion was the Guardian of the West and the first heir to the Duke of Casterly Rock. However, no one really regarded this dwarf as a The future Duke looks.

Especially his father, Lord Tywin Lannister.

The dislike of the dwarf's son by the lion of the west was completely undisguised.

If it weren't for the fact that killing relatives would anger the gods, I'm afraid Tyrion wouldn't be alive at all.

Fortunately, Tyrion has long been used to the white eyes and contempt, walking in the prayer hall contentedly.

The coronation ceremony had not yet begun, and Tyrion saw the archbishop standing in the center of the hall wearing a crystal crown. Beside her stood Queen Cersei.

Today she is wearing a wine red velvet dress with golden stripes, with wide long sleeves reaching to the ground, looking dignified, elegant and noble.

Tyrion walked over: "Hey! Sister!"

Cersei has always liked to look at people with her chin, and she is even more so when facing the dwarf brother:

"Tyrion, when did you come back? I thought you froze to death on the Wall."

"I just arrived yesterday." Tyrion has long been used to his sister's poisonous tongue, "Thank you for your concern about my health. Where's James?"

"He's the Kingsguard, of course with the king, you idiot."

"Old sister, I am relieved to see that you are still as mean as usual. Sure enough, the death of your husband has no effect on you."

"Dead brother, it doesn't affect me either."

"I'm different. If you die, I will cry a lot."

Seeing the way Cersei gritted her teeth, Tyrion ran away dangling those short legs contentedly.

Before taking two steps, Tyrion heard someone calling his name.

Looking back, he saw the Baron Yingzuiyu who had just parted for a short time.

"Lord Caesar!" Tyrion greeted with a smile, but felt a little sour in his heart.

No way, that baron is not only handsome, but also has two beauties on his arms.

On the left should be the "Highgarden Rose", and on the right, the star and long sword coat of arms, it seems to be the Countess of Dorn.

You have such top-quality beauties to accompany you, and you still go to buy a female branch? Tyrion cursed to himself.

But on the surface he still maintained a smile, and went forward to say hello to Samwell and the others.

Natalie had never heard of the reputation of "little devil" before, and at this moment she was looking at the dwarf with curious and slightly fearful eyes.

Margaery, on the other hand, seemed very familiar with Tyrion, and they chatted quickly.

At this moment, the church bell rang suddenly.

Everyone knew that the time had come, and they all fell silent.

And Joffrey also appeared at the door of the prayer hall. He had a crowned stag tattooed on his chest, and his buttons were in the shape of a roaring lion. He was wearing a dark green gown with gold stripes, and the cloak behind him was crimson. —This is the color of the Lannisters.

The seven white knights of the Kingsguard guarded behind him, and they followed the king into the hall.

The sunlight cast colorful light and shadows through the glazed dome, and the statues of the Seven Gods around the hall stood majestically, as if they were watching the figure slowly walking in.

The solemn and solemn atmosphere circulated in the hall, making people afraid to breathe loudly.

Finally, Joffrey walked up to the High Septon and knelt down on one knee.

The archbishop held the golden crown in his hand, held it high above Joffrey's head, and said:

"Joffrey Baratheon, son of King Robert I, today I crown you King of the Andals, Rhoynar, and First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm!

May the Father give you justice and let you judge all sins!

May Our Lady bestow mercy on you and have mercy on all your people!

May the warrior grant you courage..."

After saying the long prayers, the archbishop finally put the golden crown on Joffrey's head.

So far, he is the new king of the Seven Kingdoms and the new ruler of Westeros.

Joffrey stood up abruptly, with arrogance and complacency on his face.

"Everyone!" The young king shouted, "Today we gather here not only to witness my coronation, but also to witness a trial!"

As soon as this remark came out, there were bursts of discussions in the audience.

"Oh, my stupid nephew, can you please shut up."

Samwell heard Tyrion whisper beside him.

He also couldn't help laughing and shaking his head, this "one emperor through the ages" seemed to be planning to make trouble during his coronation ceremony.

