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Chapter 76: Restart the competition

"Huaxia's film and television company?" Little Rob Turtoni was a little surprised. In fact, in his previous thoughts, there was some prejudice against Huaxia's film and television industry.

I never thought that one day I would start thinking about the Chinese film and television industry to make a living, but think about it carefully, what could be worse than the current situation, as long as the salary is decent, maybe you can give it a try.

The next day, after Susan submitted the information of Rob Turtlene Jr., she immediately received an interview invitation from the other party. The interview address was in Kyoto City, Huaxia.

"It passed so easily. Could it be a scam? Huaxia is not close to us, I've never been there, and I still have a movie appointment!" Rob Turtleney Jr. I feel that this matter is not very reliable, and I still have doubts about Huaxia's company.

"Your current film contracts are really optional. You shouldn't have played those small roles. The reason why you passed so quickly is because you fit the character image they require very well. I don't think there are any in this world. Which role is more suitable than you! As for whether you are worried that this may be a scam, I have checked carefully. Xingbang Pictures is a very large film and television company in China. The very popular copy of "Infinite Time and Space" before. "Avatar", the film copyright was sold to this company, and this time it seems to be a game IP cooperation project, I think this must be a good opportunity, you should give it a try!"

Under Susan's persuasion, little Rob Te Downey finally made up his mind and went to China to give it a try.

So a few days later, Rob Turtleney Jr. stepped into China for the first time. After getting off the plane in Kyoto, the staff of Xingbang Pictures who came to pick him up took him to Xingbang Pictures.

Gu Zheng also came to Xingbang Pictures today to personally interview Rob Turtleney Jr. After all, in this world, no one knows better than him who is more suitable for the role of Iron Man.

When Gu Zheng saw Robert Downey Jr., he was very excited. The person in front of him was the same person as Robert Downey Jr. in the previous life, but because of the deviation of time and space, this person was not like the previous life. , to become a well-known superstar.

But this also just gave them a good opportunity, otherwise I am afraid that if they want to invite him to play, not only do they have to give a high salary, but they even have to wait for other people's schedule to see their faces.

But now that the initiative is entirely on his side, everything is easy to handle.

"Iron Man", as a running character of the entire "Avengers" series, has no doubts about its importance. The role of Tony Stark in the previous Marvel series almost played a crucial role.

And Robert Downey Jr. also relied on "Iron Man" to make a comeback, and his worth has doubled. The entire Marvel series has earned him at least $200 million in remuneration, not to mention the popularity and popularity he has gained.

Of course, the actors and the movie itself are also related to each other. Perhaps without Robert Downey Jr., "Iron Man" also lost a lot of charm and flavor.

Gu Zheng had a long chat with Rob Te Downey Jr. Although he didn't reveal too many details about the movie, he mentioned that it would be a series of movies, so he would directly sign a contract with him for at least six movies, and six movies. The remuneration of the film also made Rob Turtleney Jr. very excited.

Gu Zheng is a direct price, the six films add up to 20 million US dollars, but there is no box office share.

Although this remuneration is only one-tenth of the money that Robert Jr. earned in the Marvel series of movies in his previous life, it is already a sky-high remuneration for Robert T. Downey Jr. in this world.

At least at this stage, it made him very moved. He even instantly forgot his prejudice against Huaxia Film and Television Company, and he felt grateful for Xingbang Pictures and the young investor in front of him.

Twenty million dollars is enough to turn him over in an instant, at least for the rest of his life, he won't have to worry about it,

His life finally cleared the clouds and saw the light of day.

He was very excited and moved, but he didn't know that Gu Zheng was also happy in his heart. With 20 million US dollars, he signed this important role, a talented actor, it was simply not too cost-effective.

Of course, the opportunity that I brought to Rob Turtleny Jr. is also unprecedented. After all, once he builds the IP of "Avengers", then Robert Turney Jr. will definitely become a star of tomorrow, and his worth will also be As the tide rises, he will even become a first-class actor. In the future, he will definitely have continuous film appointments and make a lot of money.

