Game Design: It is Very Simple For You To Fill In?

Chapter 503 The old thief wants you to go to his office.

Wang Jianlin also saw people's scolding of Mo Ya on the Internet. Fans of Mo Ya tried their best to defend, but in the end they were just regarded as whitewashing trolls.

Fans of Qi Bubu are at a loss for words. There are many games in the world, but the same group of players come and go.

This scene made him want to laugh. The fan base of the old thief was very arrogant in the gaming industry.

Now I am being scolded all over my face. I want to explain to others, but I am also called a troll.

Wanda has been scolded twice now. Wang Jianlin doesn't mind at all. It's just one or two decision-making mistakes, which will not have much impact on Wanda's development.

He could afford to make one or two mistakes in decision-making. What he wanted to see now was how Mo Ya would deal with it.

Movie tickets are pre-sold seven days in advance, and the game, like the movie, has also entered a seven-day countdown to launch.

Despite the fierce criticism online, every day movie tickets are sold out as soon as they go on sale.

As before, Mo Ya was promoting its games and marketing its movies as usual, and it seemed that it was not disturbed by the outside world at all.

Wanda has released many shows, and they are still sold out quickly every day.

This scene is in sharp contrast to the scolding on the Internet. You curse so loudly that you can buy movie tickets faster than anyone else?

‘Looking for the navy again and raking in the box office? This game manufacturer is real, it’s hard to describe in just one word! ’

‘Guys, I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I don’t think I need to. ’

‘If you don’t take a shit while occupying the latrine, can you give up the theater chain to others? ’

‘You are so funny. Why should the old thief give up the resources to others when he has the ability to get them? ’

People on the Internet are so quarrelsome. Compared with those who often quarrel with other fans, the fighting power of gamers is obviously much weaker.

Facing those scoldings, the budding fans had no choice but to stand behind the screen.

'Brother, please stop teasing me. Brother, I'm just an ordinary person. I usually like to play the little games of the old thief. I can really feel happy when playing games. I don't chase stars, and I don't want to chase them. The old thief makes a movie. I just spend money to watch it and have fun. If it looks good, I will applaud it. If it doesn’t look good, I will go back and scold the old thief for falling off the altar. Stop trolling me and stop messing with me. ’

‘Brother, please delete those posts. The old thieves may not be able to stand the online violence. You scolded me much harsher than us. I have a friend who is afraid that he will break his defense. ’

‘Okay, okay, one point for the coward team. ’

Ye Feng sat in the office. He actually didn't take those people's scoldings to heart, because he knew how popular the Spider-Man movie would be in the end.

He knew that after the movie was officially released, the box office results would defeat everyone's criticism, and he would become a god again.

Those who buy tickets now are budding fans, apart from some outsiders who want to give it a try.

The majority of the fans here are Sprout Ya, and it is also because of their support that the current ticket purchase rate of Sprout does not look so ugly and even the last sentence is gorgeous.

Although netizens were joking, "One point for the coward group," Ye Feng felt really uncomfortable when he saw it. This year's players had a feeling that made him feel distressed.

Because there is not much difference between the two generations of players, his inherent understanding of the previous players has also been finalized.

He recognizes the players inside. He can scold his teammates with literary skills, and kill others with martial skills. The title of e-sports pianist is not a wasted one. In the game, it is not the technology that can save his family, but the keyboard in his hand.

He didn't take this kind of scolding to heart at all. He thought the players would come to his main battlefield...

But now, he was rubbing his temples with extremely complicated feelings.

"Xiao Zhang, come in." Ye Feng sent a message to his secretary. "By the way, call in all the people from the publicity team."

When Xiao Zhang saw the message from the old thief, he instantly became panicked.

He tremblingly ran to the publicity team and stood outside the door. He didn't knock on the door of the publicity team's office for a long time.

You must know that the old thief seldom asks about the affairs of the publicity team, because Sprout has its own reputation, and publicity is just a meaning. This is the effect brought by the old thief's golden sign. Most of Sprout's promotional videos and pictures are produced by the corresponding The project department provides it itself.

Because the project department is afraid that the publicity department will not do well, they rarely let them make things by themselves.

The publicity department is responsible for very little and has an easy job.

Now, he was a little at a loss, and all he was thinking was, it's over!

The whole department is screwed!

He didn't know that the propaganda department had made many mistakes, but being called to the office by a teacher was bad news for students at any stage.

"Dong dong dong——"

The employees in the publicity department are busy with their own affairs. They are usually very free, but recently they also have something to do, which is movie marketing.

Hearing the door being knocked, everyone raised their heads from the case.

Their department is relatively unpopular, and no one usually comes.

This makes them feel a little sad, a feeling of not being wanted.

They wanted to help other departments make promotional videos, but everyone seemed to prefer the video footage of the real machine, so they could only help edit it in the end, and help them adjust the real machine footage.

"Secretary Zhang?" The head of the Propaganda Department looked at the door and immediately recognized this person who had been following the old thief for a long time.

"Ahem..." Secretary Zhang looked at everyone with blank faces, and his tone was a little heavy. "The old thief wants you to take someone to his office."

As soon as these words came out, several people stood up from their chairs in shock.

"What's going on, Secretary Zhang?" The project manager came over in confusion, his heartbeat racing.

"What orders do you have, old thief?" He rubbed his hands and could see his pale face and worried eyes.

"I don't know...the old thief just suddenly asked you to take people to his office..."

“Hiss——” The head of the publicity department quickly took out his mobile phone to search for the latest hot search terms, but didn’t see any content related to him?

"Have you seen any content recently that affects Suiya?" He looked at his employees.

"No, didn't you say you don't have to worry about the curses? They will naturally be silent when the results come out." Someone said with difficulty.

"There is no problem with the promotion of other games..."

"Is there something big that hasn't been revealed yet, and the old thief already knows the news in advance?"

He asked around, but no one could tell him the reason.

"Everyone, let's go, the boss is waiting." Secretary Zhang sighed regretfully. He could only give them this little time to recall whether they had done anything wrong.

Since no one knows the reason, they can only go out.

"What's the expression on the old thief?" The head of the propaganda department stood beside Secretary Zhang, asking about the old thief.

"to be honest……"

"It's a bit serious, the matter must be quite serious."

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