Game of Gods

Chapter 335 Meeting Again (Continue from the previous article, please recommend)

Yuan Chenfei finally failed to make it to the bottom of the second level.

He completely collapsed in the middle of the second pass.

But Yuan Chenfei doesn't care anymore, Yuan Chenfei feels very happy to be able to control the Thunder Fighter for the first time.

When he came out, even the clown laughed and hugged him: "Nice job, my friend, especially the way of using the professional is simply wonderful."

"As long as you like it, I don't know what rewards will be given for such a performance."

"Rewards?" Unexpectedly, the clown shook his head: "You are a player. In the playground, players give rewards to migrant workers."

"What did you say?" Yuan Chenfei was stunned.

"Isn't it right?"

Yuan Chenfei thinks about it, it really is.

Back then when he was flying the Thunder Fighter, he was the one who got the reward. Now that he has changed his position and is no longer a migrant worker, of course he cannot get the reward.

But... wait.

Yuan Chenfei looked at the narrow eyes of the clown, and suddenly smiled: "You are right, it is the boss who pays the wages to the migrant workers, there is no reason for the boss to get his own salary."

"Hahahaha! You finally figured it out." The clown looked up to the sky and laughed.

Then he whispered: "But you should understand that if a project is not completed, then there is only exit, not entry."

Yuan Chenfei pointed behind him with his thumb: "So, I must complete all the customs clearance before I can get the project reward?"

"That's right! Of course, since you are participating for the first time, you don't know the specific rules. The most important thing is that you are a member of the circus and a person with a first-level authority. So, I will give you a chance to choose. You can If you choose to continue to be a part-time worker, you will get rewards from the big turntable, and the number of rewards is up to five times. Of course, you can also choose to continue to be a player, but then you will not get any rewards, and you will even have to pay for them out of your own pocket. "

"You mean, if they make a big turntable, the rewards transferred must be distributed by me?"


After playing a round of fighters hard and achieving excellent performance, they still have to pay for it out of their own pockets.

Yuan Chenfei said depressedly: "Then what's the point of my excellent performance now?"

"From the perspective of a boss, any stage of excellent performance is actually meaningless. We can only give it meaning when the dust settles on the final result."

"So what's the end result?"

The clown laughed but didn't answer.

So Yuan Chenfei understood.

"Can't say? Well, this is a choice." Yuan Chenfei nodded, thought for a while, and said: "What are the performances of those professionals, you can always say it?"

"Death grade."

Five professionals, five death grades, that is to say, there are five chances to turn the wheel.

After thinking about it, Yuan Chenfei agreed: "That's fine, then I will be the boss for a while, anyway, I still have some capital."

"Then, let's begin!"

The clown clapped his hands, and the person disappeared.

Instead, there were five professionals, looking at each other, and even complaining to each other, with a large turntable standing next to them.

"It's all you, rush out rashly."

"That's right, that's right."

"How did I know that a god would be so cunning." A fat white man said aggrievedly.

Listening to their tone, they just came out of the game.

Seeing Yuan Chenfei, the five professionals were stunned at the same time: "Why not a clown?"

Yuan Chenfei cleared his throat: "Okay, your game is over, now turn your rewards."

"Where's the clown? Who are you?" Some people were still asking in a daze.

Yuan Chenfei didn't bother to pay attention to them, his face sank: "Stop talking nonsense, turn your rewards quickly."

While he was speaking, he had already released the halo of the bull's ear, and the coercion transformed by his thoughts and touches. With the help of hypnosis, the coercion was multiplied.

Those few professionals are very low in strength, and for those with low strength, no matter how they can tell the difference between mountains and planets, they are all forces that can crush themselves anyway, and they can't bear it immediately, trembling.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Several professionals quickly took turns to turn the dial.

The first one who turned the turntable was unlucky and only got fifty white crystals, the second got three green crystals, the third was the most unlucky and only got ten white crystals, and the fourth jumped out of twenty green crystals , everyone else cheered, but Yuan Chenfei's face turned green.

In the end, the fat white man came up tremblingly, dialed it lightly, the dial turned and turned, and finally stopped at the value of Amethyst Three.

"Roar!" Everyone exclaimed with joy.

The muscles on Yuan Chenfei's face twitched violently.

Fucking your sister, I lost more than 50,000 yuan.

Of course there are those who are envious and jealous.

A white youth glared at the fat man: "Damn it, why do you get so many rewards? If it weren't for you, we could have performed better. This is simply unfair."

"Enough!" Yuan Chenfei said in a low voice, "Take your rewards and get lost."

He still wanted to take out the crystal coins to pay, but found that the system had automatically deducted his payable crystal coins.

That's good, but it's also convenient for him to continue pretending.

As soon as Yuan Chenfei showed his power, several professionals didn't dare to stay any longer, and ran away one after another.

Seeing them leave, the big turntable also disappeared, Yuan Chenfei was about to let the clown teleport him back, but he didn't expect to swipe the amusement park, and it disappeared, leaving only professional players all over the floor.

"Hey, hello!" Yuan Chenfei stared at the sky.

Why are these gods like this? Either they sent it randomly when sending it back, or they didn't send it at all.

Yuan Chenfei, who was swayed by the clown, had no choice but to walk towards the nearby teleportation gate, at worst, he would spend some teleportation fee.

