Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 1313: the ceremony begins

【Game through the world】【】

"The alliance has been crushed by the whole army!"

"Immediately pass the news through the magic circle, I hope the Scourge Legion can entangle them enough time!"

Not far from the fort, in a blizzard-filled mountain pass, two mages in snow-colored cloaks shook the heavy snow on their bodies, and through a far-sighted orb, they kept observing the movement of the frontal battlefield.

They are the mages of the blood elves, and their mission is to confirm that the alliance has launched a general attack. Now that the players have entered, and the army of the alliance has all entered the valley where the main entrance of the fortress is located, even if Stormwind City is attacked at this time, I am afraid that there is no time for him to care!

A small magic circle was dug out from the thick snow, and a magic power flashing with a blue halo suddenly flew to the southeast.

In front of the treasure house of Wintergrasp Lake, Kael'thas has been looking into the distance, a flying little phoenix, falling down with brilliance, bringing joyful news.

The other blood elves also raised their heads, and when they saw the phoenix, they knew that the time had come.

"Anveena..." Kael'thas made a gesture of invitation, and then said to Kalecgos beside him: "Now we can start the ceremony."

When Kalecgos reached the door, he hesitated, "Is this really what I want, is this plan safe, can I..."

"Relax." Anveena seemed more optimistic than Kalecgos. She stretched out her pale arms and gently held Kalecgos, "Wait for me to return."

Stepping forward, Kalecgos unconsciously grabbed Anveena at this time, "Let's stop thinking about it, we..." Although he is a blue dragon, he is worried about gains and losses, and he doesn't know if it is from the bottom of his heart. The senses are at work, or there are other reasons.

But he still let go, just followed An Weena gently, and was stopped by Kael'thas until he got close to the edge of the circle, shook his head at him, and signaled, "This circle can't stand you guys. The blue dragon's spread."

Kalecgos stepped back in disappointment, but his eyes never parted.

On the flat ground in front of the treasure house of Winter Embrace Lake, large swaths of snow and ice have long been removed by magic, revealing the golden lines and structures of the Titan facilities below.

Even in this core area, the mages of the blood elves took out the precious alchemy and enchanting materials accumulated for countless years, and repaired some spell patterns.

The complex pattern of the magic array and the various magical structures surround the center of the magic array to form a quadrangular-shaped spell table, enclosing Anveena in the center.

The four magic cores, Frost, Thunder, Fire and Earth, when Anveena stepped into the magic circle, they released various colors of brilliance.

"The ceremony begins!

glorytothesin\"dorei for the glory of the sin'dorei!"

The blood mages also shouted: "anar\" in the name of the sun! "Raise your hands, and shoot all the magic, full of excitement, anger, and hope that has been inside your body for a long time, into the sky.

Surrounding the entire Winter Embrace Lake, in the ring area every ten miles, the hidden mage array, and the blood elf mage who stayed behind also activated the magic circle at the same time.

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【Game through the world】【】

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A sky curtain slowly fell, completely isolating this place from the outside world. This power is similar to the rune barrier that once guarded the entire Quel'Thalas, but the area coverage is smaller, the magic power density is higher, and the defense strength is superior!

"This time, we won't give this magic pattern key to others for safekeeping!" Anastria muttered, feeling the familiar power.

If it wasn't for the traitor who opened the barrier, the blood elves wouldn't fall so quickly, and even Arthas wanted to forcibly invade. Under the effect of the barrier, Anasteria had a chance to defeat him.

The current enchantment is still supported by many mages, and its main function is to hide. Once the new sun well is formed, the magic provided will truly become the blessing of their new home.

All blood elves are extremely vigilant, and no enemy can stop them until the ceremony is over!

This strong fluctuation of magic power is still transmitted, and perhaps ordinary legends cannot perceive it, but similar to Shen Chen, the blood elf council, and Arthas can capture the weak changes in the magic power in the air.

