Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 1516: manifested nightmare

Shen Chen immediately noticed the waste robot's turn. Under the real law field, there was no detail in this battlefield that could escape his eyes.

The Sword of Justice pierced it on the ground, following the smell of corruption, Chen Chen cut off the ancient god's eyes as well.

It seems that the crisis is resolved quickly, but the next moment: "This area will self-destruct in ten minutes."

"Why is the self-destruct system activated? My experimental data!" Mimiron was more anxious than Shen Chen. He controlled the Blazing King Kong to change direction, and seemed to be running towards the self-destruct button.

Obviously, Mimiron cared more about his experimental data than continuing to test his machinery. At this time, the weapons in both hands were changed from the weapon turret to two large drills.

Shen Chen was naturally puzzled, but combined with Mimiron's state and the previous plot of Loken and Ulduar.

"It seems that the influence of the ancient god's corruption on the guardian has not reached the extreme!" Shen Chen judged, and from the confirmation obtained from Freya's battle, the Raiders of the Hall of Fame said: "This leader is not very aggressive. Strong, always summoning creatures of nature and healing them."

Mutual confirmation with Ulduar in memory, because Thorim and Hodir were not controlled by Yogg-Saron because of Loken's conspiracy, and Loken died in front of Ulduar at the last moment.

Although Loken managed to sneak up on Mimiron and Freya, letting the corruption eat away at them, it was clear he wouldn't be giving Yogg-Saron all the chips.

So in fact, the time when the two guardians were completely imprisoned by the corruption of the ancient gods, that is, from the Northrend expedition to the present, for the guardians, maybe they just took a nap, and their minds were not enough to be completely controlled by the corruption.

Yogg-Saron must also be aware of this, he can only continue to place the two guardians in their respective laboratories, instead of joining forces with other guards to meet the enemy, while giving hints in whispers.

Mimiron's laboratory is Ulduar's energy core, and Freya's garden of life is a greenhouse of rotting growths. If players cross these two key points and directly attack the underground area, it will be very difficult.

But once it invades like Shen Chen.

Freya was planted in her consciousness, and the invaders wanted to pick the seeds she planted; and Mimiron was obviously the experimental material sent to her door.

Mimiron used a drill to drill a hole under the red button. For this reason, King Kong's drills had been scrapped. Then he found the magic pipeline under the button and inserted the wrench into it.

"Fortunately, I left a back door for the self-destruct system. You didn't think of it, I remember... this is the control line! Well, to connect to the internal system, let me think about it, what is the password I set coming."

Mimiron raised the wrench and slammed it on the Fiery King Kong, "By the way, I wrote it down here."

He seemed very excited, transmitted the password to the magic pipeline, and overwrote the original self-destruct program with a higher level of authority.

"The self-destruct system has been reset, please re-basicize the system."

"That's it, but it's really troublesome. What are the system parameters I left?" Mimiron recalled the last data, and Shen Chen immediately understood the intention of the ancient god, "Is there another trick?"

The ancient **** controlled the magic power node of the laboratory, but he could not fully obtain Mimiron's mind, and naturally he could not obtain the highest authority of the laboratory; but this did not prevent him from doing some things, such as modifying the last data.

Mimiron transmitted the magic power to the new highest authority where he recorded the data, and these data are all the will of the ancient gods!

At this time, the terrifying will of the ancient gods penetrated the seals of Thorim and Hodir, and injected all of its energy into the energy core of Ulduar in the laboratory. Shen Chen seemed to see faces all over the wall. turned into pain and torment.

The imaginary attack did not come, all the magic power and energy nodes of Ulduar suddenly injected all the magic power into the source of Ulduar's energy under the laboratory, and lifted off with a red beam of light piercing the sky. .....

The sky of Nordrassil has been completely shrouded in darkness, the forest without sunlight has become pitch black, gray mist and corrupt gray are spreading crazily among the tree trunks and roots, the nightmare is breaking away from nothingness, and constantly extending to the real world!

In the south of the sky, the air troops of the Shadow Elf are fighting against the lava clouds all over the sky. It seems that the armies of wind elemental and fire elemental have participated in the battle, spreading the light of blood and fire on the originally peaceful and peaceful land.

Facing the attacks of black dragons, fire elementals, and other corrupting forces, the night elves concentrated most of the power they could prepare, and Wyrmrest Temple also sent a few adult red and green dragons to join the battle.

Naturally, the Alliance is not far behind. With Lordaeron and the Stormwind Kingdom able to initially stabilize the domestic situation, a steady stream of troops are moving through the space channels opened up by the Dalaran mages.

Krasus, as a councilor of Dalaran and an envoy of the Red Dragon Army, naturally also appeared on the battlefield.

He looked at the sky, and the light of Northrend tore through the sky, descending on the sky of Mount Hyjal, and the scenery on the earth reminded Krasus of the prophecy in Northrend.

That was the first time he saw Shen Chen, in the tower of the mage tower, with the orb of the bronze dragon, he saw an uncertain future.

"Is this future about to happen now?" Krasus smelled the approaching crisis, and there was another scene in the vision of that prophecy. Now that the previous one has appeared, where will the latter one be...

Shen Chen solemnly looked at the magical power of imagining the sky, UU read www.uukanshu. com Ulduar once again projected the brilliance of the power of the Titans onto the land of Azeroth after ten thousand years of silence.

When the titans built these facilities, they not only endowed them with different effects, but also gave each facility the power to transcend the laws.

Even if Yogg-Saron obtained Ulduar's authority for a short time, he could still use it to spread his corruption and whispers thoroughly, manifesting and even affecting everyone with the power of the dream.

It seems that this is his plan!

The bad news from all over the world also made Shen Chen realize that the situation was getting worse. The believers of the ancient gods, especially the members of the Twilight Sect, were not all fanatics.

It's just the so-called end-of-the-world and real interests that link them together; many of them are still only dubious, and will repeat, hesitate and shrink back when facing the coercion of a powerful alliance.

From this moment, the power and whispers of the ancient gods rushed directly into their minds. Their eyes and thoughts were pulled into a twilight dream by the power of Yogg-Saron. Faced gods gazed at them from the sky.

This is a miracle. The believers of the Twilight Sect will immediately transform into fanatics. All of their magic power has been blessed by Ulduar's magic power and Yogg-Saron's corruption. Diamonds become masters, masters become parallel legends, and a few legends even It is the legendary ability of corruption that can condense itself!

Everything seemed to be taking a turn for the worse. After this blow, Yogg-Saron could hide behind the turtle shell of the cage and slowly appreciate the counterattack of the Twilight Sect evolved from the Titan facility.

And the first line of this counterattack seems to be Nordrassil, which has been prepared for a long time. The dream of Yogg-Saron brought the entire Emerald Nightmare to life, and opened a path between the reality and the dream of Azeroth. aisle!

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