At least Robert had been in charge of him before, and now that Robert was dead, the fellow would reveal his stupid and brutal nature.

Just another "mad king".

"Your Majesty." Duke Eddard, the Hand of the King, stepped forward and asked, "I wonder what trial you want to conduct?"

"A trial of the guilty, of course!" cried Joffrey, waving his hand toward the door. "Bring her up!"

Samwell looked towards the door, and saw a woman with a familiar face being brought in.

It turned out to be the illegitimate daughter of Prince Oberyn. Samwell remembered that when he came to visit the prince that day, it was this girl who led the way. Well, she deliberately played a trick on him.

"Everyone, she is the illegitimate daughter of the 'Red Viper' Oberyn Martell, Tyene Sand! Her father murdered three cabinet ministers! Today I will be judged by the Seven Gods She!" Joffrey shouted, pointing at Tyene who was kneeling in front of him.

"Wait!" Duke Ed stopped him again, "Your Majesty, that was also her father's crime, and it has nothing to do with her. We cannot judge an innocent person!"

"Innocent?" Queen Cersei said, "You actually think the daughter of the 'Red Viper' is innocent? Do you know how many poison recipes she is proficient in?"

"And she seduced the servant of the Seven Gods!" the archbishop also spoke, the fat on his face trembling.

"It's because he's not firm enough himself." Tyene sneered, "If he is really devout to the Seven Gods, how could I possibly be able to seduce him. And my father, he didn't kill Lord Jon Arryn at all, did he? You put the blame on him!"

"See!" cried Joffrey, "the woman is unrepentant! She must be judged!"

At this moment, Varys said: "Your Majesty, for the crime of seducing a monk, you can sentence her to walk naked through the streets, and then put her in a dark prison..."

"It's too cheap for her!" Joffrey was obviously dissatisfied with the punishment, "I want her dead!"

"Your Majesty!" Duke Ed persuaded, "You cannot sentence someone to death at will!"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Tyrion also said, "If you kill her, it will be even more impossible for the 'Red Viper' to come to King's Landing again."

Cersei sneered and started to fan the flames: "It's as if if we don't kill this woman, the 'Red Viper' will come to King's Landing again. Don't be stupid."

"That's right!" The mother's support made the king more determined. "In the name of the king, I now sentence Triene Shad to death! Cut off her head!"

"Your Majesty! Please don't kill people in the Baelor Cathedral!"

"Your Majesty! This will only intensify the hatred with Dawn!"

"Your Majesty! You can't arbitrarily sentence people to death!"

"His Majesty……"

"Enough!" Everyone's dissuasion made Joffrey more angry. He felt that his authority had been offended, "I am the king! I can kill whoever I want!"

Tyrion walked up to his nephew and said loudly, "The last one to do this was the 'Mad King' Aerys Targaryen. Do I need to remind you of his fate!"

"Go away, dwarf!" Joffrey yelled at his uncle. "Barristan! Kill that woman!"

Ser Barristan hesitated and did not move.

Joffrey was gasping for breath, he pulled out the sword from his waist and shouted, "Then I will do it myself!"

Triene was originally planning to watch the young king's joke, but she didn't expect the other party's sword to come so fast.


Blood splattered everywhere.

Joffrey seemed to want to chop off the woman's head, but was stuck due to lack of strength.

And the woman didn't die immediately, she whimpered and writhed on the ground.

With a fierce gleam in Joffrey's eyes, he slashed again with his sword.

But it only made the scene more bloody and messy.

The originally good coronation ceremony suddenly became bloody and terrifying.

Samwell had already covered Natalie's eyes, not letting her see.

The prayer hall exploded in an instant, and the sound of screaming, cursing, and crying rang out.

Some even spit it out.

In the end, James Lannister couldn't stand it anymore, so he drew his sword and helped the poor woman end her pain.

"Hahahahaha!" Joffrey laughed wildly with blood splattered all over his body, "give her head to Martell! Let them hand over the 'Red Viper' immediately! Otherwise, just wait for the war! "

The young king waved his blood-dripping sword like crazy:


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