So either way, it's a good deal for both parties.

Jr. Robert Turtoni signed a contract with Xingbang Pictures, and also received a salary deposit of $500,000, and returned to Luoshanji happily.

After the filming of the American drama that he has signed, Rob Turtoni Jr. also explained to the crew why he will not renew his contract and participate in the next season.

In fact, his roles are completely insignificant minor supporting roles, and when he signed the contract, he only signed for this season.

"Huaxia? The development of their film and television industry is far inferior to ours. It may not be a better choice to go there!" The assistant director Wells said with a strong sour taste.

Jr. Robert Turtoni smiled and didn't explain anything, maybe that's the case, but they gave him a chance and paid him enough.

"Well, I hope you can have a good development in China!" Deputy Director Wells said strangely.

"Thank you, I hope there will be a chance for us to cooperate in the future!" Rob Turtleney Jr said with a symbolic politeness and left.

"Hmph, after picking up a bad protagonist from Huaxia, I thought I had seized the opportunity to turn around. It's naive!" Wells said sneeringly.


In order to further stimulate the racing copy market, Infinite Time has officially restarted the racing event, and officially announced the exact time of the new "Global Racing Finals", which is scheduled for May 1 next year.

The basic rules of the event, as before, will set up multiple racing events, and players from all over the world can qualify for the finals in their respective divisions, and then compete with racing masters from all over the world.

Moreover, this session of the official also showed sincerity. It is said that 10 million US dollars was directly used as a bonus, and the minimum bonus for each project was as high as 200,000 US dollars.

As for the play-in matches in each division, they are scheduled for the end of March next year.

At present, the exclusive channel and list of the event have been restarted in Infinite Time and Space. All players can participate in the regular events launched daily in the event channel before the start of the play-in to earn points and gold coins, or watch various games on the event channel. live streaming.

In addition, this time the official also launched a special underground drag racing event.

Players can go to the game to find specific NPCs to participate in underground racing events to earn extra points and gold coins.

It is worth mentioning that the current NPC of this underground racing event is Brian's friend in "The Fast and the Furious", and he is also the black Teddy (Tej Parker) who specially presides over the underground racing event.

The underground racing events are also divided into multiple levels according to the degree of difficulty. In the highest level of racing events, players will compete with the two bosses, Dominic and Brian. If they win, they can get very high points and gold coins. .

Before the start of the play-in, the top 100 players in each division will be eligible to participate in the play-in. In the end, 12 contestants from each division will enter the global racing finals.

It is worth mentioning that since "Infinite Time and Space" is a cloud game based on the cloud running environment rather than the personal PC running environment, the situation of cheating by plug-ins basically does not exist, which is a boon for e-sports.

However, although this world has a global VR online game like "Infinite Time and Space", the e-sports industry is not developed and there is no good ecosystem.

Of course, this is also because there are no particularly popular e-sports games such as StarCraft, Warcraft, League of Legends, CS, and DOTA in this world. The game development trajectories and directions of the two worlds are quite different.

Although there are various PVP events in "Infinite Time and Space", the fundamental purpose of the official design of these events is to use players' competition and struggle to stimulate their kryptonite and consumption. It cannot guarantee its absolute fairness, nor can it be called It's a real competition.

For example, the battle of the Kingdom of Glory set up around the guild is a money-burning game, not a competition. In order to compete for some false names in the virtual world, as well as some official privileges, each guild fights with each other and burns money frantically.

This is also true of many similar events, so it is not necessary to mention the so-called competitiveness, at least fairness does not exist.

Therefore, the only thing that can be regarded as a real competition in "Infinite Time and Space", or an e-sports that once had a little influence, is the racing event.

However, the influence of the event can't be compared with Gu Zheng's previous life on earth, such as the S game, TI and other e-sports events.

Moreover, the official has never operated these so-called competitions as a real competitive sport to build the brand of the event, so it has not developed a better e-sports ecology.


[Thanks to the two book friends, Original Sin Huang and Head Ou, for each rewarding 100 starting coins, thank you for your encouragement]

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