Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 506 He is indeed a filmmaker who was delayed by games!

After coming out of the cinema, Tuanzi's eyes were filled with shock.

After reading this, she still felt a little unfinished.

Not only her, but everyone else who came out of it also had such a confused expression. She looked around with a bewildered expression and saw that everyone had the same expression as her, and then she felt relieved.

When she turned on the live broadcast and watched the rolling barrage, everyone was asking her how she felt about watching the movie. She licked her lips and said, "Brothers, the movie is great, I dare not think that this is a game company."

Not everyone got tickets for the first game, most people were experiencing the game at this time.

Movies and games are released at the same time. You can finish watching the movie in two hours, but the game is generally just getting started in two hours.

‘I have already bought the game and played it. It starts with swinging on the swing. It is so comfortable. ’

‘Sid really should learn from the tutorials. There is not much BB in the beginning, no matter how good the guidance is. After swinging on the swing, there will be a fight scene, and then teaching and guidance. After that, various elements will be gradually introduced. ’

‘The combat system is also very enjoyable, including stealth assassination, frontal attack, perfect dodge, etc., all of which inherit Moya’s consistently excellent style. ’

Seeing everyone's discussion, Tuanzi shook his head unconsciously. Maybe it was because he had played too many good games in Sprout, and all the games were consistently excellent.

When she heard others praising the smooth movements and the good gaming experience, she was not too surprised. Instead, she took it for granted.

This is a budding game, and it would be weird if it was done poorly.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but laugh. The old thief had already fed everyone's appetite. Even the good gaming experience and smooth movements that everyone said could not make waves in her heart.

She stood in the crowd wearing a mask and a knitted hat on her head. Even though she was fully armed, no one recognized her as the anchor.

"MD, this movie is really amazing! He is worthy of being a director who was delayed by games."

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard. I'm obviously a musician who was delayed by the game."

"No, let him play games. I really can't live without the old thief."

The entire cinema was filled with discussions about Germination and Ye Feng.

Although Tuanzi didn't follow her words, her eyes turned into two moons as she lowered her head and quietly broadcast live on her mobile phone.

"After watching the movie today, everyone will know that they were wrong before." She couldn't help but wipe the corners of her eyes and wipe away the spilled water, being careful not to ruin the makeup on her face.

At this point, she became more confident again, "Humph, I won't release anything that the old thief thinks is bad!"

There were many people in the cinema and the aisles were crowded. Except for the budding fans who became lively and cute, the rest were silent.

"Do you gamers usually have such good food?" Someone looked at the players talking about the old thief's name and muttered in a low voice.

The passage is cramped and narrow, and any whispers are amplified. The passage leaving the theater is long and may seem noisy, but the voices of people around you can be heard clearly.

"The old thief is pretty good, isn't he?" Tuanzi saw the person in front of him turning his head slightly to answer the question whispered by the person behind him.

The man at the back nodded vigorously. Not only was this good, he still felt like he couldn't get enough of it even after he came out of the hall.

Peter in the story took his uncle's words to heart and decided to devote himself to the fight against evil.

From then on, whenever there is a crime in every corner of the city, Spider-Man will descend from the sky to help the police bring the criminals to justice.

As Peter gradually became stronger, he soon realized the responsibility that came with the infinite power he had been given. He transformed himself into a superhero, Spider-Man, to curb evil and uphold justice for the citizens.

The plot of the movie is very reasonable. As the plot progresses, the protagonist's character also changes dramatically. He changes from a withdrawn and introverted high school student to a superhero full of courage and shouldering the responsibility of defending the city.

And this superhero also faces difficulties in life. He is a superhero and an ordinary person.

After gaining the power, this little hero prepared a big plan, not to fight against evil forces, but to woo his beloved girl.

At that moment, everyone truly felt that this superhero had become flesh and blood, instead of some love-cutting fairy with all desires empty.

"Yes!" He nodded vigorously. The character's creation and the delicate emotional clues were impressive.

Even the visual effects and music design are very exciting. The characters, images, and high-rise buildings are also very enjoyable to watch.

"If you are still thinking about it after watching the movie, you can download the game again and become a superhero yourself." A player said quickly.

"The feeling in the somatosensory cabin is really amazing!" After he said this, he realized that these non-game fans might not even know about the somatosensory cabin.

"Yes, it's super fun to use a joystick controller. You can try it."

"The most outstanding swing, the visual experience during the day or dusk is combined with the tactile experience of the vibration of the handle!! It is recommended to buy a handle with strong vibration!"

As soon as one person started to speak, others came over.

One of the things gamers are most passionate about is to give people their favorite games.

"When you finish playing Spider-Man and you feel pretty good, you can download Dark Souls to experience the majestic fantasy world that the old thief created for us."

"Ah! My older cousin can also play it, a virtual real west. This is a free epic movie and a free story. I think you will all like it."

A few people carefully wrote down everything everyone said, and Tuanzi was laughing beside her. She was very excited at the thought of the newest player entering the trap.

The hot search for Spider-Man also made headlines after the first show.

The advertising slogans all over the city have not been taken down yet, and the topic of discussion has changed.

‘Brothers, it’s a movie worth watching. I’ve watched all the most famous movies on May 1st. I can only say that it really lives up to so many advertisements. Full marks! ’

‘I’m going to check in and take pictures at the big screen in the city center tomorrow. The Spider-Man poster on the big screen was removed at some point. It’s really cool! ’

‘Ahhhh! I can't buy tickets at all. I really want to buy a second ticket! Bu Ya’s fans were so crazy that they booked all the tickets for the next few days! ’

‘Okay, okay, you don’t have a single ticket, right? You don’t even leave any leftovers in the cinema. ’

‘Okay, okay, I won’t tell everyone if I’m a good fan of Bu Ya. Why, why don’t I let such a high-quality idol out to be a fan? ’

‘After reading everyone’s words today, and remembering the previous scoldings, I wanted to ask, when will everyone apologize? ’

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