Shen Chen is that his perception is strong enough, and a long time ago, even as early as on the island of Quel'Danas, he had already guessed the purpose of Kael'thas, so at this moment, he immediately understood that the blood elves were hiding and doing things. wearing something.

Arthas closed his eyes tightly. In the frozen throne, he was still vying for the Lich King with the magic power of the Abyss; as a king, he was still aware of the subtle changes in the magic power, and showed a sneer. and hatred;

If it weren't for the assassination of the blood elves, he would not be so embarrassed, and the army of the alliance should be defeated at this time!

As for the Bloody Prince and Queen Lanather, the former blood elves can naturally capture such strange fluctuations.

"The Shin'dorei's Radiance..."


Thinking of the peaceful days bathed in the brilliance of magic, playing on the grass, gathering in the pub, practicing in the library... How beautiful and brilliant it was.

Lost in the Sunwell and abandoned by Kael'thas in retreat, they did not resist in the face of Frostmourne; they willingly became puppets of the Scourge, serving an enemy they once hated and hated.

That is the quenching of the fire of hope, falling into darkness because the light cannot be seen.

But now, under a beam of light, the prince has used some means to rekindle the brilliance of the sunwell in Northrend!

If the natural disaster is victorious, will the new sun well be polluted and extinguished again... The mind is shaken; a spirit of rebellion soaring to the sky suddenly rises from the crack controlled by the power of natural disaster domination!

At this time, the Lich King was fighting the power of Abyss Killer, like the blow of Yin Lidan once, like Sylvanas and the Forsaken breaking free.

Although he didn't succeed, suddenly, his control over magic power was a little weaker, and the elites in the Hall of Fame seized the opportunity in a short period of time.

This defense-breaking kill is completely different from the dungeon battle. In an instant, the field of blood was almost broken, and the remaining three magic circles were also directly destroyed, and the battle completely fell to the players.

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【Game through the world】【】

"Maybe, this is what we should do in the end!"

The flames of frost scorched their souls, causing them to let out tragic wailing, evil thoughts once again prevailed, but the good side would never be silent again!

"Even if it is death, natural disasters don't want to replicate that nightmare again!"

"Although the Alliance has never been a good person, compared to natural disasters...they must be made to succeed!"

His own will to resist constantly contends with the evil forces under his control. No matter how strong the legend is, it will inevitably reveal flaws and suffer more trauma.

"I didn't expect it." Shen Chen shook his with a look of pity, he saw the struggle in the eyes of the Blood Council, "It was Kael'thas who activated the magic of the Sunwell Power and helped me a lot. ."

Although the top combat power of these natural disasters is the enemy, but before they die, they are also the pioneers against the natural disasters. If they end up like this, they can only blame all the hatred on the Lich King.

"Start the general attack as soon as possible, Arthas, Kael'thas... I don't think everything will be so simple!"


In Winter Embrace Lake, countless magic powers poured out from the nodes, completely dyeing the magic circle blue and purple. They first poured into the four elemental cores, and then gathered into a ray of light to block Anweina.

An Wei Na's face showed a painful expression, and a layer of blue flames gradually rose on her body.

"What is this!" Kalecgos showed anxious and angry eyes, he looked at Kael'thas, and then rushed out.

"Don't be impatient, this is a necessary process!" Kael'thas also roared, and then stopped Kalecgos, "We must extract the essence of Sunwell from her body, you know what will happen! "

Kalecgos was also concerned and confused, and calmed down at this time, "Come on, Anveena, hold on!" He could only shout.

Anveena smiled in pain, and the burning flame burned countless pure magic essence, and finally condensed into a cloud of mist above her head.

Kael'thas suddenly felt something, he realized that he had overlooked something important, and turned his head quickly, "Kalecgos, there is one thing that needs your help, otherwise, you may lose everything!"

"What, you didn't say something so important earlier!" Kalecgos glared at Kael'thas, and suddenly he felt it too!

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