Because of the portal, D Ball has truly become a D Ball Village, and people from all over the world can travel easily, so it is not surprising that foreign faces are often seen in cities around the world.

Yuan Chenfei had never been to the city of Rome before, so he simply enjoyed the style of Rome leisurely along the way.

After the coming of the gods, Victoria has also changed a lot.

Those churches that stand in forests have huge statues of gods erected one after another, and the religious atmosphere is obviously much more fanatical than that in China.

More conspicuous, however, was the chaos in the streets.

If the country can generally maintain the normal operation of order, then the streets of Rome have completely become a lawless world.

A large group of professionals with knives and swords can be seen everywhere, blackmailing passers-by and looting crystal coins at will.

Yuan Chenfei just walked through one street and encountered three waves of robbers.

Of course, at this stage, the robbers are all rubbish. After being dealt with severely by Yuan Chenfei, the others scattered like birds and beasts.

There were no powerful gang figures to trouble him, so Yuan Chenfei came to the high tower area very easily.

As soon as he arrived at the high tower area, he saw a large group of professionals gathering there and talking. Yuan Chenfei just took a casual glance and was attracted to them.

Standing on the podium is a beautiful female priest, wearing a sea blue cloak from anime, with a wreath on her head, and holding a white holy staff, it is obvious that she is a pure priest If you don’t know the route, you might think it’s a COSPLAY in an anime.

Next to the priestess stood a man.

To be exact, Yuan Chenfei was attracted by him.

James Brown!

Why is this guy here?

This guy has resumed his Berserker identity, but behind him are two scimitars.

Berserkers generally use heavy weapons, and rarely use short weapons such as double knives, but once they use such weapons, it means they have something unique.

This was the case with Yuan Chenfei's mad battle at the auction back then, holding a pair of dog-leg knives and relying on a crazy skill, his explosive power was astonishingly strong.

Now James Brown uses two giant machetes, which are extremely curved, extending from the head to the waist and forming a perfect circle at the back of the neck.

In this way, these two knives have both strength and speed.

The fly in the ointment is that this kind of knife basically does not cause fatal damage. As the saying goes, stabbing is worse than cutting. The stabbing function of the double machete is weak, so there is no chance of a fatal blow. On the contrary, it is easier to be chopped into meat.

This is probably the reason why James Brown can easily become a constant winner in the arena-his fighting and killing methods must be liked by many gods.

Behind these two people, there are still twelve professionals standing.

Standing on the high platform at this moment, the female priest is shouting:

"There is still one shield guard, is there anyone willing to take the stage?"

"Me!" A professional shouted and jumped onto the high platform.

This is a shield guard. As soon as he came to the stage, he raised his big shield and looked at James cautiously.

"Three tricks, you can pass the level if you block it." The female pastor said.

James took a cold look and shook his head: "Trash, one trick is enough."

The shield guard was furious, and wanted to say something, James had rushed over, and rushed directly into the shield guard's arms, punched, elbowed, followed by a knee bump, a set of three combos, but it was indeed only one move , and then saw that the shield guard flew out and fell to the high platform.

"It doesn't count! You are a rascal!"

The shield guard got up and shouted.

With a flick of James' hand, a small arrow pierced the shield guard's throat, directly piercing through.

"Shut up!" he said.

The female priest raised her hand, and a healing radiance fell on the shield guard.

Feelings, she came here to wipe James' ass.

Yuan Chenfei's eyes narrowed slightly.

Just now, James' shot was clean and neat. Not only that, but he also used two skills first, one is surprise attack, yes, it is the Shadow Thorn's surprise attack, but he used it empty-handed without a dagger, which can't even be done by many Shadow Thorns . The other one is the ranger's throwing arrow. This skill is the ranger's melee skill. It is not very powerful and focuses on flexibility. However, using it from James' hands, with his strength, the power is better than that of Ranger.

At this moment, another shield guard jumped up, but his strength was stronger than the previous one, and he blocked James' three shots, but James never used his double scimitar, so the shield guard was able to stand in the queue behind.

"Well, it's full," cried the priestess.

The others sighed one after another, obviously regretting that they were not selected.

At this moment, James raised his eyes slightly, and suddenly looked into the distance, his eyes met Yuan Chenfei's.

Yuan Chenfei didn't use phantom, so James naturally recognized him at a glance.

Then his eyebrows raised slightly.

He said, "Are you interested?"

He didn't name his name, and his voice was not loud, so everyone didn't know who he was talking to. The most important thing is that this guy has never taken the initiative to talk to anyone since he appeared arrogantly. The only thing he did was Take your opponent down.

But now, he actually took the initiative to invite others, which surprised everyone inexplicably.

Who is qualified to invite a peerless murderer like James Brown to take the initiative?

Yuan Chenfei smiled and said, "What are you going to do?"

"Moonlight Temple." James replied.

Moonlight Temple?

Yuan Chenfei immediately became interested, and then he remembered that there were indeed relevant records in Liu Yang's notes, but Yuan Chenfei, who had made up his mind to only use the rules and not events, was no longer interested in this, but he didn't expect Yue Huashen Temple has been opened.

Now that he knew it was Yuehua Temple, Yuan Chenfei no longer hesitated: "Okay, I will participate."

The female pastor frowned: "We are already full."

"Full?" James smiled, "Simple."

Without even looking back, he casually grabbed a professional behind him and threw him out.

"There are places now."

He said.

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